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Author Topic: How do you feel about using a model very often?  (Read 3087 times)

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« on: December 07, 2011, 13:04 »
as the title says:

How do you feel about using a model very often?

Do you think it is a bad thing? Does it affect sales a lot?

The reason i am asking is because i use my Girlfriend very often as a model, the reasons are obvious:
- She has fun posing
- We just shoot whenever we feel like it
- Relaxed vibe
- Trust each other
- No problems with MRs

I only started doing Microstock about half a year ago, but i feel like 80% of my portfolio is of pictures of her.

Would be happy to hear your thoughts about this
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 13:08 by Dantheman »


« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2011, 13:18 »
Each model is different and each brings a different "look" to a shoot.  If you're shooting the same thing, then sure, it's great.  But if you're shooting variety, then it's good to have different models for different situations.  Some examples -

If you're shooting traditional pinup images, you wouldn't want an Asian or Indian woman to be the model.  How many classic pinup images have you seen (classic being WWII traditional type images) of Asian or Indian women?

If you're doing a classical Geisha shoot, then you don't want a Caucasian blond hair blue eyed woman for the shoot.

If you're shooting a fashion shoot with "little black dress" as the theme, you don't want your 250lb Aunt Martha out busting through the dress in her tallest heals.

If you're doing a biker shoot, you shouldn't be using your neighbors 14 year old son that looks like he belongs in a boy band.  Go out and hire a guy with long hair and sleeve tattoos that looks like he belongs on a Harley.

I don't want to sound chauvanistic (I probably do) but we're talking about commercial stock here.  That being said, once you build up a group of people that you work with, and you feel comfortable working with each other and can communicate effectively, then yes, the same model does help a bit.

« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2011, 13:26 »
I think that no matter how the model looks, you can use them a lot if you (a) come up with a variety of interesting, commercial ideas for costumes, props, situations ... and (b) as long as they can "light it up" and make what they're doing look fun and interesting (or frustrating or whatever).

Some factors can make it harder ... like a bad haircut/dye job or bad skin.  The more handsome/pretty they are the better, but what else can you do except work with the models that you have available and which you can afford?

« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2011, 13:33 »
The more handsome/pretty they are the better, but what else can you do except work with the models that you have available and which you can afford?

thats very true. Not everyone can afford to pay for their models

« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2011, 13:46 »
It depends entirely on the model's and your creativity.  I've shot with some models where we can always come up with something new and different, and others where we run out of ideas before the first shoot's over.  Combine different settings, different wardrobe, different props and different expressions and attitude and you can create dozens of different sets.


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