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Author Topic: Have stock agencies raised prices for customers?  (Read 3824 times)

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« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2024, 01:07 »
Yeah I'm sure Trump's policy of 'America First' is really going to see weapons and funding skyrocket if he gets elected! And a guy down the pub told me that Trump said he hates Ukraine and Ukrainians, so obviously that's 100% true. Wasn't very nice of him to say that.

« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2024, 02:02 »
Yeah I'm sure Trump's policy of 'America First' is really going to see weapons and funding skyrocket if he gets elected!

« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2024, 02:04 »
but billions that don't actually see the light of day except for a small group of pyschopaths in ukraine).
I will correct your post a little. In fact, the money does not reach Ukraine, it is stolen by the Democrats while still in the US.

« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2024, 02:09 »
Probably few people know, but with the money that comes to Ukraine from the EU and the USA, Ukraine cannot buy weapons for itself, the Democrats forbid it.
Ukraine can only hope for weapons supplies, but the Democrats do not give weapons or give very little, as a result there is a catastrophic shortage of weapons. As a result, Ukrainians die en masse, Russian orcs constantly occupy new territories, cities are completely destroyed.

« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2024, 04:38 »
I am Ukrainian, and cow tongue is a dish of Ukrainian cuisine. I treat cow tongue the same way as cow thigh (ass). The question is, what country are you from that you don't eat tongue? You just don't know how to cook it!
In fact, tongue meat is very tasty and tender. It is great for salads or for a sandwich.

You can also eat cow tails!  ;D ;D ;D This dish is eaten in Colombia. I tried it, but I didn't like it very much. There is little meat on the tail, and I didn't like the taste very much.

And do you kill the cow yourself or do you have to have someone do it for you to serve you, because you would be incapable of it but you like to enjoy it passively?

« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2024, 04:41 »
DiscreetDuck, If you are a vegetarian and an animal rights activist and do not eat any meat, then just write about it.

« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2024, 07:36 »
but billions that don't actually see the light of day except for a small group of pyschopaths in ukraine).
I will correct your post a little. In fact, the money does not reach Ukraine, it is stolen by the Democrats while still in the US.

Interesting. Because yes - from what you see on US & Canadian television/news, is the following:

a) That both the USA + Canada are CONSTANTLY sending "BILLIONS" of dollars. (It seems like almost every other week there is a new 'announcement' about how an aid package is going to the ukraine, to "fight the war", etc). Like - here are a few random 'recent' new "aid" packages in Canada (from the official govt website) - although for canada this is $47 'million' (oct 18th), and USA this is Oct 16th for $475 million (also the official govt website, so 1/2 a BILLION combined):
canada ca/en/department-national-defence/news/2024/10/canada-announces-new-military-assistance-for-ukraine.html
defense gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3937146/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/

But seriously - you watch the "news" - it's almost every other week they are 'announcing' new 'aid' packages (those were just quickly what I googled for 'recent' aid/pledges/etc)...

b) There are people (especially in Canada) that drive around with ukrainian flags in their cars to "support the war in ukraine". (Obviously they aren't really doing anything - but by 'flying flags' it makes them 'feel good' about themselves).

I guess the new invented word/phrase for that is "virtue signalling". By "flying flags" for "ukraine" and showing that they are supporting the latest government endorsed thing - they are showing how "virtuous" they are - and expect (and even sometimes demand) they be praised for the "good work" they are doing by "flying flags" in their car. The same way - people who wore "TWO" masks (aka demondiapers) would almost ALWAYS make sure the "blue" mask could be seen partially from under the "black" mask - so "everyone else" would know that they had "two" masks and how good/obedient/compliant and "virtuous" they were being - and they also "demanded" to get attention/praise/respect/etc because of what they were doing...

c) There are "church drives" to "raise funds for Ukraine", etc..

So you would think it was 'raining money' in Ukraine, and US dollars are falling out of the sky because of all the "money" that is going there, bags & bags of 'money'...

Ukrainians here like the attention they get - they almost have a bit of 'celebrity' status - "Oh, you are UKRAINIAN? Oh you poor thing! Let me give you bags of money, free food, free lodging, and a free job!". Russians (even though they obviously have no relation to what is or is not actually going on in Ukraine) - many times are not only afraid to admit they are russian (lest they get attacked) - but if you ask about their accent - they first say "Oh, I speak Ukranian"... (they tend to know a few words) - once you realize that you (i.e., myself) aren't going to attack them - they open up and kind of 'sheepishly' admit they are 'russian' (again, because they don't want to get verbally attacked by people here)...

THAT is kind of what is going on over here...

« Last Edit: October 20, 2024, 07:50 by SuperPhoto »

« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2024, 10:44 »
i do enjoy the ignore button but what this forum also needs is a downvote button like reddit.  "0" doesn't sufficiently describe  some of the genius comments on here.

« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2024, 11:08 »
i do enjoy the ignore button but what this forum also needs is a downvote button like reddit.  "0" doesn't sufficiently describe  some of the genius comments on here.

Haha, quite funny when someone feels all might because they need to make an announcement like this. I suppose yours would be one of those 'genius' comments you made that would great to downvote, eh? Because lol yeah - you aren't really contributing one way or the other to the conversation, so a rather pointless/useless comment. It's like you just announced you decided you will go poop today. Well, congratulations on your poop! It must be an exciting day for you!

« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2024, 11:28 »
So you would think it was 'raining money' in Ukraine, and US dollars are falling out of the sky because of all the "money" that is going there, bags & bags of 'money'...
This money does not go to Ukraine. In fact, the US spends this money inside the US to produce some weapons. But these weapons are not supplied to Ukraine either; at best, old similar weapons from US warehouses are supplied. Thus, the statement that the money is for Ukraine implies that the money will be poured into the US or Canadian economy. But, in fact, the US and Canada supply very few weapons. And they do not supply the weapons that are needed.
Yes, perhaps there are some small monetary programs through which money comes to support the Ukrainian budget or social payments, but this is small money, a small part of the billions that the Democrats spend (or steal) on God knows what.

As for the Russians, they need to be deported from all civilized countries. Most of these Russians support putin, the Russian empire, the occupation and terrorism.

A good Russian = a liquidated Russian.

You can personally test any Russian with one question. Ask him whose Crimea is? Most Russians will answer that Crimea is Russian, Crimea is russia, and that Crimea belongs to the Russian empire. After such an answer, you should immediately punch him in the face.  ;D
« Last Edit: October 20, 2024, 11:33 by stoker2014 »

« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2024, 11:39 »
So you would think it was 'raining money' in Ukraine, and US dollars are falling out of the sky because of all the "money" that is going there, bags & bags of 'money'...
This money does not go to Ukraine. In fact, the US spends this money inside the US to produce some weapons. But these weapons are not supplied to Ukraine either; at best, old similar weapons from US warehouses are supplied. Thus, the statement that the money is for Ukraine implies that the money will be poured into the US or Canadian economy. But, in fact, the US and Canada supply very few weapons. And they do not supply the weapons that are needed.
Yes, perhaps there are some small monetary programs through which money comes to support the Ukrainian budget or social payments, but this is small money, a small part of the billions that the Democrats spend (or steal) on God knows what.

As for the Russians, they need to be deported from all civilized countries. Most of these Russians support putin, the Russian empire, the occupation and terrorism.

A good Russian = a liquidated Russian.

You can personally test any Russian with one question. Ask him whose Crimea is? Most Russians will answer that Crimea is Russian, Crimea is russia, and that Crimea belongs to the Russian empire. After such an answer, you should immediately punch him in the face.  ;D

a) Re: the money aspect - yes, from what it appears/from a lot of reading - it really is simply a way to steal money from people in general (via 'hidden' taxation being 'donate to ukraine') - because yes, it does not appear any actual ukranians are benefitting from the 'aid' - but rather that it is just going to a handful of people/inflating their bank accounts. (They want power/control - and they believe in using "money" to control people - so that is what they are doing).

b) Re: russians "in general". That is not really fair, and I don't think you would want someone to say 'oh ukrainians should be punched in the face', would you? I'd say perhaps the politicians issuing orders while being corrupt, the ones knowingly attacking knowing its wrong, etc, and the people who actually are organizing this "war" - perhaps "they" could/would 'deserve' that. But to make a blanket statement about one race in general - no, that's not right.

With respect to Crimea... it actually sounds very similar to the "fight" between China & Taiwan. China figures Taiwan is "part" of China, Taiwan says no we are an indepedent state - more specifically the politicians and their handlers spewing rhetoric.  It really doesn't matter - both land masses are composed of people.

But what DOES matter is the small group of pyschopaths trying to promote infighting - because then it makes it a heck of a lot easier to steal things from them. It's a bunch of pyschopaths versus the rest of the world - not ukranians vs russians, chinese vs taiwanese, etc, etc...

« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2024, 12:35 »
b) Re: russians "in general". That is not really fair, and I don't think you would want someone to say 'oh ukrainians should be punched in the face', would you? I'd say perhaps the politicians issuing orders while being corrupt, the ones knowingly attacking knowing its wrong, etc, and the people who actually are organizing this "war" - perhaps "they" could/would 'deserve' that. But to make a blanket statement about one race in general - no, that's not right.

With respect to Crimea... it actually sounds very similar to the "fight" between China & Taiwan. China figures Taiwan is "part" of China, Taiwan says no we are an indepedent state - more specifically the politicians and their handlers spewing rhetoric.  It really doesn't matter - both land masses are composed of people.

But what DOES matter is the small group of pyschopaths trying to promote infighting - because then it makes it a heck of a lot easier to steal things from them. It's a bunch of pyschopaths versus the rest of the world - not ukranians vs russians, chinese vs taiwanese, etc, etc...

You can only say bad things about Russians. You can never say anything good about Russians. They do not do and have never done anything good.
You don't know Russians well. They are a nation that wants murders and wars.
You can't say that putin is the only one to blame, putin is just a reflection of the desires of the entire Russian nation.
Yes, there are exceptions, of course, 5 percent of Russians could theoretically be different, but first they have to answer the question whose Crimea is.

China is an illegitimate state. Initially, Taiwan was in the UN, which is a legitimate and democratic representative of China. But US politicians kicked Taiwan out of the UN and let in communists from China, who seized power in the country through murders.
You can't compare Taiwan and Crimea. Taiwan is a separate state, and Crimea is a legitimate and internationally recognized territory of Ukraine. Crimea is as much a part of Ukraine as the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions occupied by the Russians.
You might as well compare Alaska with Taiwan. The Russians have plans to occupy Alaska too.

In the previous topic I wrote a lot about who the Russians are, where they came from. I said that they appeared very recently, are savages and cannibals, and have no history of their own. And the history that they tell about themselves is the history of Ukraine and Ukrainians, which the Russians stole by mass murdering Ukrainians. That's who the Russians are. They are not even Europeans by blood, they are Asians.

Ukraine is not fighting putin and Russian politicians. Ukraine is fighting the Russian people who are coming to Ukraine to kill Ukrainians and take their lands.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2024, 12:53 by stoker2014 »

« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2024, 13:35 »
a) AHAHAHAH HAHAHAH... Lol - well mr. braniac... Did you even READ the document you posted? I guess it must be "official" since you 'say' so - since you posted this ONE link - apparently it "must" be true? Haha. No. But - I actually DID read it (did you?) And if you go to page 11 of the 23 page document - where they quantify their data sources - they STILL say they do not have complete data (aka inaccurate measuring)... Like RIGHT FROM THEIR OWN DOCUMENT ---> "When this project started in April 2022, almost no country provided systematic information. As of February 2024, 25 of the 42 donor governments now maintain a regularly updated overview website on their military, humanitarian, or financial assistance to Ukraine"... So if that statement is accurate - they don't have complete data! You really should read the documents you try to use to back up your claims.

The most important donors like the USA, Germany or the UK certainly have provided the necessary information. It is very unlikely that some smaller countries make up for the missing 700+ billions from your claim.

b) Going to your 2nd point - obviously well you don't actually read things, you just 'assume'... I was referring to "a1 abram tanks". But - again, how do you arrive at your statements? Since you seem to be in the 'lemme post a random link to support my statemtent' mode - I'll post a link for you "https://www.newsweek.com/cost-western-battle-tanks-m1-abrams-leopard-2-challenger-2-1776725" - apparently they only cost $6 million each as well... So - someone is pocketing some nice change if you see them going for $30 million.

To my knowledge, there is no tank called "a1 abram". There is an M1 Abrams, but that has not been delivered in large quantities. As I worte, most moder western main battle tank the Ukraine received habe been Leopards, so their price is most significant.

The 6 million figure quoted for the Leopard in your link refers to older reburbished models, not brand new ones and as I wrote, they are cheaper, but there is only a very limited supply of them.

The M1 Abrams cost 6 million Dollars in 1999, so it is a lot more expensive today.

According to Wikipedia, the M1A2 SEP v3 Abrams costs $24 million a piece as of 2022.

« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2024, 13:44 »
As for Ukraine, I already wrote in another thread (which was deleted by the enemies of democracy) that Ukraine does not need money, Ukraine only needs weapons. As a result, the Democrats spend US taxpayers' money on God knows what, and Ukraine does not receive the weapons it needs. Biden is a friend and partner of putin and the Russians.

Interesting. In "the west", "biden" is portrayed as a "dear friend of ukraine".
... "ukraine" seems to have gotten upwards of a MINIMUM of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS to "fight the war". One TRILLION. With a T. Do you know how many hot dogs you can buy with one TRILLION dollars?

rather than hijacking threads move your off topic rants to off-topic

Uncle Pete

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« Reply #39 on: October 21, 2024, 12:45 »
Inflation has hit everyone, and while stock agencies have lowered what they pay contributors, am wondering if they are charging their customers more?

If we're getting the same percentages of what they charge, then the logical conclusion is, they are charging less and we get less.

Start with the easy one, 15% at iStock. Then move to, SS we don't se subscription sales much, just Single and Other, sometimes on demand, which both are some negotiated price, netting us dimes. DT is pretty consistent at 35 I don't know what that means. Adobe moves up and down, based on the package and the price, but most of mine are in the 90+ area.

No I don't think they are charging the customers more, I think they are charging less.

« Reply #40 on: October 22, 2024, 03:13 »
What's the story? This forum has become a place for political propaganda?  :o :o :o
Is there an administrator somewhere?

« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2024, 06:38 »
What's the story? This forum has become a place for political propaganda?  :o :o :o
Is there an administrator somewhere?
1. Where did you see propaganda?
2. Why did you decide that economic and political topics cannot be discussed on this forum.
3. What country are you from?

« Reply #42 on: October 22, 2024, 14:23 »
What's the story? This forum has become a place for political propaganda?  :o :o :o
Is there an administrator somewhere?
1. Where did you see propaganda?
2. Why did you decide that economic and political topics cannot be discussed on this forum.
3. What country are you from?

of course such discussion is possible - but it should be in 'off topic', not spamming legitimate photo threads. and why should country matter?

many of us have strong opinions but manage to leave them out of on-topic forum discussions except when they directly address the topic  (eg ai, commissions, etc). 

« Reply #43 on: October 22, 2024, 16:50 »
What's the story? This forum has become a place for political propaganda?  :o :o :o
Is there an administrator somewhere?
1. Where did you see propaganda?
2. Why did you decide that economic and political topics cannot be discussed on this forum.
3. What country are you from?
1. Where did you see propaganda?
Better place here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=660ZCEhvbnw

2. Why did you decide that economic and political topics cannot be discussed on this forum.
YOU decide propaganda, I decide to come here for microstock subjects

3. What country are you from?
Humans are the same in ALL the countries they inhabit!
but differents by the soul that inhabits them.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2024, 17:37 by DiscreetDuck »

« Reply #44 on: October 23, 2024, 02:34 »
Humans are the same in ALL the countries they inhabit!
but differents by the soul that inhabits them.
No, people are not the same. Russians are rabid dogs that must be liquidated.
And this is not propaganda, this is the truth.

« Reply #45 on: October 23, 2024, 02:35 »
What's the story? This forum has become a place for political propaganda?  :o :o :o
Is there an administrator somewhere?
1. Where did you see propaganda?
2. Why did you decide that economic and political topics cannot be discussed on this forum.
3. What country are you from?

of course such discussion is possible - but it should be in 'off topic', not spamming legitimate photo threads. and why should country matter?

many of us have strong opinions but manage to leave them out of on-topic forum discussions except when they directly address the topic  (eg ai, commissions, etc).
I didn't spam, I was answering questions from another member of this thread who asked these questions.

« Reply #46 on: October 30, 2024, 01:30 »
Fair question. Here is SS current plans for 2024---if anyone knows what the prices where a few years ago? Also I've heard others companies have raised their fees. So if they are getting more $$$ than why are they not passing the profits onto us artists?


Thanks for acknowledging my original question.  Wow, but the thread got hijacked immediately.

« Reply #47 on: October 30, 2024, 01:43 »
Inflation has hit everyone, and while stock agencies have lowered what they pay contributors, am wondering if they are charging their customers more?

If we're getting the same percentages of what they charge, then the logical conclusion is, they are charging less and we get less.

Start with the easy one, 15% at iStock. Then move to, SS we don't se subscription sales much, just Single and Other, sometimes on demand, which both are some negotiated price, netting us dimes. DT is pretty consistent at 35 I don't know what that means. Adobe moves up and down, based on the package and the price, but most of mine are in the 90+ area.

No I don't think they are charging the customers more, I think they are charging less.
.  Thank you for responding to question in my original post and getting through the hijacked discussion.


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