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Author Topic: Good keywords: looking for opinion on generic keywords: nobody, anything, pic,..  (Read 5813 times)

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« on: March 17, 2014, 17:44 »
I wasn't sure where to post it. I guess it's general discussion indeed.

When I do my keywording, I always wonder whenever it's wise to add some very generic keywords which fit into almost every image.
nobody, anything, pic, picture, image, graphic, one, color,...

I'm confused by them. Here are my thoughts:

nobody - can be useful to filter out people from the search. But are buyers even aware that they could do such a trick? Does anyone has experience with that keyword?
anything - user is bored and enters "anything" into the searchbox - is that even realistic? Even if he does - sale or waste of keywords?
pic, picture - user could use that to filter out video or audio. But again, does that make any sense?
image - anyone ever entering that word into the search box?
graphic - especially web designers might look for "web graphic". Or not?
one - if there is one object versus multiple objects, does that matter to most buyers? Do I waste my keywords again?
color - if I look for "green frog", I won't enter "green colored frog" or "frog green color". Why would anyone enter "color" into the search box? I would assume that potential buyer will just name the color and that's it.

What is your experience with generic keywords? Are they worth it or are they junk? Which are junk?

"Color" for example, is used a lot, and I don't understand why. Is that just some mistake made by lots of people?


« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2014, 19:51 »
First off, the good sites have Advanced search capabilities that let you filter by photo, video or illustration, search for a particular color, choose one person or a group, etc. Savvy buyers would (should) use the advanced search boxes. I dont believe that they enter common words into the search fields. String your common words together with some not so common words and you have your answers, i.e. one cow is good, cow picture is not, color cow is not, cow graphic is iffy

The word Nobody is ok but as you say, buyers dont use it like we do.
Anything is dumb.
Pic, picture is not needed, they are all pictures. Again, you can filter by illustration, photo, video and or audio on the big sites.
Image means nothing. Everything is an image. Everything is a picture.
Graphic is ok. Some may search for illustrations this way if they dont filter by image type. Illustrations are sometimes called graphics by some advertising creatives.
One or single or only is good. Think like a buyer who is looking for one cow and instead gets herds of cows if he/she just searches under cow. If the keyword world was monitored, cow would/should get you one cow, cows should get you many but most put both in any image of a cow (or cows). So the word one is good.
Color is useless since many sites let you search by color. If someone wants black and white they would enter that, but not color. Colorful might be ok if the image screams many colors.

« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2014, 12:27 »
Thanks, good to know that illustrations are referred as graphics. It probably explains why the word is so heavily in use still.

I'm also not sure about "vector". This word is so spread, it almost amazes me. Does that really work? Most websites will have a filter for that and entering that into search box does not always outputs vectors only. The customer would probably be annoyed by that and use advanced search soon. It seems to me that everyone is just using the word in hope to get a piece of the vector-cake without having any vectors. I didn't make any experiments, but it would be interesting to know if someone was able to boost his jpeg sales with that word. I would expect the opposite to be honest but I keep wondering why people keep doing that. Are vectors so popular that it could still work?


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