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Author Topic: Going exclusive... Before and after.  (Read 23518 times)

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« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2009, 17:39 »
Thank you for responding, Jonathan!

« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2009, 17:44 »
Perseus, If you decide to go exclusive with any site ...... what if they go belly up and close the doors. Images gone, site gone.
What do you do now?

Think twice before going exclusive in this unstable market and each site trying to under sell the other until somebody goes broke. Soon!

In another post (soon) I will tell all what I found out from a big buyer about stock photo sites in general. An eye opener!!

My two cents my friend!

Ok, but what if by then other sites have closed their doors to new members or have introduced upload limits? If you had to rebuild your port on other sites uploading 10 or 20 a week, you'd be in trouble.


If they go belly up, then you just re-upload to other sites.  If not, then all is well.

« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2009, 13:05 »
Thank you a most useful tip for Shutterstock should i ever take the exclusive plunge  :)

« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2009, 13:20 »
Perseus, If you decide to go exclusive with any site ...... what if they go belly up and close the doors. Images gone, site gone.
What do you do now?

Think twice before going exclusive in this unstable market and each site trying to under sell the other until somebody goes broke. Soon!

In another post (soon) I will tell all what I found out from a big buyer about stock photo sites in general. An eye opener!!

My two cents my friend!

Ok, but what if by then other sites have closed their doors to new members or have introduced upload limits? If you had to rebuild your port on other sites uploading 10 or 20 a week, you'd be in trouble.


If they go belly up, then you just re-upload to other sites.  If not, then all is well.

Excellent points all.

I am not at the stage to be exclusive momentarily. My percentage with IS is too small, and with the 15 images limit, it will be at least 2028 before I build enough "acceptable" images for being an IS exclusive, lol.
However, I started this thread out of curiousity to solicit awareness for myself, and any one else interested. And seeing the response, I can tell there are good insights coming from both sides.

The crush of being exclusive still weighs heavily against it on 2 points :
a) rejected images by IS cannot be used elsewhere
b) what if ?  the biggy , as pointed out by aforementioned, that one site pulls the plug?
-you have another 10 years , lol... to rebuild your portfolio elsewhere... upload limits considering.
-your style may not be compatible with the rest of the Big 6.
by this , I mean, it's very obvious Istock do not like anything "enhanced". (quote: reviewer - photo is over processed).  which is odd at times getting this rejection note, when I submit  mostly from RAW doing very little post processing. my camera is set to Extended Dynamics so capture better detail in both shadow and highlight. This may be the reason why certain reviewers consider "excessive" post processing.
point to note, is that the others that are accepted were shot in the same setting.
confusing, to me ? yes ! very !

That said, please continue with your insights. It's always wonderful to have minds in continuous discussion. Cheers all !


« Reply #29 on: August 01, 2009, 14:49 »
ooops, just noticed that my post went wrong.
Just to clarify, my part was only this:

Ok, but what if by then other sites have closed their doors to new members or have introduced upload limits? If you had to rebuild your port on other sites uploading 10 or 20 a week, you'd be in trouble.


« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2009, 15:48 »
ooops, just noticed that my post went wrong.
Just to clarify, my part was only this:

Ok, but what if by then other sites have closed their doors to new members or have introduced upload limits? If you had to rebuild your port on other sites uploading 10 or 20 a week, you'd be in trouble.


Thats fine.  Its a valid concern and I can't say that its not a problem, but given the 80-20 rule of everything is pretty obvious (where 80% of the business is concentrated in 20% of the total number of businesses) I can't see that being a problem too soon.  If some freak chance however it does happen, there would be a lot of great photographers available that other sites would be foolish to not want to lock up as assets for their collections.  If you are good enough, the doors will open for you :)

« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2009, 07:57 »
Saw this flash by in my news:
"Gold Level Photographer Jim DeLillo Cancels iStock Exclusivity, First Stop...Fotolia "

« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2009, 08:19 »
^^^ Did he just write a 'news article' about himself?

It seems an odd time to cancel exclusivity at IS as they appear to going from strength to strength over the last few months. I believe the recent guarantee they have included will encourage more big accounts too.

Yesterday I saw one of mine on a poster in Tesco (the UK's biggest supermarket) which I'm pretty sure was bought from IS. It's the first time I've seen Tesco using microstock as, being such a huge company, they've tended to do all marketing, printing and photography in-house. I'm seeing lots of microstock in the UK national newspapers nowadays too which again is a relatively recent phenomena.

« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2009, 09:29 »
^^^ Did he just write a 'news article' about himself?

Yep looks like it. Always odd when people talk about themselves in the third person - even when they're trying to sell themselves on an About page on their own website.   


« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2009, 09:50 »

^^^ Did he just write a 'news article' about himself?

Yeah, it's apparently another of his hobbies. ;)


But neglected to update his profile page at istock:
Jim DeLillo is a photographer that is an active, exclusive member of iStock.com, the fastest growing micro-stock company, owned by Getty images.

« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2009, 11:27 »

^^^ Did he just write a 'news article' about himself?

Yeah, it's apparently another of his hobbies. ;)


But neglected to update his profile page at istock:
Jim DeLillo is a photographer that is an active, exclusive member of iStock.com, the fastest growing micro-stock company, owned by Getty images.

I like these quotes too:
"New Jersey Photographer, Jim DeLillo joins an elite group of less than 1500 photographers worldwide reaching the milestone of 10,000 downloads at istockphoto.com."

And "My photography is very ecclectic" both in the first person at the start of the article, and then in the third person further on.

« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2009, 11:29 »
^^^ Did he just write a 'news article' about himself?

It seems an odd time to cancel exclusivity at IS as they appear to going from strength to strength over the last few months. I believe the recent guarantee they have included will encourage more big accounts too.

Apparently it wasn't going from strength to strength for him - press releases notwithstanding. (Although I'm happily seeing what you are and IS is doing well for me right now).

His IS blog says he made gold April 30th. He currently has >11,000 licenses sold.

In six months he's sold less than 2K images, probably closer to 1K as his own press release says he is "...credited with over 11,000 downloads". I'd have said "close to 12,000" if I were over 11.5K :)

Not sure how writing breathlessly about himself is giong to help one way or the other.

And as far as the original topic, it's obviously always possible that businesses close, but if the stock photography business goes away (which I doubt it will) the last one to turn out the lights will be Getty. I can understand the issues and risks in considering exclusivity (it took me nearly 4 years to decide on doing it) but I can't imagine considering it anywhere other than IS.

« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2009, 11:33 »
Not sure how writing breathlessly about himself is giong to help one way or the other.

I suspect he might have been typing with one hand  ;)


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2009, 11:44 »
Not sure how writing breathlessly about himself is giong to help one way or the other.

I suspect he might have been typing with one hand  ;)

« Reply #39 on: October 20, 2009, 11:52 »
Writing style aside (:)) I was just pointing out someone who may now have knowledge of both sides (on topic).


« Reply #40 on: October 20, 2009, 12:04 »
Writing style aside (:)) I was just pointing out someone who may now have knowledge of both sides (on topic).
Don't try sjlocke! This ecclectic guy is awesomely selfish and funny ! I would suggest the folowing to the author

« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 12:06 by Vonkara »


« Reply #41 on: October 20, 2009, 12:15 »
Saw this flash by in my news:
"Gold Level Photographer Jim DeLillo Cancels iStock Exclusivity, First Stop...Fotolia "

DeLillo says, "with iStock's decision to offer exclusive content through non-exclusive partners, and Getty now marketing tiny size images while offering to purchase Flickr photos from individuals it appears that the exclusive marketing model has changed."

Sounds reasonable considering the Partner Program.

Interesting is that he has copied his entire collection to FT. Sometimes what's not being said jumps out. Anyone think there was some sort of deal with FT to get a transfer of his collection. How long would it take to "upload" 900+ files to FT?  ???

Actual IS portfolio shows Search results: jimd_stock's Portfolio 1193 matches. The contributor search shows 1251. Whatever, it's a general idea of what he has up there.

Oh by the way. Nice shots!
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 13:24 by RacePhoto »

« Reply #42 on: October 20, 2009, 12:23 »
Saw this flash by in my news:
"Gold Level Photographer Jim DeLillo Cancels iStock Exclusivity, First Stop...Fotolia "

DeLillo says, "with iStock's decision to offer exclusive content through non-exclusive partners, and Getty now marketing tiny size images while offering to purchase Flickr photos from individuals it appears that the exclusive marketing model has changed."

Sounds reasonable considering the Partner Program.

Interesting is that he has copied his entire collection to FT. Sometimes what's not being said jumps out. Anyone think there was some sort of deal with FT to get a transfer of his collection. How long would it take to "upload" 900+ files to FT?  ???

He has 1251 photos on IS - the thought had occurred to me - it it was someone high profile (not that a "top 1200" isn't high profile ;) ) I'd suspect that he'd had assistance. FT don't have upload limits, so its just a matter of going through the tedious process of entering in data. I'd guess that he'd have started from a larger portfolio than just what's on IS - 921/1251 would be a pretty good acceptance ratio on FT at the moment.

« Reply #43 on: October 20, 2009, 12:24 »
So I looked at this guy's FT portfolio and he has 903 images online, 2 sales and is gold ranking. Was there some kind of deal to make him instant gold?

I'm pretty sure I have the right guy as the thermometer image is also in his IS portfolio.

I didn't know agencies did deals like this...

« Reply #44 on: October 20, 2009, 12:42 »
Wow __ that's very interesting JoAnne! He also appears in the 'Newly Awarded' column as a Gold contributor (with his 2 sales).

Looks like FT have done a deal with him, effectively giving him an extra 6% commission, presumably in return for the publicity. That's not exactly fair to all the others that have supported FT for some years and might be just on the threshold of Gold.

I wonder if this is part of a new aggressive policy by FT in an attempt to undermine IS's biggest asset, their exclusive contributors?

« Reply #45 on: October 20, 2009, 12:52 »
oooh exciting.........

« Reply #46 on: October 20, 2009, 13:26 »
Wow __ that's very interesting JoAnne! He also appears in the 'Newly Awarded' column as a Gold contributor (with his 2 sales).

Looks like FT have done a deal with him, effectively giving him an extra 6% commission, presumably in return for the publicity. That's not exactly fair to all the others that have supported FT for some years and might be just on the threshold of Gold.

I wonder if this is part of a new aggressive policy by FT in an attempt to undermine IS's biggest asset, their exclusive contributors?

EDIT... sorry starting to sound bitter.. which I'm not.

Its would probably be a sound move from FT to try to attract some of the IS exclusives and offer them some sort of incentive to make jump. Probably good advice for anyone thinking of making a switch to make ask informally at the other agencies to see if there are any sweetheart deals on offer. Never know what you may get offered.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 14:01 by holgs »

« Reply #47 on: October 20, 2009, 16:01 »
... He also appears in the 'Newly Awarded' column as a Gold contributor (with his 2 sales).

...That's not exactly fair to all the others that have supported FT for some years and might be just on the threshold of Gold.

EDIT... sorry starting to sound bitter.. which I'm not....
I read your post prior to the edit - and it sounded pretty reasonable to me :) It's also easier for me to comment openly as FT removed my account after I became exclusive - there's nothing they can take away at this point.

As someone who did live through the early days of FT (before they were officially 1.0) and the absolute fiasco of V2.0 (which at the time I feared might take FT under; kudos to them for keeping things going) I'd be totally @#$'d off at someone with a so-so portfolio getting such a huge leg up. Even more so if I'd been one of those just about to get a new level when FT changed the goalposts for rankings a wee while back.

There's more than one way to give contributors a raw deal...

« Reply #48 on: October 20, 2009, 18:07 »
I would of just reached gold now with the old FT limits, now I have another 5,000 downloads to go.  Seeing them give away a gold ranking makes me so happy :) 

This could backfire, I don't like the idea of exclusivity but if I was considering it, this might make me want to go to istock.


« Reply #49 on: October 20, 2009, 18:37 »
Surely this is some sort of mistake??  Perhaps it sounds naive, but I can't believe Fotolia would intentionally jerry rig their tier system that way. 

Not only would it be a slap in the face to their other contributors, but it seems like a pretty poor business decision.  The whole point of the tier system is to let the cream rise to the top, isn't it ???


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