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Author Topic: How many in a series?  (Read 3314 times)

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« on: December 01, 2007, 02:24 »
I just did a photo shoot with a adorable 3 year old girl and have tons of cute pictures of her as angel, in her princess dress, ...  I want to upload them all - but I wonder how many should I really upload?  What the "recommended series size"? Any suggestions?



« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 02:39 »
Impossible question to answer.  Some photographers upload lots and lots of similars and seem to flourish by it.

However, note that at least two agencies (Istock and StockXpert) have dl/month as a very important part of their search algorithm; if you have too many good images in a series so that sales are spread pretty evenly amongst them, you'll get a lower dl/month ratio for every picture which will eventually mean that they all slip down to search results.

The alternative is to upload them all but divide them into 'keyword sets' so that different pictures come up in different keyword searches (instead of them all appearing in all searches).

« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2007, 03:13 »
Good advice Hatman. 

It's nice to bulk up your portfolio, but I think that having too many similars can hurt you in some ways.  A photo on SS can become quite popular and can stay at the top of searches for quite a while, but if you are competing with yourself and the downloads shared they will both sink faster.  Also, on DT the more an individual photo sells the more it is worth - so you are holding back your earnings potential.  On LO on the other hand, you can submit all of them.

First, select the best vertical and a similar horizontal.  (Don't submit both to 123 on the same day or may be rejected).   Add a full body shot and a severe closeup.    If they are all "happy smiling child" they are likely quite similar, but if you have some "rotten little scoundrel" faces send them too and focus on that in your keywords.  My son (at 3) was having one of those moments and his scowling face made it on a book cover.

« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2007, 04:09 »
I have that sort of face most days Pixart...

« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2007, 11:24 »
I've learned to ALWAYS upload a vertical and a horizontal of the same basic shot if possible. It's amazing how many times one format does WAY BETTER. For me the horizontal outsells the vertical most times. I read somewhere that the horizontal is used more often by designers because of the stress nowadays on the high definition TV format and that page design often mirrors that trend.

« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2007, 12:48 »
I think I don't make more than 6 of the same series, also using the vertical/horizontal variations, different angles, adding/taking some element.

As you say there are different clothes, I would consider each case a different series, just the same model.

Sometimes I do a search and I find TOO many of the same subject and set up, with very little variation, it gets very boring.  These are normally from the top contributors, maybe otherwise sites would not accept as many variations.  Still, if they sell, it's good for both.  This is one thing that I consider positive in that best match change in IS.



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