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Author Topic: FTP server speed?  (Read 780 times)

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« on: November 30, 2024, 13:18 »
What is your maximum upload speed? I upload videos to pond5, but the maximum I get is 6 mb/sec. My internet is up to 100 mb/sec. And I wonder if I connect to 1 gb/sec internet, will it increase my upload speed to stocks agencies ftp servers?

« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2024, 09:12 »
1 gb speed is the download speed but not always 1gb upload speed. The advertised speed is usually the download speed. Many internet providers throttle/reduce the upload speeds.  Many fiber internet services are asymmetric - same speed upload and download.

I have 1 gb cable service which is 1 gb download but is 35 mb upload speed.

My speed when ftp'ing clips to Pond5 is around 4.5 mb/sec.

« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2024, 10:20 »
My speed when ftp'ing clips to Pond5 is around 4.5 mb/sec.
This is not enough. And this is probably when you are loading only 1 file. If you are loading 10 files at the same time, the speed of loading one file will probably be much lower.
I see, so 1Gb/sec internet doesn't solve the problem.
It's strange that your upload speed is only 35. My upload speed on 100 Mb internet is about the same.

« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2024, 11:28 »
As I understand it, stock agencies set upload speed limits for each author.
This means that even high internet speed will not allow increasing the overall upload speed more than 6 mb/sec on stocks agencies FTP servers.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 11:31 by stoker2014 »

« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2024, 13:37 »
My speed when ftp'ing clips to Pond5 is around 4.5 mb/sec.
This is not enough. And this is probably when you are loading only 1 file. If you are loading 10 files at the same time, the speed of loading one file will probably be much lower.
I see, so 1Gb/sec internet doesn't solve the problem.
It's strange that your upload speed is only 35. My upload speed on 100 Mb internet is about the same.

I rarely upload 1 clip at a time.  Usually ftp upload in batches of 5-10 video files or more.  Files sizes typically 200-600 mb  for each file.

The 4.5 mb/sec is the typical speed consistently shown by my FTP s/w when uploading batches of video clips. 

At least in the US throttled upload speeds are not uncommon depending on the ISP. My ISP is a cable TV provider that also provides internet services over their copper cable TV system. At present my area has no other choices that can provide any decent speed. 

The 4.5 mb/sec ftp upload works ok. 1 gb/35mb is the fastest available in my neighborhood at present - so until a fiber ISP is available in my neighborhood it's the best available we got.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 13:45 by PCDMedia »

« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2024, 13:42 »
As I understand it, stock agencies set upload speed limits for each author.

Thats a new one - never heard of that before.

I wouldn't be surprised if the big image/video aggregators/agencies that submit to P5 such as PA Media, Reuters, Blackbox, etc. are provided higher ftp speed limits as part of their contracts/agreements with stock agencies.

« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2024, 13:59 »
My speed when ftp'ing clips to Pond5 is around 4.5 mb/sec.
This is not enough. And this is probably when you are loading only 1 file. If you are loading 10 files at the same time, the speed of loading one file will probably be much lower.
I see, so 1Gb/sec internet doesn't solve the problem.
It's strange that your upload speed is only 35. My upload speed on 100 Mb internet is about the same.

I rarely upload 1 clip at a time.  Usually ftp upload in batches of 5-10 video files or more.  Files sizes typically 200-600 mb  for each file.

The 4.5 mb/sec is the typical speed consistently shown by my FTP s/w when uploading batches of video clips. 

At least in the US throttled upload speeds are not uncommon depending on the ISP. My ISP is a cable TV provider that also provides internet services over their copper cable TV system. At present my area has no other choices that can provide any decent speed. 

The 4.5 mb/sec ftp upload works ok. 1 gb/35mb is the fastest available in my neighborhood at present - so until a fiber ISP is available in my neighborhood it's the best available we got.

Is it US? I live in Europe... here we have with fiber 1g download and 400mb upload + 5g unlimited for smartphone. Still when i upload to P5 sometimes it takes a minute or two to upload 6 videos of 400-600mb.

« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2024, 14:42 »
Is it US? I live in Europe... here we have with fiber 1g download and 400mb upload + 5g unlimited for smartphone. Still when i upload to P5 sometimes it takes a minute or two to upload 6 videos of 400-600mb.

Yes - in US.

High-speed and fiber internet options are much more plentiful in the areas of the larger cities.

In smaller cities/towns and lower-population density areas of US choices/options for high-speed or fiber internet service is not nearly as readily available as in the larger cities.

The high-speed and fiber ISP builders want to provide service 1st to the more profitable high-population density areas and then the rest of us sometime later - maybe if ever. 
« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 14:46 by PCDMedia »

« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2024, 15:57 »
I live in Europe... here we have with fiber 1g download and 400mb upload + 5g unlimited for smartphone. Still when i upload to P5 sometimes it takes a minute or two to upload 6 videos of 400-600mb.
Start uploading 1 file to pond5. What speed do you see, how many mb/sec?

« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2024, 15:59 »
As I understand it, stock agencies set upload speed limits for each author.

Thats a new one - never heard of that before.
If your internet upload speed is 35 mb/sec, and you cannot upload more than 5 mb/sec to pond5, then this is a limitation.

« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2024, 16:01 »
1 gb/35mb is the fastest available in my neighborhood at present - so until a fiber ISP is available in my neighborhood it's the best available we got.
Fiber ISP offers higher speed than 1gbps?

« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2024, 16:43 »
1 gb/35mb is the fastest available in my neighborhood at present - so until a fiber ISP is available in my neighborhood it's the best available we got.
Fiber ISP offers higher speed than 1gbps?

Fiber internet service here is typically advertised as being "asymmetrical".  Meaning 1 gb fiber service has 1 gb download and 1gb upload speeds.  In other words - the upload speed is not fixed at a much lower speed than download like many non-fiber ISP services do here.

There are fiber services here up to 5gb and maybe more in other areas.

« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2024, 18:27 »
1 gb/35mb is the fastest available in my neighborhood at present - so until a fiber ISP is available in my neighborhood it's the best available we got.
Fiber ISP offers higher speed than 1gbps?

Fiber internet service here is typically advertised as being "asymmetrical".  Meaning 1 gb fiber service has 1 gb download and 1gb upload speeds.  In other words - the upload speed is not fixed at a much lower speed than download like many non-fiber ISP services do here.

There are fiber services here up to 5gb and maybe more in other areas.
Yeah, connect 1 or 5 gb fiber service and get upload speed on pond5 at 5 mb/sec.  ;D ;D ;D


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