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Author Topic: Found my photos with Google Image Search on Etsy and they are selling it......  (Read 3678 times)

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« on: February 18, 2015, 03:38 »
For about 8 years i am selling stockphotos, and now i ve discovered Google image search.
Often i see people selling my photos, mostly on sites difficult to translate
Problem is i can not translate anything to take any further steps.
Yesterday i found a photo from my here:

newbielink: [nonactive]

I signed in on that site, an ask them to remove it and they did.
Mayby there are some of your photos out there.
What is your experience ?

« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2015, 11:32 »
There's one item with a Shutterstock logo still in it:

There's work from other microstock photographers (and you'd have to buy an extended license for these images for it to be OK to sell large prints of the work) - this one for example.

There was another one I recognized and sent a note to the photographer so she can send a DMCA notice to them. Fortunately, I didn't see anything of mine.

Thanks for posting

« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2015, 12:03 »
I noticed that there is a lot of these things going on Etsy...

For instance, one thing is people using clipart the wrong way, they may had purchased a license, but are using in a  way that is probably not allowed in the license...or beyond the scope of the license... There's a lot going on....

For anyone who wants to report copyright infringement to Etsy,  Here is the page....

I think you probably have to make a DMCA notice.

« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2015, 12:56 »
How do you find out if someone is using your images in a way they are not supposed to? I certainly can't police the internet, is there a google search that will pull up all your images?


« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2015, 16:43 »
Thanks for your input here.
@Jo Ann thanks for your research, ive allready send them a mail also with the example you wrote.
So they can also use that.
@sweetgirll indeed theres a lot going on, several times i found my photos on the web for sale
But thanks to Google Image Search we are able to find back our photos on the web. ;D
Thanks r for the link, it' s allready used! :)
@pixel8 search for Google Image Search on the Google site.
And then Drag and drop your photo in to the search spot.

« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2015, 05:33 »
I found my image from this user:
I asked where he purchace the lisence and when. He do not answered nothing he just remove the image.


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