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Author Topic: Flickr now giving 1TB free space !!  (Read 9785 times)

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« on: May 21, 2013, 09:47 »
wow, this gotta be another bombshell for amateur photographers, and it could be damaging the whole biz of ZenFolio, Smugmug, and Photoshelter which are now forced to catch up with storage space.

this will set a new standard on online photo storage, if i can get 1TB for free on Flickr why should i pay for a few hundred GBs elsewhere ?

Yahoo! adds 1TB of free storage to Flickr in site revamp


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2013, 10:15 »
They have really messed up the display.
This is what my sets page looks like in FF 20.0.1 on my machine:
And so on, right down a long toilet roll of random, overlapping photos.
A friend assures me his FF looks more like my IE screenshot (below), which is better but I'm still not happy with, as the 'cover photos' for each set, which I chose because they fitted into the crop, have been stretched and re-set randomly within the frame (upper photo), though they still look as before in the Organiser preview (lower photo):
Yet another company which doesn't believe in the adage, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'. I only use Flickr for showing my friends what I've been up to, also keeping up with them, but I don't want it to look stupid, nevertheless.

I wonder what they're playing at. We all know there's no such thing as a free lunch, and their paid for service was comparatively inexpensive. They're also encouraging people to submit full res photos. What's that all about?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 12:30 by ShadySue »

« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2013, 10:27 »
1 TB is kind of crazy! I logged in to see the redesign. It looked pretty good. I never really figured out what to use Flickr for (other than a little extra promotion), but it seems to have some pretty dedicated users.

« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2013, 10:43 »
@ShadySue : yes, the new layout is like you see it in IE, probably you've some addons in FF blocking the CSS or making a mess, it's the CSS not being correctly loaded the issue in your case.

@cthoman : yes i like it, reminds me of actually, but it seems many loyal flickrs are hellbent against the new layout, and of course it will be integrated with Tumblr (bought yesterday by Yahoo for a whopping 1.1 billion $ !) so i think the final outcome will be a sort of social network with banner ads, bells and whistles .. a big sh-it compared to the original Flickr but hey this is 2013 ... Yahoo is a dead man walking, worth a pittance compared to years ago when MS wanted to buy it for 40 billions or so.

« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2013, 13:25 »
Definitely waiting to see what strings are attached to the 1 TB offer.   They can't just give away the same service that Amazon and others are charging for; it has to be limited in some way (like reliability), or they're claiming the right to sell your photos, or something else they're not being upfront about just yet.

Poncke v2

« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2013, 13:28 »
A dead man walking doesnt have a billion to spend  :D

« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2013, 13:52 »
Definitely waiting to see what strings are attached to the 1 TB offer.   They can't just give away the same service that Amazon and others are charging for; it has to be limited in some way (like reliability), or they're claiming the right to sell your photos, or something else they're not being upfront about just yet.

exactly, first they will kill some competition offering a free 1TB of space and then little by little users will be locked in with Flickr + Tumblr and flooded by ads and upsells.

« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2013, 13:55 »
A dead man walking doesnt have a billion to spend  :D

well, there are already skeptics claiming the new M&As by Yahoo are a way to deceive the markets and to look like a healthy and rich company in order to make a good sell out not far from now, maybe to AOL or Microsoft or even to Facebook !

but then again, why they paid Tumblr 1 billion in CASH and not in stocks ? hmm ... ?


« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2013, 06:35 »
A dead man walking doesnt have a billion to spend  :D

Amazing how these moron corporates always buy up sites at the top (for top money) and then drive 'em into the ground. Great examples abound......Flickr....My Space and one from NL. TMG buys Hyves for 43 million when it has 8 million users (50% of the population). Within 2 years it was worthless and they're trying to rent out server capacity.

Must just be an excuse for CEO's to leave with giant bonus packages which they negotiated beforehand. Who needs all the hassle of being a hero CEO when you can become a zero CEO (but very rich zero) within a couple of years!  ;)

« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2013, 10:32 »
but it must be said that the real value of things like Tumblr of Flickr isnt in their net $ worth but in what they represent in % of the social media market.

if i buy 10% of the social networks it's gonna be a lot more worthy and expensive than saying i'm buying site xx and yy and zz .

if i also can integrate the whole cr-ap with my other online services (email, webmail, news, chat, forums) that in business terms we've a whole "media giant" and its value becomes hard to quantify for investors, usually it's overvalued as we can see in many real world examples like Yahoo itself.

that's certainly Yahoo's quick money plan in my opinion, that is .. more smoke and mirrors in the face of investors and they will sell out in no more than 2 yrs to AOL or Microsoft.

do you really think Yahoo has any chance of surviving ? of becoming the new Apple or the new Amazon ?
no way, the web has changed big time, and they know it, and they know this is their last change to recoup some face value.

well, if tomorrow they buy AOL that's another story, but to me the future for this sort of "media companies" is bleak, they're really a thing of the past especially because of all their services they never manage to integrate well like in complex monolithic apps like Facebook, only desktop apps could do the job with a unified and fast interface/GUI but then again the fad today is being html5 and OS-agnostic so desktop apps are also a thing of the past, which is BS but the whole market is a pile of BS from any perspective, just think how many rock solid companies you could buy with 1 billion rather than a company like Tumblr that is full of debts and never made a profit so far !

« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2013, 10:49 »
I love the new interface. I don't really use storage there beyond a 800p wide jpg upload.


« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2013, 12:00 »
Definitely waiting to see what strings are attached to the 1 TB offer.   They can't just give away the same service that Amazon and others are charging for; it has to be limited in some way (like reliability)

Like all you can eat, nobody will. They could say 5 TB. People are not going to be backing up their data to Flickr or running webservices off it.

The new interface looks great.


« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2013, 12:49 »
The new interface looks great.
It is subjective
but the interface is definitely not consistent in different browsers  and very slow


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2013, 12:50 »
I love the new interface.
Are you not seeing your set 'cover image' all over the place in the square crop? I see it in my sets in FF, IE and chrome, and it's the same for the sets of my contacts. It looks really naff, IMO.

« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2013, 13:11 »
I love the new interface.
Are you not seeing your set 'cover image' all over the place in the square crop? I see it in my sets in FF, IE and chrome, and it's the same for the sets of my contacts. It looks really naff, IMO.

Yes, I'm not thrilled with their crop for sets. I quickly found that if i mouse over the image and start to drag it a bit the full image shows. It may be that mousing over it should auto-show the full image.
But the full impact of this new interface is much better than before and I imagine much easier for users to find content.


« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2013, 13:31 »
This is the most F*** Horrible photo website design I've ever seen.

I don't understand how can someone force a justified gallery view to all when it is the most horrible thing, because it shows different sizes for vertical and horizontal images, the screen is so cluttered that all images merge into a global blur, I cannot show/read titles for each image. A total mess!

I don't care how many Tb they offer, because I don't want any of them! As simple as that. After all the work I've put in my portfolio I just wish the brains behind this to drop dead.

« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2013, 16:28 »
I wonder if your browser is showing what mine does. I see titles quite well on mouse-overs. As to the "blob" comment, I understand your reasoning. However, it is showing images as a "Photostream" as labeled and not as a personally designed web site.


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2013, 18:32 »
I yanked all of my photos off Flickr a few months ago.

I think the CEO may actually have a point. I have no idea what value Flickr provides for professional photographers. The only people that contacted me on Flickr wanted free photos. Actually demanded them... "Hey send me a high-res of this one". Or told me I should be honored they were offering to use my pic and give me credit in their publication. Or when I would say no they would respond "but so-and-so Flickr user gave me their images for free". Or they just would steal by taking screenshots.

Then I realized on Google search and Google images that my Flickr images were displacing the images on my personal website where I actually make money. So I deleted them from Flickr.

Flickr is for socializing, vultures and thieves.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2013, 19:00 »
Flickr is for socializing, vultures and thieves.
It's called a photo sharing site, and doesn't pretend to be anything else, so yes: it's for socialising, and we can use the means at our disposal to avoid the vultures and thieves - and there are more means at our disposal in Flickr than on any image legitimately purchased and published on the web.
And if you don't want to socialise, that's fine, you don't need Flickr.

« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2013, 01:47 »
This is the most F*** Horrible photo website design I've ever seen.

by all means it looks like a ripoff of  ... but 500px is still loooking a lot better and you can even sell prints and digitals over there.


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2013, 09:21 »
Flickr is for socializing, vultures and thieves.
It's called a photo sharing site, and doesn't pretend to be anything else, so yes: it's for socialising, and we can use the means at our disposal to avoid the vultures and thieves - and there are more means at our disposal in Flickr than on any image legitimately purchased and published on the web.
And if you don't want to socialise, that's fine, you don't need Flickr.

Right, it's a photo sharing site only. They're just making pretend money with Getty and so are those Getty Flickr contributors.

My point is, again, there doesn't seem to be a reason for pro photographers to be on Flickr. Which I think is what Melissa Mayer may have been trying to say. They're not targeting pros. I received a few sporadic social comments but mostly was contacted by vultures looking for freebies. Not much "social" stuff going from what I could tell but that's my experience. Maybe others have had a different experience.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2013, 09:47 »

My point is, again, there doesn't seem to be a reason for pro photographers to be on Flickr.
And I totally agree

Not much "social" stuff going from what I could tell but that's my experience. Maybe others have had a different experience.
I'm on some groups that are social, some with people I know; and some subject interest groups with people I've never met. Some are more 'social' than others. I joined a 52 weeks group (different subject each week) at the beginning of the year to try to force me out of my box, but my 'box' seems to be more binding than I'd imagined, and I seem to have inadvertantly given it up. Thanks for the reminder, I should try again.

I have no idea how well people in general do from the Flickr-Getty schemes (there seem to be at least two). No-one I know personally or virtually on Flickr has sold anything via Flickr-Getty. I'm not in it - but I've read reports of a few sales here on msg. I've had one direct sale via Flickr from a mother whose daughter I photographed at an event (whom I didn't know in advance) and someone else I know has had sales similarly, without even trying (which astonished me as at the time she had full-size, unprotected pics on Flickr, though not designated CC. I really was impressed the the pics weren't just stolen!) and has got specific commissions by using specific sets as a 'portfolio',: but these were low-paying gigs  (for small-circulation fan newsletters) of the sort that most msg-ers wouldn't get out of bed for. She was more delighted to get privileged access than caring about the cash.

I had a serious enquiry about paying to license a particular image, but I wasn't sure about the possible need for a MR for the specific use, so I directed them to a similar I had at Alamy, specifying they should ask their support for clarification about the need for an MR. They said they had enquired, but I never heard anything else, so I guess they needed one, though I'd have thought they could have got one for their use. (A particular celebrity whom they were honouring at a charity event. I'd have thought that as they were in touch with her, she might have allowed them to use the image for that event only.)

« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2013, 14:45 »
I use Flickr as a promotion site. Not interested in socializing. Comments are turned off. I provide a link to GL Stock Images for un-watermarked sales. (on my Profile page) The new layout makes a good impression.

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2013, 17:41 »
can I use Flickr as storage and have all my pics turned off somehow?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2013, 17:52 »
can I use Flickr as storage and have all my pics turned off somehow?
You can set your images only to be visible to you, but I'm not sure if you have to do this manually for each individual image.


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