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Author Topic: Flickr - An Invitation From Getty Images  (Read 6266 times)

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« on: November 19, 2012, 05:28 »
I got an email about some of my photos in Flickr (travel photos of Bolivia) had been selected for Getty. I did a search here and didn't find anything recent about this.

Any comments? is it worth? Do they require exclusivity?

No, I haven't read the terms of this deal yet. I am pretty sure however that many of you have already digested all the legal terms.

« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2012, 05:48 »
For some images it's worth it, for others, its not. You just gotta research what sells well at Getty.

« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2012, 10:31 »
I got the same e-mail a few months ago and I've now about 20 photos at Getty: starting from the very first month I have sold 1-3 licenses each month which roughly correspond to my income at one of the Big 4 (i.e. not very much in 2012  ;) )

What is interesting is that they selected some of my photos which are not micro stock oriented, more "artsy", and which I didn't sell on micro stock sites before.

Beware that they do require exclusivity for selected photos however.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 11:04 by araminta »

« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2012, 20:30 »
Here are a couple other threads about the subject as well
I had seen those, Leaf, but the newest is one year old and I was looking for more recent feedback.

Araminta, your experience is interesting, very attractive for just 20 images.

Requesting exclusivity is something that doesn't attract me, though. Do they require exclusivity for all images in a series or just the ones they pick?

« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2012, 01:38 »
Here are a couple other threads about the subject as well
I had seen those, Leaf, but the newest is one year old and I was looking for more recent feedback.

Araminta, your experience is interesting, very attractive for just 20 images.

Requesting exclusivity is something that doesn't attract me, though. Do they require exclusivity for all images in a series or just the ones they pick?

Ok, glad you saw them. Agreed, it is time for a new thread, just didn't want you to miss the old ones.

« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2012, 09:26 »
Requesting exclusivity is something that doesn't attract me, though. Do they require exclusivity for all images in a series or just the ones they pick?

Something in-between: only the one they pick, but you cannot sell elsewhere photos which are too similar.

You can however still use the photos to sell physical items such as on Zazzle for example.

« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2012, 10:13 »
Requesting exclusivity is something that doesn't attract me, though. Do they require exclusivity for all images in a series or just the ones they pick?

Something in-between: only the one they pick, but you cannot sell elsewhere photos which are too similar.

You can however still use the photos to sell physical items such as on Zazzle for example.
that is not correct, Getty requires session exclusivity!

« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2012, 10:22 »
that is not correct, Getty requires session exclusivity!

This is my exclusivity clause on my Getty contract:

All Content submitted to Getty Images is on a Content exclusive basis. This means that Content submitted to Getty Images and any other content that is substantially the same (a “Similar”) may not be licensed to any third party unless Getty Images has notified you that it has been rejected. However, on a non-exclusive basis, You may use Content and any Similars for your personal or self promotional, non-commercial use, including sharing Content on photo sharing websites, blogs or social networking websites for personal or self-promotional/non-commercial use, provided that you do not compete with or limit the rights granted to Getty Images under the Agreement. Also on a co-exclusive basis with Getty Images, you may use Accepted Content that is available for license through a royalty-free license model in connection with the sale by you of prints, t-shirts and other retail merchandise where the Accepted Content is the focus of the product, so long as you are not licensing or giving away rights to the Accepted Content for anything other than such merchandising. On an exclusive basis you may use Content and any Similars for limited edition, signed and/or numbered fine art prints (though Getty Images retains the exclusive right to sell and license prints not signed or numbered).

This is for images sold through Flickr collections: rules could be different otherwise.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 10:25 by araminta »

« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2012, 18:09 »
Hmm, so if they are concerned about competition, images of the same location (as I said, they picked some travel photos from my portfolio) would all be tied to them. I'm not sure I like that, especially because my photos are not generic or iconic or conceptual images that may sell often. Here are some of the ones they picked.  Except maybe for the macaw, all the others would probably sell only for a travel magazine or book, don't you think?



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