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Author Topic: June Stats Anyone?  (Read 9406 times)

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« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2010, 18:21 »
My 2010 March-June compared to 2009 March-June. One thing to keep in mind is that I only uploaded about 150 new images in the past two years.  I contribute the majority of this decrease to lack of attention.  Some of these companies require you to feed the beast or it will starve... and contentment can be a stock photographer's greatest enemy -or- reward, depending on how your sales compare to last year.  :D 

FTA -46.00

SS -674.00

DT -1281.00

IS -645.00

A total of $2646.00 decrease this year over last for those four months.  I know this looks like a lot to some of you, and it sort of is, but I am still living quite comfortably. I believe in this business. I am absolutely positive I can make the $2646 back over the next six months.  So, that is what I will do.

Early June I started a studio in my house, borrowed back the lights I had given away months earlier, dusted off my camera, and bribed my son to stand in the middle of the room so I could photograph him.  After two years of absolutely no interest in shooting, what do you know... I had fun.  Yay me!!!  If I continue to enjoy it, I will buy some new lights and finish the studio.  If I decide I would rather stay retired, you can search eBay for all my studio goodies. (he-he)



« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2010, 18:31 »
Thanks for posting Jamie.  This is actually quite encouraging, IMO.  If you have hardly uploaded at all in the past couple of years and have only lost a few thousand from your overall yearly income then I think it says there is more longevity in a good portfolio than I had feared. 

I certainly can relate to burnout and having real life prevent you from "feeding the beast".  Welcome back out of semi-retirement, and glad to hear you are getting your mojo back :)

« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2010, 06:12 »
only istockphoto minus.
all other plus.

compare to june 2009.

except StockXpert becomes to stinksock,
veer is new
and yay is death.

comparing to june 2009 I earned more money.

« Reply #28 on: July 07, 2010, 06:34 »
My 2010 March-June compared to 2009 March-June.  

FTA -46.00

SS -674.00

DT -1281.00

IS -645.00

A total of $2646.00 decrease this year over last for those four months. 

Interesting exercise Jaimie. Here are my figures having been uploading fairly constantly and added about 20% to my port over the last year;

SS    -120

IS     -348

DT    -297

FT    +1281

It was a total increase of $756 over the previous year but entirely due to FT without which it would have been a huge loss.

« Reply #29 on: July 07, 2010, 09:40 »
mine graph from Jan 2009 to Jun 2010.


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