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Author Topic: Depositphotos joining revenue share model.  (Read 11052 times)

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« on: July 21, 2021, 04:15 »
Thanks for being part of our community!
At Depositphotos, were always on the lookout to create new opportunities for our contributors. For this reason, we are introducing a Special Program in response to the increased demand for new plans on licensed content.

Under the new program, your earnings will be based on the Revenue Share model. This means that 40% of net revenue will be allocated among contributors whose files have been downloaded within the new plan.

To receive income under the new program for contributors, confirm your membership by clicking the button below.

It seems all companies are following this path now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2021, 04:52 »
this is an unlimited download prgram again.

Run away

« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2021, 05:03 »
It's the new trend on the market. All agencies will follow suit eventually. Until even video is unlimited downloads only across the board.

« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2021, 05:05 »
Yup all is following suit, just got a e mail from Envato Elements to join their program today.


« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2021, 05:10 »
Why are they sending this now? Isn't this the scheme they announced weeks ago where contributors can opt in or out images using a lightbox DP set up?

I don't submit there any more so haven't kept up to date

This one:

Have they removed the ability to opt in and out individual images or something?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2021, 05:12 by Justanotherphotographer »

« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2021, 05:16 »
Yes it seems to be the same one, didnt see this one. I got a e mail today. You can opt in or not i believe


« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2021, 05:27 »
Yes it seems to be the same one, didnt see this one. I got a e mail today. You can opt in or not i believe

I got the new email too. I am wondering if you can now only opt in or out your whole portfolio rather than individual images. I don't want to click the "Join" link in case it opts me right away without giving any more details.


« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2021, 05:33 »
Can't find any details for how much contributors get under this program either. The page says:

"Contributors who participate in the Revenue Share Special Program will share 40% of net subscription revenue. Royalties are prorated among Contributors according to the proportion of their files in individual subscribers downloads, with increased earnings for those at higher Contributors Levels. Royalties for files downloaded under the Program are awarded in aggregate at the end of each month."

So it sounds like the total is 40% but higher tier contributors get more and lower get less. Higher therefore must get more than 40% and lower less? All current tiers under existing schemes get less than 40% (38% for Platinum) so we can assume it isnt the same.

« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2021, 05:34 »
I think if you click join it will opt your whole portfolio in.

Yes it seems to be the same one, didnt see this one. I got a e mail today. You can opt in or not i believe

I got the new email too. I am wondering if you can now only opt in or out your whole portfolio rather than individual images. I don't want to click the "Join" link in case it opts me right away without giving any more details.


« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2021, 05:42 »
I think if you click join it will opt your whole portfolio in.

Yes it seems to be the same one, didnt see this one. I got a e mail today. You can opt in or not i believe

I got the new email too. I am wondering if you can now only opt in or out your whole portfolio rather than individual images. I don't want to click the "Join" link in case it opts me right away without giving any more details.
Well I knew it was too good to be true when DP offered individual image opt in. Totally out of character for them to do it in a contributor friendly way. Thanks for letting us know.


« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2021, 05:50 »
Slightly worried by the wording of the email too:

"To receive income under the new program for contributors, confirm your membership by clicking the button below."

Not to include your images or to join the program but to "To receive income under the new program...

Any chance our images will be included either way, we just wont get paid?...

« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2021, 08:20 »
Got that email today as well.
So happy I deleted all my images from DP years ago. No idea why anybody would want to work with these thieves :)

« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2021, 17:06 »
I'm not a contributor to Deposit Photos, so I'm just a bystander, but wanted to point out the only way to stop these programs proliferating is to deny them content.

I understand how hard that is to do, but for those who weren't around at the time, it's a strategy that can work as evidenced by Fotolia's short lived and unlamented Dollar Photo Club. It's true that the contributor action was hugely assisted by a large group of Russian contributors who joined those pulling their portfolios from Fotolia (who wouldn't initially offer an opt-out from DPC), but it brought about change.

It is getting harder and harder to persuade agencies to treat contributors and their work fairly, but don't expect you can influence anything for the better if you opt in.

« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2021, 18:52 »
I'm not on DP, but I can't help but be skeptical of all of these trust us accounting programs with unlimited downloads and you might get some percentage of the revenue eventually.

40% of net means they can massage the books to make net lower and lower or not, but you would never know. Before you got x$ per sale or x% of sale, and hopefully you knew when and what sold. We still had to trust that they correctly reported what sold at what size, but now we have no information other than what they tell us a month later.

I have no idea what they mean that higher tier contributors make more - does that mean 100 dls from a high tier contributor will get a bigger chunk of the 40% than 100 dls from a low tier contributor? I guess once again untransparent but they can reward some people more without touching their own 60% (or more - remember it is net and they can deduct whatever they feel they need to from gross to get to that net).

exciting indeed.

« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2023, 07:47 »
I am bringing up this old thread becaus ei just got a mail from them that I am now part of their Revenue-Sharing-Modell.  :o

Anyone else got this? I have always declined this in the past, because I absolutely do not want my images as part of any free download subscription. Looks like it's not optional for me anymore.
 I've sent them a mail to remove me from this or delete my account. In the meanwhile I will deactivate all my files with them now, which will take me forever, as I can only do it manually for each image, but there is no way my images go into any unlimited download subscription.

« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2023, 08:34 »
I got the same email today as well. This agency has always been very low earner for me, so I am thinking about deleting my port.
Please let us now Firn if you got any response from them.

« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2023, 08:58 »
Is this for your entire portfolio?  I remember that DST used to push non-selling images in the free section, but surely not your entire portfolio ?

« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2023, 11:21 »
I got the same email today as well. This agency has always been very low earner for me, so I am thinking about deleting my port.
Please let us now Firn if you got any response from them.

I got a reply. It just said "You were removed from the joining revenue share model". Nothing more. No explanation why I even ended up in this.

But by now I have deactivated all my files and I intend to keep them deactivated at least for now.

I don't like any of this. I don't like this joining revenue share model where Depositphotos always gets the same 60% of all earnings, but contributors have to share the remaining 40% with each file downloaded and the more images customers download the less we get while our images are on a "take all you can eat buffet" that encourages customers to download as many as possible, if not even all so we end up getting scraps. I strongly believe our share for each image downloaded will end up being something in the $0.000X range.
I don't like how I was just put into this model after making it clear I was not interested. I don't like how there is no explanation or apology.
Depositphotos just isn't earning me enough to put up with this.  Unfortunately I don't have the liberty to leave every agency that tries to screw us over (which would be pretty much every agency) as I depend too much on their income, but depositphots isn't one of them.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2023, 11:41 by Firn »

« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2023, 11:43 »
I got the same email today as well. This agency has always been very low earner for me, so I am thinking about deleting my port.
Please let us now Firn if you got any response from them.

I got a reply. It just said "You were removed from the joining revenue share model". Nothing more. No explanation why I even ended up in this.

But by now I have deactivated all my files and I intend to keep them deactivated at least for now.

I don't like any of this. I don't like this joining revenue share model where Depositphotos always gets the same 60% of all earnings, but contributors have to share the remaining 40% with each file downloaded and the more customers download images the less we get while our images are on a "take all you can eat buffet" that encourages customers to download as many as possible, if not even all so we end up getting scraps. I strongly believe our share for each image downloaded will end up being something in the $0.000X range.
I don't like how I was just put into this model after making it clear I was not interested. I don't like how there is no explanation or apology.
Depositphotos just isn't eraning me enoughto put up with this.

Yeah, I completely understand you. Once you think it cant get much worse, they come up with some new method to screw contributors over even more.
I have just noticed that at my sellers menu at DP there is a Revenue Share column that I didnt notice before, but it still says: NO.
Maybe they didnt update it for me yet, and I am just about to leave for holiday, but I will keep an eye on it, and will probably follow your example - email them to be excluded from the program.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2023, 11:56 »
I am bringing up this old thread becaus ei just got a mail from them that I am now part of their Revenue-Sharing-Modell.  :o

Anyone else got this? I have always declined this in the past, because I absolutely do not want my images as part of any free download subscription. Looks like it's not optional for me anymore.
 I've sent them a mail to remove me from this or delete my account. In the meanwhile I will deactivate all my files with them now, which will take me forever, as I can only do it manually for each image, but there is no way my images go into any unlimited download subscription.

I thought it was funny, because I deactivated all images but one, neutered my account years ago, they still send me these notices. No way and I left them because of their underhanded tricks. Old thread, but the emails are new this morning.

Dear contributor,

Congratulations on becoming a member of our Special Program for contributors!

From now on, in addition to your regular income from selling files on our platform, youll receive 40% of net revenue for files downloaded under a Depositphotos subscription. Your royalties will be awarded in aggregate at the end of each month.

Read more about the Revenue Share model (RSM) here. In case you have questions or you want to quit the program, please contact [email protected].
Depositphotos Team

Well thank you I look forward to the shared revenue from my 1 image. This could be a good thing?  ???

(I thought I closed my account, I guess the joke was, the single live image.)

« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2023, 12:35 »
Ehm, so after seeing that I can sort things out quickly in a chat, I have done it, and they said my port will be excluded from Revenue share program within 24 hrs.

« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2023, 02:30 »
Just a warning to all the people who contacted DP and told them to be removed from the revenue share program and were told they were removed: Please double check. I was told I was removed, I had disabled my photos when I was put in the program against my will and yesterday I enabled some photos as a check: They are all IN the revenue share program. 
When you go to your dashboard at https://de.depositphotos.com/files.html and look at the columns right after the earnings column there is a column for the revenue share program where it says "yes" or "no" and it says "yes" for all my files.
So pay attention to this in case DP lied to you or just put you right back in as they did with me.


« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2023, 06:23 »
Just a warning to all the people who contacted DP and told them to be removed from the revenue share program and were told they were removed: Please double check. I was told I was removed, I had disabled my photos when I was put in the program against my will and yesterday I enabled some photos as a check: They are all IN the revenue share program. 
When you go to your dashboard at https://de.depositphotos.com/files.html and look at the columns right after the earnings column there is a column for the revenue share program where it says "yes" or "no" and it says "yes" for all my files.
So pay attention to this in case DP lied to you or just put you right back in as they did with me.


DP is known for lying.

« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2023, 06:58 »
I added this link in the other thread to illustrate the point above - this isn't the first time...


Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2023, 10:28 »
I added this link in the other thread to illustrate the point above - this isn't the first time...


Yeah and that was long ago and when I determined that I would never be so desperate to give anything to Deposit again! More of your earlier post:

Can someone fill me in on the issue with this site? I found a few images of mine up there and assume they are a partner or something?

You can read the (long) thread with the details - Deposit Photos partnered with Shotshop. Contributors got a subscription sale royalty on high price credit sales of their images. Lots of foot dragging, excuses and nonsense to get images removed and now they're back again.


And here's the essential slap in the face from DP.

The well-known German stock photographer Robert Kneschke has tested it now: For a standard image purchase via Shotshop to the relatively high prices, the photographer only gets the price of a subscription sale from DepositPhotos! >:(

DP was selling images as a subscription, to themselves, then re-selling for a higher price. Anyone? Are your shots still there?




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