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Author Topic: Delete RF images and upload as RM  (Read 3130 times)

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« on: August 02, 2012, 05:30 »

I want to delete some non-sellers from microstock sites and send them to Alamy (RM). It's not that these shots are bad but mainly poorly keyworded and edited. Besides they would have fitted more with Alamy, but what did I know back then. Is it OK to delete them as RF if they never sold (or maybe once) and add them to the RM collection?


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« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2012, 05:41 »
I want to delete some non-sellers from microstock sites and send them to Alamy (RM). It's not that these shots are bad but mainly poorly keyworded and edited. Besides they would have fitted more with Alamy, but what did I know back then. Is it OK to delete them as RF if they never sold (or maybe once) and add them to the RM collection?
It's fine to do that if they never sold, but I'm guessing not if they sold even once.
I know you shouldn't have RF-anywhere on sale as Alamy-RM at the same time, and I'm interpolating that that would include anything that has been sold with an RF license. That's inference on my part, and that's all you'll get here (Unless someone has recently contacted them directly on the same issue. I emphasise recently as it's only recently that they codified the 'not RF-RM' rule. Best to contact them directly for an official answer.

« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2012, 05:45 »
If they aren't downloaded at all (zero sales) and you manage to delete the images before selling them as RM it's OK. It's like they have never been for sale at all.
If they are sold even once, I wouldn't sell them as RM anymore.

I tend to do the other way around: I have had some images for sale as RM, and if they don't sell in years I delete them and put them as RF on micros.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 05:49 by Perry »


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