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Author Topic: Contributors revolution!  (Read 13626 times)

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« on: March 01, 2010, 09:55 »
I think we're going to hit a breaking point sooner or later.

Sorry, but today it has be Dreamstime.

The recent commission changes and this keyword reporting issue is just going into the wrong direction.

I've had images reported with perfectly valid keywords. Still I'm going forth an back with support to explain why I used which keyword.
For many of us English is not our mother tongue but still most of us are trying hard to keyword correctly.

Just because some low lives have too much times on their hands getting in the way of the long standing contributors by reporting their images for no valid reason.

I have to spend so much time to validate keywords that I can't get my regular work done.

Shall we just mass-email DT and let them know this reporting thing isn't working out?

If there is too much keyword spamming going on, then the reviewers need to check that and flag people who constantly upload invalid keywords instead of "engineer" this whole thing backwards.

What a waste of time.

Thanks for letting me vent.

« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2010, 10:16 »
I personally think that the keyword reporting thing on Dreamstime works well, although I can't say I have had any problems with it to make me frustrated either.

From time to time I have an image reported as having poor keywords and embarrassingly enough, they are right.  I fixed the problem and moved on.  If I do a search and see improper images I click on the keyword flag.  I think the reporting tool is very simple and a good way to get user generated review of keywording issues.

If someone is just clicking the keyword flag for kicks - surely DT would notice this behavior.

« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2010, 10:31 »
I dunno, I had two images of beaches reported for the keyword "beach".

« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2010, 10:41 »
Yap , today I had an grunge border reported for "border" keyword , people obviously don't have nothing else to do

« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2010, 10:45 »
maybe I've gotten lucky ???

« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2010, 10:48 »
I'm not a huge fan of keyword spammers but I think I preferred when you could make at least a small inference and didn't have to keyword with nouns so much.  

Right now its so bad - I keyworded a summer BBQ image as "4th of July" and had it rejected. Ok, fair enough.  Maybe I don't understand buyers but will they never type in 4th of July?  If they will, what image could possibly make the cut?  A red, white and blue flag is simply a flag.  If my bbq image is 'simply a bbq' than fireworks are "simply fireworks" and can't have 4th of July as a keyword either.  Same with flags.  So what would a buyer find under 4th of July?  Nothing iconic, nothing representative.  It's like saying you can't keyword a heart with "love, Valentine's Day, holiday" - if you can't key a heart illustration with those you make buyers change their habits from "Valentine's heart" to "heart, pink"  It's noun keywording and I dislike that part of the job.

« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2010, 10:49 »
maybe I've gotten lucky ???

Nobody dares question your keywords - they figure you'll ban em. :)

« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2010, 10:52 »
I just got my first flagged keywords.

A Blue grunge background for words "blue", "grunge" and "background"
and then a bucket of potatoes for the word "potato".

This seems to start off nicely... :(

« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2010, 10:57 »
I'm off to a similar start in having images flagged. Photo of the Eiffel Tower flagged for - you guessed it - "Eiffel Tower".  Too early for me to call for a revolution, but an email to DT support definitely is an option...

« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2010, 10:58 »
We really need an option to flag the people who flag for the wrong keywords!

« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2010, 11:02 »
I personally think that the keyword reporting thing on Dreamstime works well, although I can't say I have had any problems with it to make me frustrated either.

I disagree and I disagree on the software design level. This feature is NOT well-designed. Just look at an example! I have an image: the EU flag is flying on the building of the Hungarian parliament. The keywords the reporter used where: "Hungary flag". He reported the image for bad keywording and from his point of view he is right, because it is the European flag not the Hungarian what he was looking for. But it is still a flag and it is still the Hungarian parliament. And I can imagine thousands of similar situations.
I'll not waste my time on counter reporting... if DT has the resources for look after all these reports than I do not mind. But I still think the computers are not here to produce us even more work but to make our life more easy.

« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2010, 11:05 »
At least the one I had today was from the year 2008.  Maybe by the end of the year it will be up to date.

Is that what we are supposed to do - write to admin to defend the flagged keywords?

« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2010, 11:12 »
Is that what we are supposed to do - write to admin to defend the flagged keywords?

For me, it seems the only solution. I had two flagged today but the keywords are locked and the date they were flagged is 2007. ?? I don't mind changing the keywords at all, but the system seems to be broken. I thought the process was: you get an image flagged. You go to the image keywords and edit them appropriately. At some point when reviewers have time, they will check. Once they are checked, they are locked. From that point, you can only change them if you email support.

And not being able to know exactly which keywords the flagger thought were wrong, to me, seems foolish and a waste of everybody's time.

I'm all for cutting down on keyword spamming, but I don't think this is working correctly.

« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2010, 11:37 »
Come on everybody - think about it:

It does take time both to report and to defend the whole nonsense. And it all started because DT failed to review keywords (PROPERLY) once images get inspected - this is not the contributor's fault who uses proper keywords, don't you agree?

It's fine if you have the time to constantly write support defending your keywords especially for the reasons mentioned above such as "Eiffel tower", "potato" etc. which is a total nuisance and in total, a waste of hundreds of hours from contributors defending their valid keywords but I don't have that kind of time.

How can this system be called effective?

Now DT has to pay additional reviewers (or their time) to review stupidly flagged images when all those additional costs could be spent on reviewing  the initial keywords when uploading and locking them.

Obviously keyword spamming has become a major issue at DT (although it's seen everywhere) so this is not fair to take it out on contributors who correctly keyword their images getting reported by some idiots who have nothing better to do than sending out reports all day long for 2 cents each?

Seeing reports being from 2007 shows that something is out of control there - take this as an understatement.

I'd rather disambiguate all of my 2000 images at DT again instead of dealing with this reporting ****. Then at least there is no room anymore for misunderstood terms like the Hungarian flag etc.

It's just beyond me how such a reputable company can create such a convoluted feature.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 11:39 by click_click »

« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2010, 11:45 »
A photo of the word "treasure" flagged for the word "treasure".   Is there a bug in their reporting system?

« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2010, 11:46 »
It's been months since I had one flagged then I get one today?  Which among us is using the forum links to make .02 off each other?

« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2010, 11:48 »
Everybody: When you get extremely strange reports please email support and tell them the member name who reported it.

They need to know so they can weed out their system and investigate!

« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2010, 11:49 »
It's been months since I had one flagged then I get one today?  Which among us is using the forum links to make .02 off each other?

I got 5 today, all from the same person. It does name the person who reported the error.

« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2010, 12:04 »
I had 2 this morning and 1 just now. I emailed the person this morning, and he was kind enough to reply and explain his reasoning. It made sense, and I would be happy to go back and fix the words, but the keyword box is locked and the offending word still remains. So I have to email support every time I get one of these? Wow, that's an incredible amount of wasted time.

I did email support this morning, asking why they are dated 2007 and I am just getting the flag notices now. That doesn't seem right.

Looks like going through each and every photo is going to need to be done.

« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2010, 12:05 »
It's been months since I had one flagged then I get one today?  Which among us is using the forum links to make .02 off each other?

I got 5 today, all from the same person. It does name the person who reported the error.

Ok so who's Marck.  I ain't fraid of no ghost.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2010, 12:20 »
Doesn't Dreamstime require 7 keywords? What if you have a simple photo and they don't let it through because you lack the right number of keywords. You have to get into more detail and sometimes use concepts to keyword them. This really doesn't make any sense. What next?


« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2010, 12:27 »
Come on everybody - think about it:

It does take time both to report and to defend the whole nonsense. And it all started because DT failed to review keywords (PROPERLY) once images get inspected - this is not the contributor's fault who uses proper keywords, don't you agree?

It's fine if you have the time to constantly write support defending your keywords especially for the reasons mentioned above such as "Eiffel tower", "potato" etc. which is a total nuisance and in total, a waste of hundreds of hours from contributors defending their valid keywords but I don't have that kind of time.

How can this system be called effective?

Now DT has to pay additional reviewers (or their time) to review stupidly flagged images when all those additional costs could be spent on reviewing  the initial keywords when uploading and locking them.

Obviously keyword spamming has become a major issue at DT (although it's seen everywhere) so this is not fair to take it out on contributors who correctly keyword their images getting reported by some idiots who have nothing better to do than sending out reports all day long for 2 cents each?

Seeing reports being from 2007 shows that something is out of control there - take this as an understatement.

I'd rather disambiguate all of my 2000 images at DT again instead of dealing with this reporting ****. Then at least there is no room anymore for misunderstood terms like the Hungarian flag etc.

It's just beyond me how such a reputable company can create such a convoluted feature.

I'm already persona non gratis and have been told that most of my DT posts are negative ... but, things like this is the reason.  Click Click is exactly right.  It is the DT reviewers job to check the key words.  If they don't, admonish them, not the contributors.
And, as for biting the hand that feeds us ... I think someone misunderstands the relationship .. WE hired DT to sell OUR images.  WE are feeding them.  DT is taking a huge amount of the revenue.  THEY need to fix their own keyword review problems.

Sorry, click click.  My writing to DT admin only fuels the fire.   ::)

« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2010, 12:42 »
DT wants their contributors to clean up the enormous keyword mess for them, at no cost.  They've created a system that simply adds this hoop to all the others that contributors must altready jump through.   The only way they'll back off now is if this system creates too much work for DT itself. 


« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2010, 12:44 »
There is definately something up at DT, I've got 5 flagged images today all from the same person and all dated 23rd Dec 2007!!

What really annoys me the most about DT's stupid flagging system is that they've flagged the keywords they've obviously used as a phrase which when viewed together don't apply to the image, but the keywords I have in the file are not entered as a phrase and as single keywords they do apply.

« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2010, 13:23 »
Perhaps they are not telling us the word(s) that were actually flagged?  Some of mine might have inappropriate keywords, I was pants with keywords for a couple of years but the ones I see reported are the words that actually describe the image properly.


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