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Author Topic: Stocksubmitter and Adobe issue  (Read 4876 times)

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« on: March 26, 2018, 17:06 »
I have an issue submitting images with stocksubmitter to adobe. After uploading batches of images on lots of occasions many are missing when I then submit them. Does anyone else have this issue?
Today I uploaded a batch of 60 and only 32 made it to the submission although stocksubmitter says all 60 are uploaded.

Any thoughts?

« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2019, 16:06 »
Do you have paid free plan or paid? Cause free has 33 submission per month. You can upload more, but sumbit only 33 per 30 days.

« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2019, 13:27 »
I have the same issue and have only used 47/250 submissions on Adobe Stock this month. Someone asked the developer Niakris about this?

« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2019, 01:42 »
First of all, if you upload some files to an agency but they do not appear at their website at all (at least 24 hours after the uploading has finished, even in the unfinished section) then the only thing you can do at this point is to re-upload files. Processing of uploaded files sometimes works unreliably on the agencies servers and there's not much program can do about it - there is no feedback on that process and the only way to see that the files were processed successfully is to check whether did they appear in the unfinished section or not.
If they WILL appear however, the program will attempt to submit them. And there can be various reasons for the submission to fail. Most of those will be reported in the "Errors" button.

Speaking of AdobeStock, they've recently changed something in their authentication flow so if you notice any "Parse errors" on AdobeStock when you click the "Errors" button please install the new program beta version from the official website (the link with "BETA" on it) as the beta version has required updates for the AdobeStock to continue working correctly.


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