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Author Topic: Cant figure out GL stock!  (Read 2606 times)

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« on: January 06, 2013, 04:14 »
I decided to sign up with GL stock images few months back and just cant figure out this agency.  On the one hand they reject my images a lot - the same images that are accepted at almost all other agencies.  This includes some images that have been accepted even at Istock and are good sellers there.  Does this mean that GL stock has tougher standards than everyone else including Istock, Shutterstock and others?  But worse still is the fact that they manage to sell very little from my images that they have accepted after all those rejections.

Net result for me as a contributor - lots of time wasted uploading and getting images rejected - and then - there's little in sales to show for it.  Cant understand what's with this agency?  I'm doing things same as with all the other 10 agencies I contribute to, so seriously dont think that I'm doing smthng wrong. Am seriously wondering if I should hang in a while longer or pull out instead of squandering my time with these guys.

ANyone else with any experience with this agency?

« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 04:32 »
GL, is a professional bunch, the guys know a lot about design, advertising, this and that and its as close to a trad-agency as you can get in the micro world. Its a good agency and its a crying shame more buyers dont realize this because buyers is the only thing they are short of, unfortunately.

My only concern is,  they seem to press too much on the graphic aspects, vectors, illustrations, etc, so much so that I know buyers are getting confused, dont really associate them with actual photography for sale.
I have actually recommended a few buyers to go there and they came back to me saying they want images not illustrations so it speaks for itself.
They should do something about this.

« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2013, 05:15 »

My only concern is,  they seem to press too much on the graphic aspects, vectors, illustrations, etc, so much so that I know buyers are getting confused, dont really associate them with actual photography for sale.
I have actually recommended a few buyers to go there and they came back to me saying they want images not illustrations so it speaks for itself.
They should do something about this.

Thanks for sharing that.  Wonder why they dont say something about it in their terms.  That way they wont mislead either buyers or contributors (photographers), and perhaps have a clearer working model in terms of professional business stance.  I'm simply not finding them good to work with at this time ..


« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2013, 05:42 »
I have seen a steady increase in sales there. Definitely a big saw tooth, but in the right direction.
It was where I sent people before I had my own site selling direct.

« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2013, 08:07 »
I have a very high rejection rate and still waiting for a sale. They do seem to accept photos that I like that get rejected elsewhere though, I think they might look more at artistic rather than technical quality. Very easy to upload to so I stick with them!

« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 23:02 »
I have a very high rejection rate and still waiting for a sale. They do seem to accept photos that I like that get rejected elsewhere though, I think they might look more at artistic rather than technical quality. Very easy to upload to so I stick with them!

Yes, I see what you mean.  Although, unfortunately, being easy to upload doesn't pay any bills .. so I'm wondering if my time isn't better spent dropping low sale agencies like this one, and committing that time to shoot more images and upload them to the agencies that actually make sales.  Especially since (going by the last comment) they seem to want to prioritize vectors illustrations etc. over photography. Its a decision I need to make ... ::)


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