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Author Topic: BigStockPhoto, Worth my time?  (Read 5140 times)

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« on: August 08, 2008, 01:45 »
I have about 30 images there now,and obviously plan on submitting more, but how many will I need there before I start getting to recieve payouts? I have been there 1 month and have earned 50 cents. I know the few images in my port arent great, but can I have any hope that once I get a few hundred images up I can start recieving payouts? If I get enough decent images, will i ever make anything there? I am mostly a wildlife photog. But do landscapes, nature, and other things too.

« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 02:02 »
Given what you shoot, unless you distinctly tailor your images to have really high commercial appeal, you'll need 1000+ images on BigStock before you can expect to earn $30 per month.

« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 15:08 »
I have about 30 images there now,and obviously plan on submitting more, but how many will I need there before I start getting to recieve payouts? I have been there 1 month and have earned 50 cents. I know the few images in my port arent great, but can I have any hope that once I get a few hundred images up I can start recieving payouts? If I get enough decent images, will i ever make anything there? I am mostly a wildlife photog. But do landscapes, nature, and other things too.

Nope, nope and nope...

Patrick H.

« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2008, 18:29 »
I shoot the same stuff and it does very poorly on BigStock with a gallery around 300 for the past 3-4 years. But then, they rejected the other 400 for reasons like not liking the dusty brown-grey plumage of a bush stone-curlew (that it was "washed out" and then told me to try increasing the saturation) or telling me a peacock feather had "keyword issues" since it "wasn't a feather". I gave up around then and focused on other agencies.

« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2008, 20:56 »
I have about 30 images there now,and obviously plan on submitting more, but how many will I need there before I start getting to recieve payouts? I have been there 1 month and have earned 50 cents. I know the few images in my port arent great, but can I have any hope that once I get a few hundred images up I can start recieving payouts? If I get enough decent images, will i ever make anything there? I am mostly a wildlife photog. But do landscapes, nature, and other things too.

Nope, nope and nope...

Patrick H.

Agreed here. There is a little money to be made there. They do have a loyal customer following and some images have high DL numbers. My sales there mostly business, with some holiday stuff thrown in. The nature stuff really doesn't do squat there. Adjust your subject matter, live with maybe $10 in sales per year with your present subjects, or bail out.


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