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Author Topic: Best selling vector sites?  (Read 7247 times)

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« on: January 23, 2011, 01:23 »
Hello. I know this is a question best asked on the vector forum, but I figured there are a lot of photogs who ALSO do vectors.

I've been able to find a TON of "top 10" and "bestseller" list for photography microstock, but not many for vectors. I've found that the best selling photo sites are NOT always the best for vectors.

I've been using PicWorkFlow for my vectors, and really like it. They offer a lot of sites, and I want to add new vector sites to sell my portfolio, but am not sure which new vector sites to add.

Here are my top 10 selling vector sites:
1. Shutterstock
2. iStock
3. ClipartOf
4. Vectorstock
5. Fotolia
6. Graphic Leftovers
7. iClipart
8. Veer
9. Canstock
10. Deposit Photos

For some reason, Dreamstime and BigStock have really declined for me over the past few months. They were in my top 10,  but have dropped out.

What are a few more sites I should be uploading vectors to?

~ Eli

« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2011, 14:11 »
You might check out Rodeo. A thread here says that Yuha has a large backlog of unreviewed images, but I have still been getting sales there this month.

« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 01:55 »
Vectors - or jpegs of illustrations - are selling well on 123RF.


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