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Author Topic: Summer slump seems to be agency dependent  (Read 6052 times)

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« on: July 16, 2011, 03:06 »
I've had a good week at SS, yesterday sure was the best EL-less Friday ever (something like 3,5x more DLs than usually). While IS is really, really slow in the last weeks, sometimes I don't get a single DL for the whole weekend. DT did pick up a bit in the beginning of the week and is my BME already (it doesn't mean a thing since I didn't UL at all from Sep to the beginning of June), FT and 123RF are pathetic as usually. Well I just started at 123RF over a month ago, so I'll wait for a couple of months to see what happens.

How r y'all doing?

« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2011, 05:27 »
This week at SS was really good, best since march. Overall sales are much better than in June. It looks that it will be my best month at 123rf and GLO (and Crestock - I have first sale  :). I don't know how it is possible but also last year July and August that are supposed to be bad months were very good for me.


« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2011, 06:50 »
What's weird is that I don't have ANY SUMMER material. I wonder what my sales would look like if I had...

« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2011, 09:56 »
What's weird is that I don't have ANY SUMMER material. I wonder what my sales would look like if I had...

i have lots of summer material (travel shots). Sales at all sites have been really slow though the past 2 or 3 weeks. I do really well January to May usually and fairly well in the Autumn. November and December are slow also.


« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2011, 12:18 »
What's weird is that I don't have ANY SUMMER material. I wonder what my sales would look like if I had...

i have lots of summer material (travel shots). Sales at all sites have been really slow though the past 2 or 3 weeks. I do really well January to May usually and fairly well in the Autumn. November and December are slow also.

Well I wouldn't consider those as summer material. It's the beach, people swimming, kids playing on the beach, building sandcastles, cheesy family portraits (on the beach of course), people sunbathing, waterskiing etc.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2011, 12:34 »
I'm guessing that the summer slump won't be so slumpy on subs sites, if buyers are trying to max out their subs.
OTOH, so far, this year's iStock summer slump is nothing like as bad for me as last year's. SO FAR.
And won't a lot of 'seasonal' sales now be for autumn?

« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2011, 12:41 »
May I mention that a considerable number of buyers is looking for christmas stuff at this time.

It's not so much a matter if you have summer shots at this time of the year. Designers often plan for seasonal material 3-4 months ahead of time...

That's how I explain my summer slump because I have barely any xmas/holidays stuff...

« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2011, 13:27 »
What's weird is that I don't have ANY SUMMER material. I wonder what my sales would look like if I had...

i have lots of summer material (travel shots). Sales at all sites have been really slow though the past 2 or 3 weeks. I do really well January to May usually and fairly well in the Autumn. November and December are slow also.

Well I wouldn't consider those as summer material. It's the beach, people swimming, kids playing on the beach, building sandcastles, cheesy family portraits (on the beach of course), people sunbathing, waterskiing etc.

Huh? I live in Bali. My ports are small, but if you can't see them, just type in 'beach' in search on my port. I would say I have summer material.

« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2011, 14:18 »
At first thanks for your very important posting.summer slump  seem to be agency dependent is important.


« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2011, 14:42 »
What's weird is that I don't have ANY SUMMER material. I wonder what my sales would look like if I had...

i have lots of summer material (travel shots). Sales at all sites have been really slow though the past 2 or 3 weeks. I do really well January to May usually and fairly well in the Autumn. November and December are slow also.

Well I wouldn't consider those as summer material. It's the beach, people swimming, kids playing on the beach, building sandcastles, cheesy family portraits (on the beach of course), people sunbathing, waterskiing etc.

Huh? I live in Bali. My ports are small, but if you can't see them, just type in 'beach' in search on my port. I would say I have summer material.

I didn't check your port just commented on the travel shots. I did now and you do have some summer shots ;)


« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2011, 14:52 »
I'm guessing that the summer slump won't be so slumpy on subs sites, if buyers are trying to max out their subs.
OTOH, so far, this year's iStock summer slump is nothing like as bad for me as last year's. SO FAR.
And won't a lot of 'seasonal' sales now be for autumn?

So a big WOO YAY for sub sites :D . Consistency sure is good and very much welcome;). You need an accountant as an exclusive to make all the necessary calculations so you don't get broke half way through summer or winter for that matter (my last, actually the first and only, Dec-Jan slump was huge). Well I do have  a few autumn portraits, but that's about it, but I'm not getting any sales. Wait a minute I have some couple shots, they're wearing turtlenecks, so that must be the reason they're selling lately. I was a bit confused when I saw it, but now it all makes sense :)

May I mention that a considerable number of buyers is looking for christmas stuff at this time.

It's not so much a matter if you have summer shots at this time of the year. Designers often plan for seasonal material 3-4 months ahead of time...

That's how I explain my summer slump because I have barely any xmas/holidays stuff...

I'm thankful for telling that (to both of you), I really didn't know that, but what can you expect from a noob anyway ;) . I'm gonna make my models sweat during the rest of the summer now :D . And make them freeze to death in Feb, to get some summer imagery online in time ;)


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2011, 16:02 »
However, Lobo explains it thusly: "It's summer, there are more contributors, there is more content". Note, no mention of 'more buyers'.  :-\


« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2011, 16:28 »
After 3 days of no sales, I'm getting M+ DLs today, just got a XXXL. IS is behaving so weird lately :s . I mean it made up for those 3 days, which is great, but still so weird, I've never seen it at any agency in just over a year that I'm doing this

« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2011, 11:10 »
Nothing strange, all regular here ...
I just do not understand is the latest images accepted in Shutter. They have sales faster than before ...
Perhaps coincidentally


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