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Do you feel happy or unhappy as a micro stock contributor?

Happy, I have been a contributor for less a year
21 (20.2%)
Unhappy, I have been a contributor for less than a year
2 (1.9%)
Happy, I have been a contributor for 2-3 years
28 (26.9%)
Unhappy, I have been a contributor for 2-3 years
9 (8.7%)
Happy, I have been a contributor for over 3 years
36 (34.6%)
Unhappy, I have been a contributor for over 3 years
8 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 94

Author Topic: Are you happy or unhappy as a micro stock contributor  (Read 20720 times)

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« Reply #50 on: June 28, 2009, 23:32 »
Even though I can be real pissed about some files been rejected, I am happy as hell about my sales and revenues.

« Reply #51 on: June 29, 2009, 01:28 »
It is nice to spread happiness "Yippee!", it is also good to deal with un-happiness.

It looks like many are quite Happy with revenue, but un-happy with other aspects like rejections, I would fit into that option but it is not there to choose, some take the rejections to hard and personal, so my thoughts are not aimed at anyone specific.

There are many thousands of assets rejected every day and a very vey small percentage of these will be overturned, some may be reprocessed and accepted later, others will just never be acceptable by that website and not always on quality, but because they are just not needed, there are three ways that these rejections and feeling are dealt with and one of these can possibly reduce the number of rejections by using problem solving skills to change your target sites or workflow.


« Reply #52 on: June 29, 2009, 10:01 »
Great approach DWL.



  • If you think you know, you know squat
« Reply #53 on: June 29, 2009, 11:53 »
Well, like everyone else, I have happy moments and unhappy moments. But I'd like to know if you are happy or unhappy in general.

Personally I am not very happy these days. I am frustrated that I have not reached my goal in sales, the agencies sometimes reject good images for "not for stock" and change the terms whenever they see fit. I also feel unhappy when I see photographers attack each other when there are differences in opinions in the forums, even though I have never been personally attacked.

When I do get a rejection I make note of what they don't like, and then I remove those "types" of images from their future upload list. I know it has nothing to do with them not liking my work, just not needing them .
Would I prefer 100% acceptance and 0 sales?  I don't care how many images they reject, I only care how many images they sell for me.

I hope that makes sense .It does, at least to me.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 21:38 by tan510jomast »

« Reply #54 on: June 29, 2009, 12:36 »
David, I think you pose some very interesting questions and offer some intelligent solutions. 

In particular, I was intrigued with what you said about the cost of inspecting images.  Some of the sites already do tie acceptance rates to upload limits and also to search engine placement.  That isn't directly tying them to royalties, but it has a similar effect in that people who upload consistently better images also tend to make more money on those sites.

I also think what SS does with raising royalties by how many DL's a contributor has is smart.  Presumably there is some correlation between sales and image quality over time.  SS also has a very stringent acceptance policy.  I am sure when they implemented that policy they saved countless hours of inspectors' time wading through unacceptable images.

I certainly hope that websites DON'T decide to penalize successful contributors by further cutting royalties across the board, in order to pay for the cost of people who submit oceans of unsaleable content.

« Reply #55 on: July 02, 2009, 16:14 »
I voted happy over 3 years............... but.........  there's always a but (and sometimes a butt) that you have to contend with in the biz.

For me, depends on the agency.. some I am thrilled with, others, I'd like to walk into the CEO's office and give him/her a piece of my mind and a sample of my shoe size.
It's like any other biz...  not altogether unlike my 'day job'.   Sometimes it's great, other times it sux.
Let me say this, I'm happy in that the sales I generate as a parttime contributor enables me to buy lots of better toys...  New latest and greatest computer, more software, lenses...pays for my websites, pays the accountant.....   this year it already paid for my 5D Mk II... it also pays for one or two vacations a year which the camera and my accountant magically turns into 'work'....  so..... to me, it's like free money.
I'd like to be able to support myself on micro and my free lance and quit the day job... retire early and feed my body and habits with photography... but
unhappily.. i'm not there .........yet.  Maybe someday.... 8)=tom
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 16:42 by a.k.a.-tom »

« Reply #56 on: July 02, 2009, 16:24 »
There was no category for me 1-2 years. But I am very happy being involved in microstock. Rejections don't bother me and I usually stay detached from all the drama and ups and downs because I still have my regular day job. As far as I can tell, I'm in this for the long haul or as long as I continue to make progress and move towards that goal of 100% self employment. Hope it's not too many years off.  :)

« Reply #57 on: July 02, 2009, 16:55 »
I am mostly happy with I earn (more always better) and how much I learnt etc.  Unfortunately in last 8-12 months I have grown rather distrustful of the agencies and that puts a tarnish on things :)

overall happyish :)

« Reply #58 on: July 02, 2009, 17:13 »
Up until now stock has been a bit of a game for me, and the anxieties, frustrations and successes are all part of that. It's been a great stimulus and learning opportunity too. From here on it will be more of a business, a real attempt to earn significant income. Different attitude.


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