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Author Topic: Adobe requesting people to submit images for dataset training  (Read 19475 times)

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« on: September 27, 2023, 11:22 »
Anyone else received the missions to upload content for dataset submissions between 500-1000 image per submission?
« Last Edit: September 27, 2023, 11:29 by rushay »

« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2023, 11:34 »
on email or on dashboard?

« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2023, 11:36 »
Dashboard, but I believe it's only for selected contributors.

« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2023, 11:42 »
Yeah, also got it.
They started with it already a month ago, here is the original thread: https://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/missions-for-adobe-stock-images-for-ai-training/

Looks like they did not get as many images as they hoped for and opened the missions to more people now. Seeing as the deadline is October 6th that's not a lot of time left to create 500-1000 different images of the same topic for the people who were invited just now. And at 0.06-0.16$ per image it hardly seems worth the effort.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2023, 12:26 by Her Ugliness »

« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2023, 12:03 »
oops only saw it now.

« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2023, 13:40 »
Oct 6 is too short notice to get 1000 images done.

But if you have 8 weeks...then you can do 2-3 themed shoots a week, upload 50-100 files a week and gradually build up your 500-1000 files.

If you do a normal stock shooting, you have regular material for your uploads and just get something extra on top.

So if you add it to your regular workflow it is easy enough to do.

However if they lowered it to 300-600 files, they would probably get more people diving into it.

They want regular quality content, not mobile phone snapshots from daily life. It needs setup and planning.

If there is more time, I will try to do it. In fact one of themes is exactly what I love to do anyway. Unfortunately I cannot change my current plans right now.

Maybe if they extend the deadlines, I will try something.

Grateful for the invite. Money is money. But right now the time is too short.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2023, 13:55 by cobalt »

« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2023, 14:02 »
I got invited too. So I get 80 bucks for 500 pictures of me eating food and im not guarantee they select it? :D Lol The food will cost me more. Unless I eat potatoes and carrots

« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2023, 14:09 »
It only makes sense if you are doing it anyway as part of daily shootings, then gradually collect and upload.

The food request can easily be combined with any of the food videos I do every week. So that would be an easy one.

But not in 10 days and not 500-1000 different images.

Otherwise the pricing is based on life in countries with much lower costs and wages. There it might actually be worth preparing shootings just for the money.

« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2023, 14:20 »
"This Mission will be open for submissions until at least October 6, 2023.Availability might be extended until weve sourced sufficient content".

so yes,too little time,in my opinion too,20 days at least,especially for food,in order to diversify.

Anyway these missions are interesting,maybe I'll complete some of them.

"Images for this mission do not require metadata or post-processing".
this saves time.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2023, 14:24 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2023, 14:23 »
A month, absolute minimum. They want visually different images, that needs a wider set up.

And the money they pay is not an incentive in Germany, so you are not going to drop everything you have planned and just do this.

I other countries where this kind of money can be half a salary, that is different of course.

« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2023, 14:28 »
A month, absolute minimum. They want visually different images, that needs a wider set up.

And the money they pay is not an incentive in Germany, so you are not going to drop everything you have planned and just do this.

I other countries where this kind of money can be half a salary, that is different of course.

Yes,even in Italy it is little money,but the thing that can be convenient is that you then find yourself with a series of shots ready to process and send for your portfolio.

« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2023, 14:46 »
I am also happy to do something for ai training as a voluntary support to improve firefly.

I hope that in time firefly becomes my best ai engine and that Adobe finds a way to make working with it very affordable for adobe producers.

So improving what might become my favorite machine with professionally sourced training content, yes, I would like to help.

« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2023, 15:56 »
I received invitation too. Start to test some random shots this evening with my family... and it's absolutely not possible to collect 500/1000 snapshot in few days, too much time, too much work for so low (and not sure) payment.
Even without post production and keywording the time to shoot/import/collect in set/describe and ordered upload... not worth it.
Even if I should had a lot of images already done for their missions the time I have to spent to search images in my HD, re-export, collect and organizie and upload, is too much. No thanks

Sorry Adobe, I think you're the best agency, but this time you're asking too much and paying the job really too low
Thanks anyway
« Last Edit: September 27, 2023, 16:03 by derby »

« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2023, 17:35 »
"You may submit up to five separate sets of 5001000 pictures by restarting the Mission after submitting the previous set".

After this quote,I have two questions:

1-Can I upload a set of 500x5 times and get 5X money?(if so,things get interesting)

2-What is the difference between uploading 500 or 1000 images? What is the advantage of uploading 1000 in one set?

« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2023, 18:26 »
however things will go....tomorrow I will buy some bananas...lots of bananas! :D

« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2023, 18:27 »
"You may submit up to five separate sets of 5001000 pictures by restarting the Mission after submitting the previous set".

After this quote,I have two questions:

1-Can I upload a set of 500x5 times and get 5X money?(if so,things get interesting)

2-What is the difference between uploading 500 or 1000 images? What is the advantage of uploading 1000 in one set?

Thanks for the feedback everyone. To answer your questions @Injustice....

1. Yes, you can submit 5 Missions. If they are all approved, you would receive 5 payments.
2. I can see no advantage to submitting 1,000 images in on Mission. It makes more sense to me to submit two separate Missions with 500 images each and receive two payments.

Regarding the comments such as what @Derby said "it's absolutely not possible to collect 500/1000 snapshots in a few days". Respectfully, I disagree. It's important you don't confuse these photos with traditional stock photos. A big difference is that we encourage similar images. You can shoot up to 50 frames of the same setup by changing the general composition, focal point, etc. You can shoot these in JPG and upload them as-is straight out of camera. Obviously, you want them to look good, but you do not need to spend time doing RAW conversions or postprocessing. In addition, no keywords are required.

In my workflow, postprocessing and indexing take more time than actual photography. I think you would be surprised what you can accomplish in a relatively short period of time.

Keep the feedback coming!

-Mat Hayward 


« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2023, 02:30 »
What a misery, taking and uploading 500 photos, with 5 models or situations for 80 dollars... and on top of that, then they have to select it... and if they don't select it, it has no sale whatsoever. We will eat the photos of mouths eating.

« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2023, 02:42 »
Regarding the comments such as what @Derby said "it's absolutely not possible to collect 500/1000 snapshots in a few days". Respectfully, I disagree. It's important you don't confuse these photos with traditional stock photos. A big difference is that we encourage similar images. You can shoot up to 50 frames of the same setup by changing the general composition, focal point, etc. You can shoot these in JPG and upload them as-is straight out of camera. Obviously, you want them to look good, but you do not need to spend time doing RAW conversions or postprocessing. In addition, no keywords are required.

Thanks Mat for your comment, I still think that the work is too much for low payment. By the way, your words let me think that I'll probably give it a try again, reducing time for shoot.

I have a question about previously taken images: is it ok to send also images already for sale in Adobe stock portfolio? Or images have to be completely new?
In missions brief I can read that AI generated images are not accepted, but what about images already for sale?

« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2023, 03:37 »
So maybe I misunderstood, I can do 50 similar images from one set?

I place a bunch of bananas on my kitchen table then walk around it, taking different angles etc, maybe adding a few things, then moving them again?

That would simplify everything of course.

Ok, maybe I will buy me some bananas and see what I can do on the week-end.

The examples shown don't look similar at all. They look like a regular stock shoot.


Do the bananas have to remain in their position the entire time or can I change the bowl, the number of bananas etc...

Or does changing the object in position or numbers mean it is a new shoot?


personally i find the hands with food more interesting because I do videos of that regularly.  But I am not sure I can get the volume done in time.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2023, 04:36 by cobalt »

« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2023, 04:43 »
thanks Mat,things get interesting,I'll get some bananas right away! :D

ok,from what I understand you can take some bananas,put them on a table,even use the same angle for a few shots by changing the focus point,then a few more shots with different distances,close-up,macro...then different angles....up to 50,then you change scenario/mode.all this 10 times.....things get very interesting! :D

« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2023, 05:53 »
"Pagheremo 60 USD per ogni set accettato per questa Missione".

I think there is a transcription error from English to Italian,for the mission of the hands touching the food,it should be 80 USD but in Italian it is written 60 USD.

"Questa Missione sar aperta per gli invii almeno fino al 6 settembre 2023.La disponibilit potrebbe essere estesa finch non avremo ricevuto contenuti sufficienti"

the date is also wrong,September 6,2023 is gone! :D

I take this opportunity to point out the always perfect translations from English to Italian,always perfect on all Adobe products and in the help sections.grazie! :D

« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2023, 08:51 »
Guess I will comment.

Now for clarification - I am basing my comments on what people have said here If I am mistaken in my understanding of the situation, please do clarify.
That being said - with my current understanding of what is being offered - $30-$80 for a set of 500 images (if indeed that is what the amount is, someone said $0.06-$0.16/image?) is a pittance on several levels...

a) Unless you are looking for garbage shots (i.e., 500 figures of a foot with toenails just on auto-take) it's a waste of time for any professinal photographer to take those kinds of shots. Yes - you will probably find people in say india/ukraine/etc where $3 usd/hr is a great wage... or someone who is hungry and $50 makes a big deal of whether or not they can pay rent that month... but it is still a pittance...
b) Since the images are essentially being used to try and put that person OUT of business (via an "ai" tool to try and eliminate real images even more)... even more of a pittance...
c) People "may" or "may not" be compensated for their work? So it could be a complete waste of time?
c) 3600 seconds in an hour. 3600/500 = 7.2 seconds per image. No post processing/keywording/etc - not sure if that is expected. But just taking 500 images period - unless you are looking for garbage shots - not a lot of time to take good shots.
More likely - to take 500 (good) shots - is about 5-8 hours at least... so effective rate is $10/hour (minimum wage is higher in most countries), and then on top of that no guarantee it would even be used? (Kind of like showing up to work and the boss says 'eh, if I FEEL like it I'll pay you after - but do the work first and we'll see')... a very crappy (and a bit insulting) of an offer.

Anyways - is my understanding of what is/was being offered accurate? If so - then feedback wise, no professional photographer that values their work would go for this.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2023, 08:57 by SuperPhoto »

« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2023, 09:00 »
I'm agree on not all but most part of what you say, by the way after Mat comments I think that yes, they need also garbage shots, the only important thing is to clearly see the requested subject, nothing else. No lighting setup, no denoising, nothing.

c) People "may" or "may not" be compensated for their work? So it could be a complete waste of time?

Well, but this is true for any image you send to microstock agencies
« Last Edit: September 28, 2023, 09:07 by derby »

« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2023, 10:37 »

Now for clarification - I am basing my comments on what people have said here If I am mistaken in my understanding of the situation, please do clarify.
That being said - with my current understanding of what is being offered - $30-$80 for a set of 500 images (if indeed that is what the amount is, someone said $0.06-$0.16/image?) is a pittance on several levels...

The exact numbers are 60-80$ (depending on the mission) for 500-1000 images. Thus $0.06-$0.16/image.


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