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Author Topic: Expanding the Agencies I'm With - Would Love some Advice  (Read 3997 times)

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« on: January 24, 2014, 14:12 »
Re: Depositphotos

I joined depositphotos in December as it seemed like a worthwhile place to add my micro portfolio, since they said I could upload it all at once via FTP and I thought they said they'd take care of categories.
The FTP isn't working, so I have uploaded about 40 files so far the slow way. I looked today when I added another 5 images (the max I can add at once) and see that I have one photo with two views and one sale, one photo with no views and one sale, and one other photo with one view, all the rest have 0 views - worse even than what I see on iS ( I uploaded most of these in late December and was waiting for the FTP issue to be resolved so they've been online for nearly a month)

Wondering your thoughts on whether I should bother - just put up my photos and hope for some pocket change eventually - or not? The upload process seems pretty easy, but seeing no views on my photos and reading about things like $200 refunds isn't encouraging.

Re: 123rf

123RF invited me to join them years ago via twitter and I didn't bother at the time. Would that be a better choice if I want to expand to another micro now that I've dropped Fotolia?

Or should I just stick with SS, DT and iS?

My port is mostly travel, some concepts, and a lot of abstract backgrounds.

« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2014, 14:14 »
dp brigs in pennies for me, so I don't spend much time in uploading -- I just choose generic categories

ss and dt would be better to start generating sales


« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2014, 14:16 »
Currently, 123RF is my 3rd best earner out of the 20 companies that I belong too thus worth it in my eyes... ;)


« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2014, 16:12 »
I would definitely join 123. They recently implemented a royalty Credit Scheme , but even so sales there are good and worthwhile to be on the site in my opinion.

I'm surprised that FTP Upload isn't working on Depositphotos. I uploaded late last week with no problem. When did you start to have difficulties uploading there?

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« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2014, 17:26 »
Agreed on 123rf; they're my 2nd best earner by a wide margin.  I've had reasonable success with Deposit.  I'd also consider Envato/PhotoDune; they're close behind Deposit and well ahead of the other small fry.


« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2014, 17:44 »
I uploaded a batch last night to Deposit with no problem.

I tried to do another batch today and when a file gets to 100% nothing happens.  It just sits at 100% until I cancel it and nothing ever shows up on the website.

« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2014, 17:56 »
Except that they introduced a toxic redeemed credits scheme, I'd heartily endorse 123rf. I haven't uploaded there since they announced that (so late 2012 some time) and I still make payout every month with what I uploaded before, so even at 45% (that's what I dropped to) versus 50% it's not bad. Their stuff is cheap and there are lots of subs though, so they're not without other flaws.

I still hold out hope that they may undo some of their contributor-unfriendly changes, but as a new contributor, your rates will truly suck for a while until you build up sales to lift your percentage

PhotoDune is a slow and steady earner (more regular than CanStock which has comatose periods with occasional lifts from Fotosearch sales at higher rates). PD had a reputation for rock-bottom royalties, but they run from $2.97 for an XXL to 33 cents for XS - no subscriptions.

« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2014, 09:34 »
DP is slow but steady but uploading is fairly easy.  If all you care about is pocket change, then why not?  You probably won't make much with a small portfolio there.

I used to like 123rf but with the huge royalty cuts I wouldn't bother starting with them now.  People reporting good returns there have big portfolios at higher levels.  To start out you will only get 22 cents per subscription download and for me sales are 60% subs.  That is the lowest subscription payout in the business and it should not be supported.  If you want to go there, wait until you have 1000 images to submit and then hopefully you can go up a level or two quickly and not have to accept 22-cent subs for very long.

With a small portfolio I would only bother with the top four in the poll and pond5 for video - the others will most likely take too long to get to a payout to make them worthwhile.

« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2014, 13:47 »
I was once expanding to all kinds of revenue providers.
I have stopped that and now I only contribute to SS, DT, and FT and a local agency.

The reasons were:
1.. Cost benifit. When the outcome is too low, its not worth the  trouble. Its better to keep the files on the HD.
2.. I wanted to try to not spread my content everywhere, and not compete with myself.
3.. If an agency began to smell foul, I m out of there. I wont be stepped on by middlemen. And it has to be decent.
4.. Im lenient with 50/ 50 agencies and new starters.
5.. I dont buy pop smart advertising and hype, Im into practical and results.

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2014, 18:49 »
123 sells more of my travel pics than anywhere else. They have the potential to have decent commissions, although you need a lot of files.


« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2014, 02:05 »
Both based their moderate success levels on undercutting the industrie even more.
While 123rf is moneywise worth it, DP isn't their prices are a joke and so is the money from them.
In the beginning you put as much keywords in your files and you submit to as much Agencies as possible. After a while you realize less is more for keywords as well as for agencies.

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2014, 08:35 »
^very true. I was with a lot of agencies when I was enthusiastic, but now I've scaled that down to a handful. I only regularly upload to 4, and then play catch up with a few more every quarter. If i get a burst of sales from a slower agency then I upload again, but otherwise I concentrate on where the regular money is.

« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2014, 15:40 »
Thanks so much for all the input - I appreciate your all taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences.

The only micros I upload to regularly now are SS, DT and iS, which are all fairly steady for me.

Since I have a lot of travel that sells regularly on all 3 of the micros I'm with, and I also have some older travel work shot with my D70 back in 2006-2007 but of timeless places such as Venice, the Roman Forum, the old town in Edinburgh, some of which have sat around on Alamy doing nothing and others still on backup hard drives, I figure I can upload a substantial number of them both to the micros I'm with now and 123rf and see how it goes. 

I do a lot of textures/backgrounds and these seem to sell quite well on the micros, so I figure adding to a couple more sites probably won't bring down the sales on other sites, since, given the low prices on all the micros I doubt people waste their time shopping around and probably just purchase photos from whichever site they have a credit pack with.

I've spent the better part of the last few months (still an ongoing effort) reorganizing all of my photos from 2006-2014 into one huge Lightroom catalog with all the photos stored on a 4TB hard drive (and backed up redundantly elsewhere), so uploading to new sites should be painless via FTP. I'm not uploading anything else to DP til I get an answer from them as to why my FTP login isn't working - it won't let me put in my password & I've emailed them about it). I'll probably apply to 123rf in February once I complete my re-organization.

Despite my small port at DT, for example, I do much better than the poll results here show, so I figure it's worth trying out a couple new sites to see if my work is a good fit. Fotolia, on the other hand, despite its high rank here, was always a poor seller for me, so while the ranking is helpful, I figure I need to experiment a little for myself and your advice has helped me decide where to experiment.

Thanks again for all the advice. I want to make the most of my catalog while microstock is still viable and figure adding a couple of midddle tier sites to the mix could be worthwhile. Even if it just pays for a few new lenses or a trip to shoot more stock, it's worth a shot.  8)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 15:42 by wordplanet »

Uncle Pete

« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2014, 13:47 »
Why only 5 images max at a time?

The online uploader says 5 "Maximum Simultaneous Uploads". Drag and drop as many as you want. You can click on up to ten at a time, and it uploads them all. (I just did that on Friday, but I like the five at a time for less potential problems) Just sends only five at a time, then when one is done, it starts the next? Right?

Then online you have to click on categories which is the same as everywhere else. Never saw that they would do it if I sent ftp. Someone else can answer that.

Slow is right for DP, but very strange, they have sold things for me, that no other agency will accept. Also for the photos from the old collection, they sell things that never sell anywhere else. (SS and IS are my other two)

I don't have a good commercial microstock collection. Slow is true. Subs are 30 cents and medium and L I get $1.76. Don't know why the same price for two different sizes. I don't really care much.

I was bored with them, then decided to upload 24 new and see what happens. Next month I'll be bored again? But for a place that makes some minor returns, and all I do is upload what I already had for five years. I don't feel like it's competing with the other two, based on what's been selling there.

Re: Depositphotos

I joined depositphotos in December as it seemed like a worthwhile place to add my micro portfolio, since they said I could upload it all at once via FTP and I thought they said they'd take care of categories.
The FTP isn't working, so I have uploaded about 40 files so far the slow way. I looked today when I added another 5 images (the max I can add at once) and see that I have one photo with two views and one sale, one photo with no views and one sale, and one other photo with one view, all the rest have 0 views - worse even than what I see on iS ( I uploaded most of these in late December and was waiting for the FTP issue to be resolved so they've been online for nearly a month)


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