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Author Topic: 1.22$ clip earning at Pond5  (Read 8248 times)

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« on: May 04, 2019, 00:28 »
A 30$ clip earned me today
1.22$ at pond5
How is this possible?

« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2019, 01:13 »
Following the SS $1.50 sales?


« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2019, 01:26 »
Apologies for my curiosity.
30$ full price?
30$ reduced resolution clip
30$ cut for you?


« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2019, 05:59 »
A 30$ clip earned me today
1.22$ at pond5
How is this possible?

30$ price for full res 1080,
I have a range of prices based on clip popularity and uniqueness.

Cranky Cameraman

« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2019, 08:48 »
Starting to look like they are taking the lead in the race to the bottom all while telling us they are looking out for artists and will continue to drive incremental income but not telling us the real story about the compounding discounts on top of discounts being offered to buyers and all the other things that get taken off before we get our 40%.

Depending on what you priced your clip at, $1.22 might end up being right based what appears to be a sliding scale, I got $32 for a $299 clip and while it's early it appears that no matter what you price at you are taking a pay cut on top of pay cut.

Now in your case have you opted in to global partner and LLP sales?, could be one of those in which they give away our work practically for free to customers "who don't normally buy stock".

I'm gonna try that line at the grocery store and clothing store this weekend and see if they will give me a discount on products I don't normally buy or and like the stock agencies I won't bring any statistics or proof with me and expect them to just believe me.

Time to find another avenue for selling our products outside of these agencies, all of these agencies are doing the same thing now and it's not viable to continue on this path and lose more money each day "incrementally".

« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2019, 11:29 »
If you think this is bad, wait until instagram has a simple opt in function thar allows anyone to sell their photos and video. That will be the final death blow for stock imho.

« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2019, 14:01 »
If you think this is bad, wait until instagram has a simple opt in function thar allows anyone to sell their photos and video. That will be the final death blow for stock imho.

Not exactly, the range of clips and photos on instagram is relatively narrow and covers only about 20% of stock subjects. Most of it is ego me me me driven and will never cover the everyday subjects that stock requires.

« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2019, 14:16 »
If you think this is bad, wait until instagram has a simple opt in function thar allows anyone to sell their photos and video. That will be the final death blow for stock imho.

Not exactly, the range of clips and photos on instagram is relatively narrow and covers only about 20% of stock subjects. Most of it is ego me me me driven and will never cover the everyday subjects that stock requires.

You arent looking ahead. Just because they cant cover whats out there NOW doesnt mean anything. Instagram can easily accept higher res stuff and make it simple to opt in and make money off content. Once they do that everyone will license their snaps for peanuts and be happy making 20$ a month off their selfies and whatever else they have. It's coming, dont kid yourself.


« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2019, 15:13 »
You arent looking ahead. Just because they cant cover whats out there NOW doesnt mean anything. Instagram can easily accept higher res stuff and make it simple to opt in and make money off content. Once they do that everyone will license their snaps for peanuts and be happy making 20$ a month off their selfies and whatever else they have. It's coming, dont kid yourself.

It will ruin the current system that makes them billions of dollars. Why would they shift focus from $$$$$$ advertising model (that needs authentic content) to some strange online shops for photographers and get % of some cents?

It will never happen there, in my opinion.
Sounds like a magazine that starts licensing photos to their readers... This would look ridiculous.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 15:20 by swisschocolate »

« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2019, 18:41 »
You arent looking ahead. Just because they cant cover whats out there NOW doesnt mean anything. Instagram can easily accept higher res stuff and make it simple to opt in and make money off content. Once they do that everyone will license their snaps for peanuts and be happy making 20$ a month off their selfies and whatever else they have. It's coming, dont kid yourself.

It will ruin the current system that makes them billions of dollars. Why would they shift focus from $$$$$$ advertising model (that needs authentic content) to some strange online shops for photographers and get % of some cents?

It will never happen there, in my opinion.
Sounds like a magazine that starts licensing photos to their readers... This would look ridiculous.

Its a free app with more visual content than anywhere on earth. They dont have to change a thing about their business model. All they need to do is create an option that allows users to sell their stuff. That and  change the resolution that we upload. They dont need to change their business model as is, people can still upload the same old crap they have been, albeit with an option to have be licensed.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 18:44 by thirdbornentertainment »


« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2019, 18:55 »
All they need to do is create an option that allows users to sell their stuff. That and  change the resolution that we upload. They dont need to change their business model as is, people can still upload the same old crap they have been, albeit with an option to have be licensed.

They allow it already, you can sell physical products on instagram, but nothing digital.

But they sell it with those images, they even removing "likes" under photos now, to make it all "authentic" and "real".

Instagram aren't photographers, instagram are fashion bloggers with selfies, young moms with pics of their babies and louis vuitton with million dollar campaigns.
Changing the resolution and adding functionality that only 1% would use and abuse... I think this thought won't even come to their mind. Imho.

« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2019, 19:57 »
By sell there stuff i mean photos and video. The bar for stock footage is extremely low and anyone can do it.  I produce high end work but also have a lot of clips that id never use in my life, and guess what? They sell. Instagram would be silly not to, and if they dont somebody else will. They have hundreds of millions of producers at their fingertips and with the way phone cameras are progressing media will be worthless. Anyone can shoot a sunset, mountains, a tropical beach etc etc. Point, shoot, click opt in and now your image is readily available on the largest stock site in the world and they didnt even have to lure producers in, because we already are doing it for them.


« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2019, 20:07 »
with the way phone cameras are progressing media will be worthless.

Exactly... Like art became worthless when brush and paint became accessible to everyone, and like literature became worthless because everyone can buy pen and paper now.

What these "apocalyptic predictions" are about? I'm tired of telling about my example, but it's such a deja vu for me...

Ten years ago I ran into IS exclusivity because of "this coming apolcalypse". Ten years later I earn money with my images from 2010 on SS. I don't even see that much progress in technology yet...

Just the same scary story again and again.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 20:10 by swisschocolate »


« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2019, 20:16 »
Also, have you ever tried to buy images on stock sites?
I did. And I needed around 1000 of one particular topic. So I search with keywords, then add to lightbox and then curate that lightbox and then buy them all.

There is no way I would go for it to 1000 instagram accounts shopping around, spending a month clicking buttons... And without any legal protection! This is crazy.

This is also the reason I wouldn't use photographer's online shops. There is no way one photographer can cover the whole subject. And there is no chance I will spend hours in different shops, prices, licenses etc. Huge stock agencies are already perfect for the customer.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 20:21 by swisschocolate »

« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2019, 20:26 »
If you think this is bad, wait until instagram has a simple opt in function thar allows anyone to sell their photos and video. That will be the final death blow for stock imho.

Not exactly, the range of clips and photos on instagram is relatively narrow and covers only about 20% of stock subjects. Most of it is ego me me me driven and will never cover the everyday subjects that stock requires.

You arent looking ahead. Just because they cant cover whats out there NOW doesnt mean anything. Instagram can easily accept higher res stuff and make it simple to opt in and make money off content. Once they do that everyone will license their snaps for peanuts and be happy making 20$ a month off their selfies and whatever else they have. It's coming, dont kid yourself.

I think you're dreaming. Stock sites have millions of clips specifically made by professionals for stock. You also seemed to ignore my point that most stock is of subjects that the average Instagram user would have no interest or access in shooting, such as medical, business, education, environmental, industry. Instagram is all about travel, food, fashion.

« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2019, 20:40 »
By sell there stuff i mean photos and video. The bar for stock footage is extremely low and anyone can do it.  I produce high end work but also have a lot of clips that id never use in my life, and guess what? They sell. Instagram would be silly not to, and if they dont somebody else will. They have hundreds of millions of producers at their fingertips and with the way phone cameras are progressing media will be worthless. Anyone can shoot a sunset, mountains, a tropical beach etc etc. Point, shoot, click opt in and now your image is readily available on the largest stock site in the world and they didnt even have to lure producers in, because we already are doing it for them.

A lot of doomsday nonsense here. Most people don't have the interest or know how to produce stock photos and footage. In order to make any money at all from footage, a person has to pursue it relatively seriously for an ongoing length of time. Plus they have to be able to produce decent quality content, which is not as easy as you state. Perhaps it is for you, but I've seen first how newcomers struggle when trying to do stock media. Most people see how tough it is and don't persist. I think a lot of average producers of stock have been driven out of the market and will continue to be driven out. Quality has gone up significantly and the need to adapt quickly has become essential for ongoing success. There will always be money to be made for professional stock creators who have niches and know how to stay ahead of the flock.

« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2019, 20:41 »
If you think this is bad, wait until instagram has a simple opt in function thar allows anyone to sell their photos and video. That will be the final death blow for stock imho.

Not exactly, the range of clips and photos on instagram is relatively narrow and covers only about 20% of stock subjects. Most of it is ego me me me driven and will never cover the everyday subjects that stock requires.

You arent looking ahead. Just because they cant cover whats out there NOW doesnt mean anything. Instagram can easily accept higher res stuff and make it simple to opt in and make money off content. Once they do that everyone will license their snaps for peanuts and be happy making 20$ a month off their selfies and whatever else they have. It's coming, dont kid yourself.

I think you're dreaming. Stock sites have millions of clips specifically made by professionals for stock. You also seemed to ignore my point that most stock is of subjects that the average Instagram user would have no interest or access in shooting, such as medical, business, education, environmental, industry. Instagram is all about travel, food, fashion.

Go have a look on instagram and see whats on there. Theres plenty to choose from, it might not tick all the boxes but it can definitely take a massive chunk out of the industry. I understand you want to protect your job as long as you can but the reality is slowly setting in with subscription services, lower commissions etc. This is not a dream but a nightmare situation that can and will eventually play out. Now any soccer mom can upload a photo and make some side money with the click of a button.  Discussuon over. Check and mate.

« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2019, 20:59 »
A 30$ clip earned me today
1.22$ at pond5
How is this possible?

From LLP sale?

I received lowest ever LLP sales $ today, straight away went to my Preferences and option-out Limited License Program.


« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2019, 22:51 »
Perhaps ThirdBornEntertainment is right by a way no one mentioned.
Instagram photos are so identical with "classic" stock.
Models look, Filtered beautiful people, Frozen smiles, etc.



« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2019, 03:43 »
Perhaps ThirdBornEntertainment is right by a way no one mentioned.
Instagram photos are so identical with "classic" stock.
Models look, Filtered beautiful people, Frozen smiles, etc.

I often copy instagram trends when I create stock :D
There are many subjects, editing, looks etc. that came to stock from there.
Stock is a reflection of real world as it should be. Why is it disturbing?

Even if New York Times has similiral images with huge editorial archive, you don't go to license images to NYT, don't you? :) Or to BBC channel?

Instagram is a media channel, you can advertise there, but why would they start monetize their content? And why not texts then? Let's sell insta text posts too? Doesn't it look strange to say the least? ???

« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 04:31 by swisschocolate »


« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2019, 04:26 »
Nothing wrong on that SwissChocolate, it is a personal dislike on fake poses and smiles and beauty filters. But this is just me :)

Text do sell. Not in instagram of course perhaps in Medium ..

...but wait!

 If {famous infuencer name} make an instagram post "love georgep7 stock footage clips! So cool, so inspired yet affordable!" will you for a second believe that wasn't payed text?
« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 04:29 by georgep7 »


« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2019, 04:32 »
If {famous infuencer name} make an instagram post "love georgep7 stock footage clips! So cool, so inspired yet affordable!" will you for a second believe that wasn't payed text?

It's called advertising. What it has to do with licensing a text/article? Can I go and buy a text on Medium and use on my own Medium account? Or what are you talking about?

+ One more, probably the most important thing about instagram posts:

Are you aware that the majority of those "perfect looking photos" in successful accounts aren't created by the account owner? They hire photographers and pay them, there are thousands of websites that offer content creation for instagram on a regular basis. They are buying stock and post on instagram. How in the world is it possible that they will be allowed to license it? Who will monitor it? It will be a total complete mess.

So no, it will never happen there, because influencers as well as brands don't create their own content, they license it and they hire for it.


« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2019, 04:42 »
You are right, i missunderstood your saying and question on text. Apologies!

I have minimum knowledge on Instagram techniques so I take your word and accept your arguements!



« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2019, 04:48 »
You are right, i missunderstood your saying and question on text. Apologies!

I have minimum knowledge on Instagram techniques so I take your word and accept your arguements!



I just spent too much time trying to monetize my instagram or sell stock through that channel. But after I experienced stock agencies from a customer perspective, I had to come back to classic stock production routine :D because nothing better is invented, yet...

« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2019, 05:40 »
If you think this is bad, wait until instagram has a simple opt in function thar allows anyone to sell their photos and video. That will be the final death blow for stock imho.

Not exactly, the range of clips and photos on instagram is relatively narrow and covers only about 20% of stock subjects. Most of it is ego me me me driven and will never cover the everyday subjects that stock requires.

You arent looking ahead. Just because they cant cover whats out there NOW doesnt mean anything. Instagram can easily accept higher res stuff and make it simple to opt in and make money off content. Once they do that everyone will license their snaps for peanuts and be happy making 20$ a month off their selfies and whatever else they have. It's coming, dont kid yourself.

I think you're dreaming. Stock sites have millions of clips specifically made by professionals for stock. You also seemed to ignore my point that most stock is of subjects that the average Instagram user would have no interest or access in shooting, such as medical, business, education, environmental, industry. Instagram is all about travel, food, fashion.

Go have a look on instagram and see whats on there. Theres plenty to choose from, it might not tick all the boxes but it can definitely take a massive chunk out of the industry. I understand you want to protect your job as long as you can but the reality is slowly setting in with subscription services, lower commissions etc. This is not a dream but a nightmare situation that can and will eventually play out. Now any soccer mom can upload a photo and make some side money with the click of a button.  Discussuon over. Check and mate.

Check and mate? I find your argument and logic reasonably clueless. Stock producers have nothing to fear from Instagram and other sites that will never compete with specialist stock agencies. The main competition for stock media creators come from the hundreds of thousands of other stock media creators saturating the market for a piece of a pie that's not growing much. Instagram, Twenty20 and any other site that throws their hand into the stock market will just be competing for crumbs unless they can come up with a master plan to take over the stock game like SS did many years ago.


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