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Author Topic: Pizza workers make more that MS Stock Photographers in Washington State  (Read 19081 times)

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« Reply #50 on: January 05, 2013, 21:37 »
Does elective cosmetic surgery count as $ spent on healthcare ??

« Reply #51 on: January 06, 2013, 10:29 »
well you reelected Obama instead of another warmonger. Thats a good thing.
Hardly. Obama is going to effectively bankrupt this country, making our dollar worthless.

« Reply #52 on: January 06, 2013, 11:24 »
well you reelected Obama instead of another warmonger. Thats a good thing.
Hardly. Obama is going to effectively bankrupt this country, making our dollar worthless.

You were bankrupt before Obama, he has only kept the ship sailing.

And You need to cut down on health care expenses, it is far too expensive as it is now. Only half of the people get treated and it is very expensive.
You need a cheap public system that doesnt produce sickness for profit.
Because, and it is logic. If sickness is profitable, the system works towards making everybody sick.

Just one thing. There is also military and education.

« Reply #53 on: January 06, 2013, 12:53 »
well you reelected Obama instead of another warmonger. Thats a good thing.
Hardly. Obama is going to effectively bankrupt this country, making our dollar worthless.

You were bankrupt before Obama, he has only kept the ship sailing.

And You need to cut down on health care expenses, it is far too expensive as it is now. Only half of the people get treated and it is very expensive.
You need a cheap public system that doesnt produce sickness for profit.
Because, and it is logic. If sickness is profitable, the system works towards making everybody sick.

Just one thing. There is also military and education.

It's the difference between socialism and capitalism, of which you prefer we become socialists.  I don't.  But at this point I guess it's best to not get into politics as I am not here for that.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion and all of us have to live under the umbrella of what we are democratically dealt. Not shunning you off Jens, just probably should have not responded to this thread in the way I did. One of my 2013 resolutions is to be more photo heavy and less "other stuff".
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 12:57 by Mantis »

« Reply #54 on: January 06, 2013, 13:33 »

It's the difference between socialism and capitalism, of which you prefer we become socialists.  I don't.  But at this point I guess it's best to not get into politics as I am not here for that.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion and all of us have to live under the umbrella of what we are democratically dealt. Not shunning you off Jens, just probably should have not responded to this thread in the way I did. One of my 2013 resolutions is to be more photo heavy and less "other stuff".

problem is the US is already part socialist  - for corporations, we're capitalist when they succeed, but socialist when they fail and we bail them out with taxpayer money.  we should have let most of the banks fail.

socialism also describes our price supports for farming, timber, oil, mining and other industries that never have to face a real market;  not to mention guaranteeing insurance for people who build on flood plains
other 'easy' solutions that would help:

when a bank or other company fails, stockholders should suffer the effects of a free market and they get nothing. bond holder should then become stoxckholders.  if govt money is required, the govt should also make a profit if the compasny returns to health.  instead we gave billions to failed banks and they paid it out in obscene bonuses

finally, bank and other CEOs should face criminal charges when they fraudulently publish fake anual reports that hide their true risks and losses. 


« Reply #55 on: January 09, 2013, 21:05 »

finally, bank and other CEOs should face criminal charges when they fraudulently publish fake annual reports that hide their true risks and losses.

I hope you don't mind, I clipped the politics and left the significant line. Bravo, these people should be exposed, prosecuted, fined and jailed, just like Bernie Madoff. They were just as much criminals as he was!

« Reply #56 on: January 09, 2013, 21:26 »

finally, bank and other CEOs should face criminal charges when they fraudulently publish fake annual reports that hide their true risks and losses.

I hope you don't mind, I clipped the politics and left the significant line. Bravo, these people should be exposed, prosecuted, fined and jailed, just like Bernie Madoff. They were just as much criminals as he was!

... and the 'auditors' too, surely? CEO's can only report on stuff that has passed by their auditors first. It's the auditor's job to establish the truth ... not to just accept that a bunch of CFD's is worth billions of dollars because the CEO says so.

« Reply #57 on: January 10, 2013, 03:33 »
for anyone interested in more details on just what a mess this is, try this month's atlantic magazine:

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Whats Inside Americas Banks?

Some four years after the 2008 financial crisis, public trust in banks is as low as ever. Sophisticated investors describe big banks as black boxes that may still be concealing enormous risksthe sort that could again take down the economy. A close investigation of a supposedly conservative banks financial records uncovers the reason for these fearsand points the way toward urgent reforms.

nobel economic prize winners like krugman and stiglitz have been saying this for years, but they've been ignored

today's NY times had yet another article on how banking regulators have let banks get away with a slap on the wrist


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