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Author Topic: More Stolen Pics At Flickr  (Read 13807 times)

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« Reply #25 on: December 31, 2011, 17:00 »
Found about 7 more.  They need to shut this guy down.  I'm pretty sure they got them all from SS so I'm  going to alert them.

« Reply #26 on: December 31, 2011, 19:52 »
Yeah the real problem with flickr is that I have seen many large websites like cnbc or yahoo using their photos in showing lists such as best cities to  (fill in the blank) or photos above stories.  I always cringed when I saw them, now they could be using stolen images according to this post.


« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2011, 21:16 »
I'll try to control myself but...

O M G there are stolen pictures on Flickr?  ::) People claiming that our work is theirs? WOW what a surprise.

Not only that, I won't put anything worthwhile on Flickr because it will get stolen. The place is the pits.

I'm surprised that we don't just have a continuing thread with new additions every day for the latest offenders. It never stops.

Hey I know. File a  DMCA claim, that's fun and a worthless waste of energy. I wish someone would create a law that did something to discourage the thieves and photo plagiarism. That would make my New Year Happy.


« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2011, 21:22 »
Lots of recognizable images from other contributors.  Forget the DMCA notice - contact a lawyer and send them a bill.  Folks aren't going to get the message with slaps on the wrist.


« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2011, 21:27 »
Lots of recognizable images from other contributors.  Forget the DMCA notice - contact a lawyer and send them a bill.  Folks aren't going to get the message with slaps on the wrist.

I want this thread to hit 100 pages before 2013. And for everyone that gets a lawyer or someone who files a claim, I want to send you an award for doing what needs to be done.

Some day there will be a wake up story on the news and some people, many of them my friends, will discover that "Everything on the internet is free" isn't true. I'm talking about honest people who think that if you can see it and right click, it's supposed to be free.

« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2012, 01:59 »
Found about 7 more.  They need to shut this guy down.  I'm pretty sure they got them all from SS so I'm  going to alert them.

If you are talking about the 1,000+ guy, I'm pretty sure the ones with "shutterstock" in his title do come from shutterstock, the ones with "dreamstime" in the title probably came from somewhere else  ;D

« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2012, 02:40 »
None of my images that are on the Flickr stream have been uploaded by me to Flickr.  I do not post my micro images on Flickr. 

« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2012, 03:19 »
Yes, it's pretty obvious that they are almost all microstock images. There are a few designs in there, which makes me suspect this is a designer.


« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2012, 09:34 »
i'm soooo fed up with these *insult removed*.

99% of the web users are simply clueless about copyright.
web sites don't do anything to discourage theft, even about their own content !
thieves don't give a *, and even if you catch someone what do you do when they're hosted in russia, china, india, turkey, pakistan, indonesia, philippines ?

the issue is always the same : it's just too easy for everybody to publish anything on the web.
it's not a gray area, it's 100% wild west, anarchy ! it's the real "land of free" and it's getting worse ... look at social networks.. look at all the blogs with stolen content encouraging readers to "share" their stole pics and texts anywhere with 1 click.

no wonder people love the internet .. they can watch movies, download mp3s and torrents, read books, steal photos, all for free and the risk of getting caught or sued is basically ZERO.

second thing, HOW these rascals find the pics in the first place ? once again because of the * google images !
take it away and 90% of piracy would instantly disappear but it's not gonna happen, ever, google made it's empire exactly providing stolen content, and don't let me start about youtube ...

« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2012, 15:49 »
Speaking of stolen pictures...I just got the new iPhone 4s and am disgusted to see how they are making image theft even easier...and promoting it as a neat phone feature, even!    :-\

From the iPhone promotional material:  "Save images from the web.  In Safari, touch and hold an image to save it to your Camera Roll or copy it to paste into an MMS or email."


« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2012, 23:13 »
Speaking of stolen pictures...I just got the new iPhone 4s and am disgusted to see how they are making image theft even easier...and promoting it as a neat phone feature, even!    :-\

From the iPhone promotional material:  "Save images from the web.  In Safari, touch and hold an image to save it to your Camera Roll or copy it to paste into an MMS or email."

exactly, and it's getting worse and worse.
and users are absolutely completely clueless, i also discussed with a few web devs i know and they were lamenting that google images should be improved so they can find the (stolen) images they need faster !

i also see more and more blogs and forum stealing entire articles and photos from famous news sites, they simply don't give a sh... , they know there's full impunity nowadays.

however, i've the feeling photography is still in a better position than written articles or music or software.

« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2012, 00:05 »
Speaking of stolen pictures...I just got the new iPhone 4s and am disgusted to see how they are making image theft even easier...and promoting it as a neat phone feature, even!    :-\

From the iPhone promotional material:  "Save images from the web.  In Safari, touch and hold an image to save it to your Camera Roll or copy it to paste into an MMS or email."

Interesting you would mention this.  Just yesterday a friend told me about a $500 million class action lawsuit against the major cell service providers dealing with this very issue.

GDRI Files FAC in Antitrust Unfair Competition Lawsuit on Behalf of Creators, Artists and Rights Holders - $500m + Class Action

As for Google and Youtube, they are exempt from any lawsuits under the DMCA as Online Service Providers (OSP), as long as they are registered with the US Copyright Office.


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« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2012, 06:18 »
Ohh whim-whimp the whole world is against poor microstockers, even that super trendy apple... or maybe you should have had a clue before you started giving away your images for pennies en masse so any 10 year old can download it with his pocket money, and of course none of the agencies care much guarding the copyright because the penny product  just doesn't justify the expenses. Don't blame flickr etc... blame yourself. If you don't want this, remove your images from the sites that let it get downloaded 500 times by any goatfarmer, or just shut up and quit whining, face the consequences of your own actions.

« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2012, 08:41 »
He has my photo with the dolphin two... newbielink: [nonactive] I sent the DMCA to Yahoo at newbielink:mailto:[email protected] [nonactive] but no answer from them....How much it took till they answered to your email and removed your photos?


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