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Author Topic: Extreme timelapse questions  (Read 2934 times)

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« on: August 03, 2012, 07:29 »
I have some questions about serious time-lapse project.

I need camera capable of shooting CONTINUOS 2fps for at least full hour and ideally 4 hours. This means 7200 frames per hour. That brings us to first problems:

1) which camera is capable of buffering 2fps continuously?
2) how to store such data flow? is there a chance to directly save pictures from camera to HDD? 
3) how to solve battery? even battery pack will not survive this, so probably extrenal battery is a must

In ideal case I would like camera to operate on wire or wireless with computer control.

Second and even more challenging quest. Do the same but with HDR timelapse so there is a need of 6fps. 2 pictures with -2EV, 0EV and +2EV corrections. I think this could be done with some mirror-less camera which is not slowed down by mirror. However I understand that for such quest some firmware hack might be necessary.

Please respond only if you really KNOW what are you talking about, have used such equipment or worked on similar project. Im interested in PROVEN data about fps, buffering hundreds of pictures and remote control of cameras. Body recomendations are highly welcome. In the first round there is no financial limit, however I would prefer solved this with body for $1500 or less.

Thanks :)   


« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 09:44 »
What size image do you need?  At HD size one card should be more than enough.  For canon you can use magic lantern to set the FPS to as low as once every six seconds up to 30fps so you can use it in video mode without wearing down the shutter.


« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2012, 11:08 »
Can you explain the 2 fps requirement?

Yes I have shot Time Lapse for hours, one frame every 4 seconds. One easy way if you are going to be producing a video or animation from these (which I assume is why people do a time lapse) Something to consider is you don't need full size shots. The smallest size on a 20-D = 1,728 x 1,152 pixels big enough for an 8x10 and for full HD you'll need to reduce the image size!

You render it at 12fps and then open and save at NTSC 30 (29.97 whatever you want)

The camera will shoot 5 fps - 23 frames, full resolution, but I don't know how to make it shoot 2fps and how many frames it can buffer at SMALL. 1.2MB per image, I'll leave some of the math fun for you.  I'm not sure my timer would go less than 1fps, but I haven't tried.  :) I considered that for a ride through the country on a car traveling at 60mph, that's 88 feet per frame. Pretty good distance traveled. Maybe at 30 it would display smoother.

Yes on the external battery, that's not complicated.I can get a couple of hours on a single battery on the 20-D shooting one frame every 4 seconds. Next is a grip, which should be a few hours, but you are taking four times more photos. Easiest way to find out, after predictions, is just set up in a test situation, and start the camera and see how long it runs. Real life is the real answer.

Why 2fps could you please explain? Since you haven't listed requirements except a sketch it's difficult to give good answers?

Was that helpful?

« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2012, 15:51 »
When you have more detailed information about what you require, I'd try asking on this great timlapse forum


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