I deal with four agencies: DT, SS, DP and 123RF and I find there are likes and dislikes with all four agencies. I'm wondering if we all pool our "likes" that it might influence the various agencies to consider additions/changes to their particular contributor site. For example:
DT: I like the many categories. I've yet to create an image that didn't fit into the three categories that DT provides. Displaying the number of "views" each image gets is helpful, letting me know that my keywords are working or failing.
SS: I like the fact that SS displays where your image was purchased. The world map is a creative and unique feature that I enjoy. I also like it's analysis of your keywords, especially with spellcheck features.
123RF: Really straight forward contributor page. Simple and fast. I'll often do 123RF first and use the information to add to the other agencies.
DP: Very similar to DT. Good category range. Helps keep the workflow smooth and quick.
What's your thoughts? Sometimes it maybe worth sending out some positive vibes to various agencies and not just focusing on the negative.