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Author Topic: Questions to photo agencies  (Read 4751 times)

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  • Professional stock content producer
« on: October 29, 2008, 11:13 »

I hopefully will have a small mail interview with one of the microstock-agencies and would like to ask if you have some questions you would like to ask that I didn't think of yet?

Here my suggestions:
- how many photographers you represent?
- how many exclusively?
- how many photographers contribute on a regular basis?
- how many pictures you receive per month in average?
- how many percent of these pictures get accepted?
- what is the most common rejection reason?
- how many pictures does a photographers has online in average?
- how much earns a photographer per sale as average? (for non-exclusives/excluives)
- how much do the top 20% of the photographers earn per month in average?
- what motives sell best?
- what pictures you would like to receive that you have not enough of?

If the interview gets published, I will let you know the results...

Thanks in advance,

« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2008, 11:20 »
I bet they won't answer it and I'm not sure how to word it, but I am always curious about how many join and abandon.  Have a few photos live, but never come back.  I have a friend with 7 photos online and hasn't been back in over a year but I notice he gets a sale every other month or so.


« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2008, 12:58 »
Pixart, only 7 images and a sale every other month. I think that is impressive.
So why quit then?

fotorob, yes, i do like to know how many uploaded and then quit. this will give us the
measure of whether the site is surviving mostly on exclusives or their preferred contributors, with the rest just filling up the numbers... as the spanish say.."only to look good".
and also, a modification of pixart's question:
how many contibutors are you still you..and still contributing ? (e.g. after 2 yrs, 3yrs, ...etc) .
how many are just there? joined for the past year,for example, and gave up.

like Pixart, i will be impressed by whichever site answers. that will be the one i will stay with. it shows they have nothing to hide, and is sure of their loyalty to their contributors.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 13:03 by hali »


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