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Author Topic: MotionElements conversion to annual subscription?  (Read 4233 times)

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« on: September 14, 2019, 13:58 »
I am surprised I have not seen any post relating to the MotionElements announcement that they are going to an annual subscription model.

I only recently (a few months ago) started doing video clips, and thus only was approved for ME about 2 months ago.  I went ahead and uploaded pretty much my entire portfolio there, and now have over 2000 clips and 5000 images.  No sales so far, but nothing has been up more than a month.

And now they are pulling this... :(  As I read it though, this subscription only applies to Photos / Vectors / Lotte (no idea what that last one is?)  I THINK that video is not being included in this subscription, and will continue as is.

They are giving me the option to:

1) stay with them and be overjoyed with their subscription model
2) unpublished all my images
3) delete all my images

OK, #1 is out.  I am not sure why someone would choose #2 rather than #3.  Does anyone know the reason to unpublished, but not delete the photos?

I do give them credit that they are allowing a pretty simple process of opting out (unpublished or delete) all images in one click of the button.

« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2019, 14:40 »
They are a joke. I trialed them a few years ago. To date the only site I couldn't get a video sale. I'd say delete

« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2019, 17:44 »
They are a joke. I trialed them a few years ago. To date the only site I couldn't get a video sale. I'd say delete

Agree. I got maybe a sale every few months.  Then they had CSV issues, claimed it was me, and I just gave up. When I tried to delete my account I couldn't.  They have a policy that every video that sold is retained for three years. So I went in and manually deleted the video I can, then removed the keywords from those videos they were making me keep.  So account is finally dead.  Now that they have gone subscription, that tells me I made the right decision to delete my portfolio.


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