Agency Based Discussion => General - Top Sites => Topic started by: Karen on June 05, 2016, 11:09
How did your income change 2016 vs 2012 all agencies in total?
Mine in down by more than 20% since 2012.
It is down a ton, but I expect a few more sales in the rest of the year that should make it a little less dire.
Comparing full years ending in May (June 2011 - May 2012 vs. June 2015 - May 2016), I'm up 29%. My portfolio is also quite a bit larger and, I hope, better.
Comparing full years ending in May (June 2011 - May 2012 vs. June 2015 - May 2016), I'm up 29%. My portfolio is also quite a bit larger and, I hope, better.
Good to hear!
I am about 20% down but I have started building my video port and
The video sales are very encouraging. If this trend will continue I will
switch to 100% video this year.
13750% increase from May 2012 to May 2016. Although I only started selling stock in April 2012, and I think I only had two or three clips back then.... so it doesn't take too much to get a big percentage increase on hardly anything!
13750% increase from May 2012 to May 2016. Although I only started selling stock in April 2012, and I think I only had two or three clips back then.... so it doesn't take too much to get a big percentage increase on hardly anything!
There you go, +1
This poll should be set up differently.
It should be limited to those with "mature" ports in 2012. I think that would mean ports of at least 3,000 images in 2012. As it stands, there are probably a lot of people who were just starting microstock in 2012 and had maybe a few dozen images then and now have a few thousand. Of course they will be up by a huge percent. That tells us nothing about the state of microstock.
My gut tells me that if the question were rephrased to focus only on people who were microstock veterans in 2012, the answer would be "2016 = 2012" no matter how much we grew our ports. That's what happened to me, anyway. My port size is 3 or 4 times larger now, but I'm just spinning my wheels. The volume of competition today is just too overwhelming.
This poll should be set up differently.
It should be limited to those with "mature" ports in 2012. I think that would mean ports of at least 3,000 images in 2012. As it stands, there are probably a lot of people who were just starting microstock in 2012 and had maybe a few dozen images then and now have a few thousand. Of course they will be up by a huge percent. That tells us nothing about the state of microstock.
My gut tells me that if the question were rephrased to focus only on people who were microstock veterans in 2012, the answer would be "2016 = 2012" no matter how much we grew our ports. That's what happened to me, anyway. My port size is 3 or 4 times larger now, but I'm just spinning my wheels. The volume of competition today is just too overwhelming.
The poll is what it is you could of course do other polls to prove what you want to.....I'm not entirely sure what actual constructive use it would be. In the end you know its bad and you either can choose to suck it up or do something else.......
This poll should be set up differently.
It should be limited to those with "mature" ports in 2012. I think that would mean ports of at least 3,000 images in 2012. As it stands, there are probably a lot of people who were just starting microstock in 2012 and had maybe a few dozen images then and now have a few thousand. Of course they will be up by a huge percent. That tells us nothing about the state of microstock.
My gut tells me that if the question were rephrased to focus only on people who were microstock veterans in 2012, the answer would be "2016 = 2012" no matter how much we grew our ports. That's what happened to me, anyway. My port size is 3 or 4 times larger now, but I'm just spinning my wheels. The volume of competition today is just too overwhelming.
The poll is what it is you could of course do other polls to prove what you want to.....I'm not entirely sure what actual constructive use it would be. In the end you know its bad and you either can choose to suck it up or do something else.......
The reason they'd suggested it(I'd imagine), is there will be people that started in 2011/12 and they'd show increases of approx 2,000% and more if they were just starting out compared to now. Basic analytics, remove the outliers from the sample otherwise you will have wild and inaccurate results.
If you want to see how ports are performing over time they need to be relatively stable. There would be something majorly wrong if someone that started in 2011/12 didn't have more than a 50% increase.
~30% up in income
~20% down in RPI (return per image)
Started in 2010. My income increased ~ 50% since 2012.
Again, is there any way the unqualified can see the results?
Started in 2006, so "mature port" in 2012 (top year).
2016 = -43% compared to 2012.
As 10% of that is due to being kicked out of Fotolia, one can say that only 33% is due to "market reasons".
2012 was also the year that I quit my day job and became a fulltime photographer (not fulltime STOCK!).
2016 is the year that my non-stock photography income will exceed my stock income.