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Author Topic: Graph comments please  (Read 18119 times)

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« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2007, 21:41 »
That's great!

You haven't provided a link to your portfolio - lemme know how things turn out, will ya?

« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2007, 22:13 »
Yep.  Presently 89 submitted, 79 accepted.  Now 13.20 Australia time.

I get amused by the different rejections at different agencies; one rejected by StockXpert but accepted everywhere else, has a background of a selection of international currencies; StockXpert's rejection is "Please remove Malaysian Ringitt - sorry, bank regulations"!

« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2007, 19:34 »
Hey, hatman12, I'm wondering how long I'll have to wait until I can begin uploading. How long did it take you to get approved?

« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2007, 21:29 »
I can't remember sharply - I applied and got approved back in February but never used the account and actually asked them to shut it down.  I dropped them a quick email a couple of days ago asking if they could reinstate my account and they said that was fine; I was up and running very quickly.

If I recall correctly my original approval thing took a few days.

BTW I've been looking through the new uploaded images and it seems that StockXpert are attracting very good quality - perhaps some good players are getting the same impression as we are that StockXpert will be one to be with over coming years.  The various web sites in different languages, subsidiary of Jupiter and Haan all help the credibility I suppose.

« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2007, 00:50 »
There are some familiar names on the top contributors list.  I think StockXpert could give istock a hard time.  They offer a good deal for the contributors and for the designers.  The site is fast and easy to use.  They have had good sales since I joined last August and I have made more with them than with FT/BigStock. 

I wonder if more people will drop istock exclusivity if a few more new sites take off?  It might have been wise to be exclusive when there wasn't much competition but I don't think it is worth doing now.

« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2007, 12:20 »
...I think StockXpert could give istock a hard time.  They offer a good deal for the contributors and for the designers.  The site is fast and easy to use.  They have had good sales since I joined last August and I have made more with them than with FT/BigStock. 

I wonder if more people will drop istock exclusivity if a few more new sites take off?  It might have been wise to be exclusive when there wasn't much competition but I don't think it is worth doing now.

Very thoughtful comments. I echo yours, and add mine:

-StockXpert doesn't have the puerile high-school-clique/snotty-peebert culture you find at IS. StockXpert is run more like a business. Some IS exclusives who have the need to belong will probably remain loyal to IS no matter what, but business-wise imagists (as Kirsty Pargeter, Rinder, Andresr do now) may choose to reject IS exclusivity.

-And StockXpert sells vectors, in a sensible way. And uploading vectors at StockXpert is much, much faster and easier.

-And, in spite of constant denials by the rulers at IS, the new search system there looks more and more like a total, permanent disaster. They seem to have shot themselves in the foot with it, and refuse to admit that they are losing blood.

« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2007, 22:48 »
Using ALEXA rankings is not a real acurate way of gauging traffic in this biz.

For a start, the traffic is monitored by those using an Alexa toolbar, which only works on IE6 and above.

Alexa does not work on Firefox or Macs. And, I would think the majority of designers use Macs ... what do you think.

Alexa is a good gauge of where traffic flows, but from a sales point of view, I reckon it is a waste of time in any publishing industry stats.

« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2007, 22:58 »
Using ALEXA rankings is not a real acurate way of gauging traffic in this biz.

For a start, the traffic is monitored by those using an Alexa toolbar, which only works on IE6 and above.

Alexa does not work on Firefox or Macs. And, I would think the majority of designers use Macs ... what do you think.

Alexa is a good gauge of where traffic flows, but from a sales point of view, I reckon it is a waste of time in any publishing industry stats.

You're right, of course. But the Alexa charts seem to have correlated very,very well with my microstock sales for the last (almost) two years. And also with the sales anecdotally reported in forum posts by stockers with large portfolios.

The populations which Alexa samples have the flaws you mentioned. But in their favor, the samples are huge. In statistics, as I recall, the larger the 'n' the more reliable the correlations. The huge size of the population may wash out some of the shortcomings of the sampled population and add to the validity of the results.

Anyway, the Alexa charts are fun to look at and I do not think they are comopletely without validity. They may be, until microstock sites start making public their sales data, the best clues we have as to what is going on with downloads in the industry which we are part of.


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