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Author Topic: won't be long now  (Read 5603 times)

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« on: July 23, 2024, 21:48 »
can't possibly be much longer

« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2024, 04:29 »
Can I ask you how much approved content you have had so far this year?

« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2024, 08:20 »
quite a lot.  it was going well until 2 months ago when they stopped reviewing commercial images.  i also have 12 images like the screenshot that are 4 and 5 months in the black hole.

« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2024, 11:58 »
can't possibly be much longer

This is scaring me! I just started submitting again last week after a few years and was wondering when my commercial work would get reviewed. Are they just backed up or are they not accepting anymore?

« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2024, 12:32 »
can't possibly be much longer
I now do it in such a way that I simply delete the pictures that slip through AS and have been in the queue for 3 or more months and upload them again.

This shouldn't really be the case, but it's simply quicker.

Why some of the images (currently 4 of mine with more than 4 months) have been stuck in the review queue at AS for a while is also a mystery to me - probably a bug in the assignment of images still to be reviewed to the reviewers.

« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2024, 14:24 »
quite a lot.  it was going well until 2 months ago when they stopped reviewing commercial images.  i also have 12 images like the screenshot that are 4 and 5 months in the black hole.

this could be the reason,since you have already probably had,I assume,several thousand content approved this year,your review are slowing down to give way to others who work less on quantity,who work differently,not better or worse,differently.

considering the limit that new accounts have and also the limit on files in the queue,which I think is 3000,also considering that those who generally complain about extremely long waiting times have already had 4-5000 contents approved during the current year.

it may be that there is some kind of policy on annual uploads.

I clearly don't know if that's the case,but if that's the case,in my opinion they're doing well and it's the right choice,because uploading 5000 contents in a year seems like a reasonable limit to me,for various reasons.

another reason could be if you have too much similar content queued up.

as far as I'm concerned,up to now I have all the reviews below the regular times,but I'm still far from 5000 contents in a year.

but I repeat, I absolutely don't know if this is the case, I'm only making hypotheses based on collected data.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 00:15 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2024, 20:54 »

« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2024, 21:40 »
these long wait times for regular photos makes me wonder how much better ai is selling versus traditional stock.

Or maybe they want to reach a certain number, like 100 million ai files, for marketing purposes.

It is content other places dont have.

At some point they will have to finde a better review balance.

They are a huge  software house, not a small mom and pop store.

« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2024, 00:19 »
 Holiday season + AI "photo" spammers.

« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2024, 00:46 »

I now do it in such a way that I simply delete the pictures that slip through AS and have been in the queue for 3 or more months and upload them again.

I also have images that aren't getting reviewed, waiting 4 months now, resubmitted them about a month ago - Again not getting reviewed, while all other images submitted around that time have been reviewed long ago, so that solution does not seem to work for everyone.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 00:49 by Her Ugliness »

« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2024, 01:36 »
the review time makes me sometimes crazy - I have had some videos uploaded yesterday (similar drone shots) - woken up today half of them already accepted. the other half still waiting.

At the same time - I have few videos that are almost the same - waiting in the review since May.

Deleting and re-uploading in the past didn't help me much.

Same with AI - I made a habbit of uploading at least one real photo and one AI photo per day - and it doesn't matter the theme or hashtags, the review time is just a lottery to me.

« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2024, 02:27 »
Never have a problem. Mine are always approved on the same day or the following day maximum.

« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2024, 07:11 »

I just started playing around with AI, submitted two images yesterday, and they are already accepted and in my port.

Editorial takes a day tops. Commercial work is still sitting for over a week.

« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2024, 07:21 »
You submitted them as ai illustrations?

Today I had one file accepted in 5 minutes, the others are still waiting. Same yesterday.

Some illustrations go very, very fast others take much longer.

Also had 6 ai photos accepted much faster while others are now at 12 days.

I cant really see that there is anything special about the ones that go through faster. They also dont sell better than the rest.

But I am grateful for everything that goes through quickly.

Videos also have a very reasonable turnaround.

pngs are over 1 month.

Havent tried uploading regular photos, have a huge backlog there.

Maybe there is some ai running in the background based on customer searches. And perhaps the files are in some needed category?

But I really dont know, a lot of my content is very generic.

« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2024, 08:24 »
You submitted them as ai illustrations?

Today I had one file accepted in 5 minutes, the others are still waiting. Same yesterday.

Some illustrations go very, very fast others take much longer.

Also had 6 ai photos accepted much faster while others are now at 12 days.

I cant really see that there is anything special about the ones that go through faster. They also dont sell better than the rest.

But I am grateful for everything that goes through quickly.

Videos also have a very reasonable turnaround.

pngs are over 1 month.

Havent tried uploading regular photos, have a huge backlog there.

Maybe there is some ai running in the background based on customer searches. And perhaps the files are in some needed category?

But I really dont know, a lot of my content is very generic.

I submitted them as AI photos. I've had a few random commercial photo images rejected recently, but the rest of the creative work is just sitting there. I'm not sure if the rejected ones were automatically rejected for some reason or if a human reviewer did it!

« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2024, 08:49 »
They keep stressing in their discord that all declines have human oversight. So it is not a machine making the decision.

But I am sure they have fantastic inspection software and maybe a prefilter system to speed things up.

If your ai photos get accepted so quickly I would take that as a good sign that it is something they want.

Hope you get good sales soon.

« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2024, 15:39 »
Since 2015, artists have been uploading their work to Adobe with great commitment and expertise and have contributed to Adobe Stock becoming one of the largest agencies.

Many make a living from it or at least depend on the income.

Now we have AI. Any fool with a computer can now upload their work.

It's certainly not wrong to jump on this bandwagon from the adobe perspective.

Personally, I find the current review times completely unacceptable and disrespectful to those who made Adobe Stock great in the past.
Communication in this regard also seems to have fallen completely asleep.

I can't see anything positive about this development.

I would have expected at least equal treatment here, which is obviously not the case.

Adobe is really kicking its loyal and former useful contributors in the ass here.

« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2024, 17:08 »
Since 2015, artists have been uploading their work to Adobe with great commitment and expertise and have contributed to Adobe Stock becoming one of the largest agencies.

Many make a living from it or at least depend on the income.

Now we have AI. Any fool with a computer can now upload their work.

It's certainly not wrong to jump on this bandwagon from the adobe perspective.

Personally, I find the current review times completely unacceptable and disrespectful to those who made Adobe Stock great in the past.
Communication in this regard also seems to have fallen completely asleep.

I can't see anything positive about this development.

I would have expected at least equal treatment here, which is obviously not the case.

Adobe is really kicking its loyal and former useful contributors in the ass here.

i'm convinced they will rectify the situation right away... by updating the banner to "reviews will take up to 16 weeks"

« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2024, 08:22 »
in my opinion,with all due respect to everyone,obviously,but in my opinion there could be reasons behind it and we simply don't have the general picture.

but it could be that I'm wrong or that I'm just a stupid idiot of course!  :D

however one thing is certain,having content under review for a long time can be irritating and stressful,because the work is done but the content is not yet for sale.

I believe that the quantity already uploaded in the current year,affects the review time,I don't know if Adobe will be able to access this data during review with the new terms,as far as I know,with the old terms it was not possible in the review to have access to this data.

but the answer to long waiting times could also be simpler,perhaps it simply depends on whether the content is useful or not.

as I said,I have no problem,as far as I'm concerned,all the reviews are done well below the current established times.

« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2024, 13:57 »

..... but the answer to long waiting times could also be simpler,perhaps it simply depends on whether the content is useful or not.

as I said,I have no problem,as far as I'm concerned,all the reviews are done well below the current established times.

First of all, you deserve credit for being a very positive person. But somehow love seems to make you blind  ;)

How can the reviewer assess the sales value of a picture right away? The value of a picture is made up of various aspects.

Just 2 concrete examples.

It took Adobe 2 - 3 months to review my images on the subject of fungal contamination in indoor air. The images were probably of little interest to the reviewers. Not so for the buyers. After activation, I had regular sales and Adobe lost me 3 months of revenue.

From my area, quite simple landscape images are doing very well with all agencies - and some of them have been waiting in the queue since May. For the reviewer, it's probably another forest, river or lake. For the buyer, these are images to represent a specific landscape that is popular with tourists.

The review times are disrespectful and there is no excuse for this. The problem has existed since the acceptance of AI images. A company like Adobe should actually have solutions for this.

« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2024, 18:21 »
in my opinion,with all due respect to everyone,obviously,but in my opinion there could be reasons behind it and we simply don't have the general picture.

We dont have the full picture, but Adobe is reviewing AI images and illustrative editorial images very quickly, so theyre able to. Its only conventional photos that sit on the sidelines for weeks and weeks and weeks. The whole thing doesnt make sense.


  • Non Linear Existence
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2024, 21:32 »
in my opinion,with all due respect to everyone,obviously,but in my opinion there could be reasons behind it and we simply don't have the general picture.

We dont have the full picture, but Adobe is reviewing AI images and illustrative editorial images very quickly, so theyre able to. Its only conventional photos that sit on the sidelines for weeks and weeks and weeks. The whole thing doesnt make sense.

Agreed.   Little transparency would be helpful, i.e. "This is what's going on" - not just "It could take 8 weeks.."    My only guess is that AI pre-processing decides based on who-knows-what criteria to push certain content at the bottom of the pit,   but that criteria has not been (yet) applied to AI submissions while illustrative editorial go straight into human reviewer inbox.

Yesterday I uploaded single RF image, related to these horrible Canadian Rockies wildfires most have probably heard about.   It got accepted overnight on SS and Alamy;   it will be interesting to see how long is it going to take on Adobe.

« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2024, 23:16 »
Adobe is one of the largest software companies in the world.

If they felt the long queue was a real problem, they would have changed it by now.

It is very easy to adjust a queue by adjusting upload limits.

But they dont seem to feel it is affecting sales overall and there must be reason to accept ai so much faster.

My guess is they want to have the largest and best ai collection, to really distinguish themselves from other agencies.

They otherwise dont have exclusive content, but ai content really sets them apart.

Even if Shutterstock and istock start taking ai files, it will take a while to catch up with Adobe.

Might take two years to reach similar levels, because they will have to inspect it all and will be swamped if they open the gates.


  • Non Linear Existence
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2024, 03:24 »
Adobe is one of the largest software companies in the world.

If they felt the long queue was a real problem, they would have changed it by now.

Right on.   This got me thinking a bit.   I worked 30yrs in software industry and am familiar both with world of algorithms and world of people that work with them.   Here's possible scenario:

We all know about accepted content promotion.   Images that sell more appear higher in searches.  Some agencies promote newer content (some don't).  There are many other possible criteria, part of company intellectual property.  Bottom line is that each library item has certain "value" token that determines place in customer searches. 

What if Adobe is using AI to assign "review" token that determines place in review queue?  That token could be composite of technical aspects -i.e.  Histogram to left/right = image might be under/over exposed --> negative value to the token.   Or too much noise --> negative value to the token.   Brief run through contributor port - similar?  Negative value to the token.  Etc etc. Maybe even contributor rank comes into play.  Each week that passes would add some positive value to the token to push it higher in the queue, but as fresh content keeps arriving, anything with bad initial rating needs to wait a long time to swim out - or even never swims out - as newer content keeps getting inserted above.
To keep it short - AI pre-processing decides review order.  Why not for Illustrative Editorial or AI Content?  Editorial might be news related so let's not keep it waiting.  AI Content - sounds silly to use AI to review AI?  I don't know

All this is pure speculation to which I have no proof.  But it would explain why some content waits few days, some few weeks, some few months and fits very well with high-tech agency profile.  It would also align with cobalt thinking how they are interested in quality and see no damage if content determined "not worthy" can wait.

Obviously Adobe would never disclose such details as it goes deep into inner workings.  But keeping contributors in dark IMHO is not good either.  Simple statement "Perceived Image quality determines Review order" would be better even if it would likely raise all other kinds of questions.

« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2024, 03:43 »

..... but the answer to long waiting times could also be simpler,perhaps it simply depends on whether the content is useful or not.

as I said,I have no problem,as far as I'm concerned,all the reviews are done well below the current established times.

First of all, you deserve credit for being a very positive person. But somehow love seems to make you blind  ;)

How can the reviewer assess the sales value of a picture right away? The value of a picture is made up of various aspects.

Just 2 concrete examples.

It took Adobe 2 - 3 months to review my images on the subject of fungal contamination in indoor air. The images were probably of little interest to the reviewers. Not so for the buyers. After activation, I had regular sales and Adobe lost me 3 months of revenue.

From my area, quite simple landscape images are doing very well with all agencies - and some of them have been waiting in the queue since May. For the reviewer, it's probably another forest, river or lake. For the buyer, these are images to represent a specific landscape that is popular with tourists.

The review times are disrespectful and there is no excuse for this. The problem has existed since the acceptance of AI images. A company like Adobe should actually have solutions for this.

first of all thank you!  :)

what you say certainly has its truth,certainly long waiting times can cause "damage" because the content is not for sale and potential sales can be lost.

but the point is that there may be reasons behind these excessively long times and we simply don't have the big picture to judge.


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