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Author Topic: why "free section" pics at FT not showing in my portfolio?  (Read 4370 times)

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« on: March 11, 2012, 02:46 »
anyone knows?
yes, it is a "free", but it has mine anyway...
as i know, in DT, for example, even "free" photos shown in your PF.
PS it is any advantage from free photos in FT?

« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 03:43 »
anyone knows?
yes, it is a "free", but it has mine anyway...
as i know, in DT, for example, even "free" photos shown in your PF.
PS it is any advantage from free photos in FT?

Yes, there are advantages for free photos.

1. Buyers don't have to pay for them.
2. The site gets more traffic from people looking for free photos, which may help the site, but not as much as it helps people looking for free photos.

« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2012, 05:36 »
anyone knows?
yes, it is a "free", but it has mine anyway...
as i know, in DT, for example, even "free" photos shown in your PF.
PS it is any advantage from free photos in FT?

Yes, there are advantages for free photos.

1. Buyers don't have to pay for them.
2. The site gets more traffic from people looking for free photos, which may help the site, but not as much as it helps people looking for free photos.


« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2012, 08:16 »
anyone knows?
yes, it is a "free", but it has mine anyway...
as i know, in DT, for example, even "free" photos shown in your PF.
PS it is any advantage from free photos in FT?

Yes, there are advantages for free photos.

1. Buyers don't have to pay for them.
2. The site gets more traffic from people looking for free photos, which may help the site, but not as much as it helps people looking for free photos.

I've used the free sections of this and others sites when working pro-bono, but never bougth a single one from them. If I need images, I use istock, because I'm exclusive there, and I can change credits.


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