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Author Topic: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?  (Read 114510 times)

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« Reply #950 on: September 24, 2024, 17:48 »

Anyway,I've had the exact same number of sales for 4 months in a row,and this will probably be the fifth,and very similar to every month since the beginning of this year.

this year i see a little increase every month, but i'm working like 12 hours/day on my port since february(when i used to make just around 100 bucks in a month). the last 'bar' is due the contributor payout.

if the competition is working hard, i like to worker smarter xD.i'm using tools like 'metaphoto AI' to auto generate keywords to my photos to speed up the process, so i focus more time on the fun part.. shooting, editing, etc. so i more than doubled my port this year!

if everything works like i planned, next year i'm quitting boring office job (well, maybe i will have to start working 16 hours/day lol)

Wow, that's impressive!!  Congrats!!  You definitely are working hard and smart.

« Reply #951 on: September 25, 2024, 04:49 »

Anyway,I've had the exact same number of sales for 4 months in a row,and this will probably be the fifth,and very similar to every month since the beginning of this year.

this year i see a little increase every month, but i'm working like 12 hours/day on my port since february(when i used to make just around 100 bucks in a month). the last 'bar' is due the contributor payout.

if the competition is working hard, i like to worker smarter xD.i'm using tools like 'metaphoto AI' to auto generate keywords to my photos to speed up the process, so i focus more time on the fun part.. shooting, editing, etc. so i more than doubled my port this year!

if everything works like i planned, next year i'm quitting boring office job (well, maybe i will have to start working 16 hours/day lol)

you're definitely producing more than me.

This year was the year I produced the most in my 6 years,and the year isn't over yet.

I work several hours a day,it can happen that I work 12 hours a day,but generally I work 6-8 hours a day,every day even Saturday and Sunday,I rarely take a day off.

the number of sales this year per month has increased compared to last year,but it is not a significant increase.

earnings have increased quite a bit thanks to the fact that I tripled my video library this year.

for me it will be very important to see what the increase will be for next year.

the second week of September was the best week of the year,the week in which I finally broke the repetitive cycle that I have had since the beginning of this year.

Last year I produced a type of content that I sold often,but this year I sell other things and I no longer sell much of what I produced last year,not with the same frequency.

my clear impression is that it seems to me that I can produce anything I want,but my increase over time is more or less set.

however in general I think I should sell at least double what I sell,at this point in the journey.

in conclusion,my sales and earnings are increasing,there is no doubt about it,but this increase is a bit too slow in my opinion.

« Reply #952 on: September 25, 2024, 08:51 »
Impressive steady increase pires, congratulations.

This month is much slower than i expected. if it wasn't for the bonus I would probably end up below August.

But I remember how desperate I was last September, so I hope things pick up in October.

I definitely spent too much time on illustrations, should have done video instead.

Next year will be better.

I really hope I make those 10-13k this year.

Trying to process some videos today, I also need to diversify some income and get more streams from other agencies as well.

Work smarter and harder is the motto for the next 18 months.

December will be interesting and then I am curious to see if there is any increase in spring compared to last year.

Today I sold a file that just went live now, so there is a little hope.

« Reply #953 on: September 28, 2024, 15:27 »
Started the week at around the 12,000+ ranking and got to high 6000s before falling back to what it is now. RPD is good for this week (images and videos combined) so earnings are doing quite well given the number of downloads.   

« Reply #954 on: September 29, 2024, 06:11 »
for me, i dropped this week from around 3100 to this. but earnings still the same last as last week

« Reply #955 on: September 29, 2024, 09:16 »
My earnings look good because of the free images bonus but the downloads have also improved a little.

Good luck for the next week everyone!

« Reply #956 on: September 29, 2024, 11:22 »
but all of you bounce little!  :D

I was up of 20,000 positions for the whole month,in this last week I lost 20,000 positions,and now I will make a big bounce because the month is over,and in a week or so I recover my 20,000 positions again,and then bounce again!

from next year I will bounce less and so every year until the bounces are reduced to a minimum,this is the pattern,as long as we continue to upload new and useful content throughout the year,until we build a truly solid giant portfolio that resists the erosion of time,then maybe we could also relax a bit!  :)

« Reply #957 on: September 29, 2024, 15:42 »
In general, I think the less regular sellers in your portfolio, the more your numbers are going to bounce around. If you sell 10 one week and 20 the next week that is only a difference of 10 sales, but it is also double (or half) and will make for huge swings in your placement. If you make 100 sales one week, you probably aren't making 200 sales the next week. Going from 100 to 110 is the same 10 sale difference, but will make a lot less difference in your placement.

Also there are probably a whole lot more contributors at the long tail low sales end of the spectrum, so a difference of a few sales will bump you ahead of or behind thousands of contributors. At the upper end of the sales spectrum, you probably need a lot more sales to move up a few spots.

« Reply #958 on: September 30, 2024, 00:21 »
yes i agree,the higher we are in the ranking,the fewer fluctuations we have.

Meanwhile,I've already started to rebound as soon as Monday started,my week offline is over,and a good day starts in the morning!  :D

« Last Edit: September 30, 2024, 08:18 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #959 on: October 01, 2024, 09:30 »
How does AS calculate the weekly rank? Does anyone know?

« Reply #960 on: October 01, 2024, 12:24 »
It is based on downloads, not money. So somebody with a great video port might be earning a lot more money, but be lower than someone with lots of photo files.

The weekly rank is updated every day and we are assuming that it shows your rank based on total volume of the last 7 days.

Once you get above 1000 it seems to be individual ranks, below 1k you get it in larger increments.

You might also not be the only one with the same volume of sales.

current pos 2860, 6300 files

« Reply #961 on: October 02, 2024, 04:02 »
I have already recovered 10,000 positions this week,by the end of the week I will have already recovered another 10,000 positions.

in just one day this week,I sold last week's total.

« Reply #962 on: October 02, 2024, 04:14 »
Yes, yesterday was a good day.

Unfortunately tomorrow is a public holiday in Germany and many people are doing an extended week-end.

So I jumped up, but will drop again for the rest of the week.

pos 2560, 6300 files

« Reply #963 on: October 04, 2024, 23:10 »
A good week (relative to my own) for both downloads and earnings with strong results earlier in the week. Next week will be quieter with a public holiday on Monday.

« Reply #964 on: October 05, 2024, 10:46 »
I have already recovered 10,000 positions this week,by the end of the week I will have already recovered another 10,000 positions.

in just one day this week,I sold last week's total.
Can you please clarify?
Are you bouncing lets say from position 60,000 to 50,000 and next week to 40,000 and then to 30,000 and so on?

Majority of posters positions are below 10,000, correct?

« Reply #965 on: October 05, 2024, 13:20 »
Dropped down to pos 3100, 6300 files

Thursday was a public holiday in Germany and many people took Friday off as well.

« Reply #966 on: October 07, 2024, 04:07 »
Pos 3450 - probably my best rank ever  :D.
(Screenshot from Monday morning - thus so few downloads)

« Reply #967 on: October 07, 2024, 11:53 »
Is today a holiday in the US, it is exceptionally slow?

« Reply #968 on: October 07, 2024, 12:15 »
Is today a holiday in the US, it is exceptionally slow?

Not that I know of, Mon the 14th is.

Last Monday and this Monday so far have been 0 sales on Adobe for me for some reason. 0 sales happen, especially on weekend days, but 0 sale weekdays are not that common for me. Oddly weekend sales seem to be increasing lately, but random work week days have very low to 0 sales now.

« Reply #969 on: October 07, 2024, 12:59 »
Thank you. I guess posting here broke the spell, I suddenly got 3 small sales.

Europe/Germany was fine, but then nothing from the US time zone which is unusual.

Fridays are usually just half a day, weekends are dead, but Monday is usually fine.

We will see. This should be the time of year when things really pick up, half my income comes from the last 3 months. So slow days make me really nervous.

« Reply #970 on: October 07, 2024, 14:40 »
Is today a holiday in the US, it is exceptionally slow?

Not that I know of, Mon the 14th is.

Last Monday and this Monday so far have been 0 sales on Adobe for me for some reason. 0 sales happen, especially on weekend days, but 0 sale weekdays are not that common for me. Oddly weekend sales seem to be increasing lately, but random work week days have very low to 0 sales now.

same.... like last week. good to know, I thought its just me.

« Reply #971 on: October 07, 2024, 20:23 »
This should be the time of year when things really pick up, half my income comes from the last 3 months. So slow days make me really nervous.
Im the opposite, I have no Christmas images.  August , September and October were my best months last year and position of 800! This year, it sucks, 1/3 of what I did on August , September and October of last year position around 6,000

I started to notice on Weekly Best Sellers accounts with 100 pages of AI and 20,000+ sales! Thats quite impressive

« Reply #972 on: October 08, 2024, 01:35 »
It's an absurd situation. Fake photos have priority. Real ones, much closer to reality, remain in limbo.

Adobe wants to give us a virtual future, made of beautiful glossy images far from reality.

But today the market takes priority over ethics.

How sad this thing is ...  :'(

« Reply #973 on: October 08, 2024, 07:17 »
You considered highly staged over processed commercial stock photos reality??? interesting...


Your experience is what has me terrified. If good files now only have one good season and cannot become reliable longterm sellers, then my job is toast.

Building reliable income needs longterm income.

So, we will see what happens.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2024, 07:20 by cobalt »

« Reply #974 on: October 08, 2024, 08:06 »
You considered highly staged over processed commercial stock photos reality??? interesting...

I said: "Much closer to reality"

Reality in photography does not exist, but it's only a 2D representation of a 3D reality.

But this can be more or less close to reality. In AI images you are looking at an illustration, but with this I am trying to communicate something about reality, and this can be dangerous in some areas.

I mostly take landscape and travel photos and I'm seeing in the AI ​​images places that don't exist, but in the description I read: Santorini, Tuscany, Paris, Dolomites, Normandy ...

Would you buy a travel guide with these photos of fake places?

As far as I'm concerned, I may have removed an electrical cable or a branch, I may have saturated the colors a bit, but the place is that.

Just as it can be dangerous to show perfect models that do not exist in reality.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2024, 08:09 by Bauman »


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