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Author Topic: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?  (Read 113754 times)

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« Reply #1400 on: February 07, 2025, 15:46 »
In theory you would increase your visibility and chance of selling content by increasing the portfolio size.
But in reality it doesn't work because there is obviously a portfolio ranking algorithm, which set's the visibility and chance of selling content.

Quality and demanded topics (niches) are obviously factors that influence the ranking system.
But my observation is also the selling volume of your portfolio increases your ranking system, ergo it is extremely important to have at lease some very strong best sellers.

« Reply #1401 on: February 07, 2025, 16:42 »
I am not sure if agencies would have a ranking for the entire port. How would that benefit the customer?

Every agency will have their own answer in the algos, but I would think the algos are supposed to identify useful content with probably also some individual customer personalization.

At least in theory the algos should learn what the individual customer likes and gradually serve them mpre content in the style they prefer.

We all know that there is a regional influence and customers can even opt to select  to see mostly content from local producers.

The only port related factor I could imagine to influence visibility is total port size to sales volume.

I.e. a port that is efficient and not 2 sales a day with 300 000 files, might get a little preference.

But overall I cannot image that agencies care at all about ranking producers.

All their focus will be on serving the customers who pay them money.

« Reply #1402 on: February 07, 2025, 18:55 »
I,on the other hand,think I'll stop here,because it's not possible to sell so little with my portfolio.
{ME: obviously it IS possible because that's whatv's happening}
I understand that I can't sell 10 times more but I should sell at least 2-3 times more.

I really lack visibility,and I think that continuing to upload will only further dilute my portfolio.

n order to gain visibility.

Of course the new uploads bring visibility,but I certainly can't continue with these results.

the number of sales is too low for my portfolio,and the sales generated by the new content do not add to the sales I already make with the old content,but rather replace it.
the last statement has no credibibilty

why do you keep saying your work should sell so much more?  what sets your images apart from the rest of us? leaving your portfolio is unlikely to increase visibility - esp'ly since buyers are looking for specific images & don't care who created them.

« Reply #1403 on: February 08, 2025, 01:06 »
@Andrej.S. Exactly,I agree with you,there is a factor related to the number of sales and best-sellers.

@Uncle Pete and cascoly I should sell at least 2-3 times more than I sell,there is no doubt about this,because many new contents that I created in 2024 sell.

my seventh best-seller is a content made in December,and there are many of them among the top 300 best sellers,so it is "not possible" to make the same number of sales that I made at a time when I did not yet have this content,i.e. January 2024.

in all honesty it is "not possible" to have the same number of sales in January 2025,given that the contents I created in 2024 are selling well.

"leaving your portfolio is unlikely to increase visibility" yes sure maybe...or maybe not?  :D

maybe if I stop uploading new content,maybe I'll increase the number of sales of the content I already have and increase visibility,or maybe not,maybe it's better to continue uploading and have more new content to have more visibility,did the chicken or the egg come first?  :D

@Cobalt Thanks for the reply,this information is very useful to me.
already have one content that has more than 1000 sales and 3 with more than 500 brings with it a long tail of content that has already sold quite well,and this can perhaps be a reason why you have more visibility,perhaps.

@everyone  :D at the end of the day,I'm not here to discuss what the reasons are because the truth is that we can only make assumptions that may seem right or wrong,but the truth is that we don't know anything for sure.

the only certain thing is that given the results,for the moment I prefer to stop,then I will evaluate in the future whether it will ever be appropriate to resume.

« Reply #1404 on: February 08, 2025, 05:07 »
it is one over 1000 and two more over 500 and then a very long tail. so just 3 over 500-

I still dont understand why it is supposedly  impossible to have similar dl as last year even though you added new content.

hitting the wall is a very common problem in stock.

many people keep adding thousands of files every year but their income does not change. or sometimes it even goes down.

it is a difficult problem to deal with.

taking a step back and spending some time away from stock is often a good idea. with anything in life if you are stuck.

personally i would keep adding daily files, maybe 2-5.

you can upload a larger batch and just committ them gradually to the queue. 2 minutes a day.

the other thing is if doing stock stresses you out so much, it probably should be relegated to a smaller side income project and not a full inmcome project.

once you have income from something else you will be grateful. stock is a very unstable source of income.

less than 1000 ports earn more than 1000 dollars a month on adobe, those who earn over 3k are in the top 300.
and many of them are teams and companies with multiple people working on the port.

it is not a huge marketplace where many make a full time income like amazon,ebay or youtube.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2025, 07:49 by cobalt »

« Reply #1405 on: February 08, 2025, 07:01 »
It's true Cobalt,microstock is not easy,especially trying to grow quickly enough today,while for those who started in years when they sold more it is certainly easier.

10 years ago or more,with little content you already had best sellers with thousands of sales in a short time,which at least allow you to have a profit base and give time to new content.

today,to reach these levels,having at least some content above 500 sales takes much longer.

someone here had said that he is 40 years old and that he had more time to upload,but I say,not only being 40 years old gives you more time to upload but also more time to mature the contents.

I'm almost 50 now,how many more years should I wait before seeing at least a decent income?Probably too many,if I was 40 I probably thought differently.

of course,you're right,hitting a wall is normal,but what isn't normal is selling so little with my portfolio!  :D

however,as I said,I will add 300 contents this year for the bonus contributor,in case I want to continue next year,if I start to see better results I will start again.

beyond January,even February up to now is the same as last year,on 8 February 2024 I had 2 more sales than today 8 February 2025,so what do I do here?I keep adding content and instead of selling more I also sell less?

then the strange thing is in recent years I have uploaded less but I had greater growth between one year and another,while last year I have uploaded more,but instead there has been no growth so far this year.

perhaps it is really better to stop for a moment and give some time to the contents in my port to gain some sales and perhaps visibility,and then in the future resume when I have more visibility.

Anyway,I'll stick around,I'll upload my "contributor bonus quota"  I'll keep checking and let you know if it improves.  :)

« Last Edit: February 08, 2025, 07:03 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #1406 on: February 08, 2025, 09:11 »

« Reply #1407 on: February 08, 2025, 11:33 »
pos 1270

« Reply #1408 on: February 08, 2025, 17:30 »
You have really good figures - I'm delighted :-)

For me it's 118DL so far this week (still far away from the avg. 160 per week 1 year ago) - still not good, especially considering my upload volume at the moment.

« Reply #1409 on: February 08, 2025, 19:22 »

however,as I said,I will add 300 contents this year for the bonus contributor,in case I want to continue next year,if I start to see better results I will start again.

beyond January,even February up to now is the same as last year,on 8 February 2024 I had 2 more sales than today 8 February 2025,so what do I do here?I keep adding content and instead of selling more I also sell less?

then the strange thing is in recent years I have uploaded less but I had greater growth between one year and another,while last year I have uploaded more,but instead there has been no growth so far this year....
+300 isn't going to do much for the CB - even if all 300  are eligible (and actually accepted for bonus is even less)

your approach to microstock is unrealistic -  why do you think your previous sales should predict future sales?  it's not 'strange' - it's the market. just because you THINK you should do better doesnt make it so.  everyone else seems to be reporting decreased slaes and/or income - why should your port be any different?

« Reply #1410 on: February 08, 2025, 21:50 »
...less than 1000 ports earn more than 1000 dollars a month on adobe, those who earn over 3k are in the top 300.
and many of them are teams and companies with multiple people working on the port.

This may significantly underestimate the earnings of ports that bring in at least $1,000, as video ports only require about 60 downloads per week to generate $1,000 monthly. Furthermore, with just 60 downloads per week, these ports would not even rank in the top 1,000 positions. Wouldn't you agree?

« Reply #1411 on: February 09, 2025, 00:29 »
I average somewhere between $800-$1k each month with a video heavy portfolio and usually hover between rank 10,000 and 12,000. Best rank I've ever had was like 7,800.

« Reply #1412 on: February 09, 2025, 00:32 »
Yes, thank you all for pointing out that for video the situation is different.

I was referring to mostly image ports.

Videohere we come!

Money, money, money!

« Reply #1413 on: February 09, 2025, 01:19 »
You have really good figures - I'm delighted :-)

For me it's 118DL so far this week (still far away from the avg. 160 per week 1 year ago) - still not good, especially considering my upload volume at the moment.

I am having a visible increase in older camera images. Which does not seem to affect my ai sales. Plus right now there is also a small uptick for valentine, which is not a strong holiday for me, but perhaps the next 5 days will be good.

I think I have useful content for spring, but summer is usually a dead zone for me. I hope I can improve on that this year.

And then there is video, still processing too slowly and haven't done a single organized shooting this year.

Really curious how your year develops with your gigantic upload volume!!

« Reply #1414 on: February 09, 2025, 06:25 »

however,as I said,I will add 300 contents this year for the bonus contributor,in case I want to continue next year,if I start to see better results I will start again.

beyond January,even February up to now is the same as last year,on 8 February 2024 I had 2 more sales than today 8 February 2025,so what do I do here?I keep adding content and instead of selling more I also sell less?

then the strange thing is in recent years I have uploaded less but I had greater growth between one year and another,while last year I have uploaded more,but instead there has been no growth so far this year....
+300 isn't going to do much for the CB - even if all 300  are eligible (and actually accepted for bonus is even less)

your approach to microstock is unrealistic -  why do you think your previous sales should predict future sales?  it's not 'strange' - it's the market. just because you THINK you should do better doesnt make it so.  everyone else seems to be reporting decreased slaes and/or income - why should your port be any different?

but who ever said mine should be different?

where do you get these ideas? :D

I've never said anything like that.

I am more than sure that many should sell more than they sell.

but I'm not talking about others,everyone knows their own,I'm talking about my portfolio and I tell you that I should sell at least 2-3 times more than I sell.

and I'm talking about the bonus contributor,I don't know what you're talking about.

for the bonus contributor last year 150 approved contents were enough,so this year in my opinion it is better to have at least 300 approved content given that the minimum requirements for free software could increase next year.

however one thing I could try to do for improve sales is change the keywords especially in old content that is more than 3-4 years old,this has worked in the past for some older content that wasn't selling well,so I changed the keywords and now some of it is among best-seller.

Here's what I'll do next week,I'll sift through all the old content and change/improve the keywords.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2025, 08:01 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #1415 on: February 09, 2025, 11:12 »
"but I'm not talking about others,everyone knows their own,I'm talking about my portfolio and I tell you that I should sell at least 2-3 times more than I sell."

It just does not make sense. The reality is what it is.

I would love to earn 3 times more, but I do not.

The only way to achieve 3 times more sales is by uploading much better content and also to attract new buyer groups in different genres.

And.. to also upload to more agencies, any sales on an agency other than adobe is a sale I would have otherwise never had.

« Reply #1416 on: February 09, 2025, 12:30 »
"but I'm not talking about others,everyone knows their own,I'm talking about my portfolio and I tell you that I should sell at least 2-3 times more than I sell."

It just does not make sense. The reality is what it is.

I would love to earn 3 times more, but I do not.

The only way to achieve 3 times more sales is by uploading much better content and also to attract new buyer groups in different genres.

And.. to also upload to more agencies, any sales on an agency other than adobe is a sale I would have otherwise never had.

but it doesn't make any sense to whom?to you?others?

and what on earth can you know about my contents?

Will anyone here ever know better than me how things are going for me?

"The reality is what it is" what does it mean?  :D

"The only way to achieve 3 times more sales is by uploading much better content and also to attract new buyer groups in different genres"

sure,it's good advice,but more suited to your situation,because to sell 3 times more you have to work miracles,for me,however,selling 3 times more is much simpler,but of course,it's good advice.

the point Cobalt,is that my situation is completely different from yours or others,so no one here can judge.

I tell you and confirm that at the moment,with my portfolio I should sell at least 2-3 times more,and no one can know this better than me,because it concerns things that you don't know,since you don't know the number of my sales or my portfolio.

« Reply #1417 on: February 09, 2025, 12:40 »
what I will do in the next few weeks is improve indexing,especially for old content,I believe this can at least partially improve sales,at least I will try.

and I think that's enough for the moment...or not?Is there anything else anyone wants to judge or criticize? hahaha! :D
« Last Edit: February 09, 2025, 14:44 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #1418 on: February 09, 2025, 16:32 »
what I will do in the next few weeks is improve indexing,especially for old content,I believe this can at least partially improve sales,at least I will try.

and I think that's enough for the moment...or not?Is there anything else anyone wants to judge or criticize? hahaha! :D
I'll try to help you here.
You mentioned really good growth in november last year right? Or another month, it doesn't really matter. You also mention you have uploaded a lot of items and you assume that would give you more sales.
Go back a little. Why did you have good sales in november last year (if that was the month with the growth)? Did you have one or more bestsellers making these numbers? If so, then maybe this was not normal growth you should be expecting and tone down a little your expecatations. If not, what was the content that sold in this good month? Remember those sales. Now, look what you have been uploading. Is it AI or the same of what was doing well. If it was AI then AI is being flooded into Adobes stock this year, so your competition is growing a lot harder then you can submit and you will lose ground.
If it was not AI then it might be your subject that just doesn't gain attraction. This can have mutliple reasons. But mostly it's luck.
Just an anecdote here. I shot Iceland, didn't sell a lot, market was oversaturated. So you might think, don't shoot oversatured subjects. Then I went to the North East coast of the USA and shot photos at New York, Washington etcetera. You would think that these places would be oversaturated as well. But I sell really well relatively.
So you never know what sells well or not or if there is already to much of the same subject. It's also having a bit of luck, I guess.
But my point is. Go look at your sales when things went your way. Try to understand why that was, which photos, which subjects, AI or not, and put that in perspective relative to what you have done the last year and then draw your conclusions.

Good luck but if you go weening once more that you should have more sales because you uploaded so much, I will ignore you like you never existed. Then you just don't get how this game is played.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2025, 16:37 by SimonSays »

« Reply #1419 on: February 09, 2025, 17:52 »

Thank you for your interest and advice.

regarding the complaint,the point is precisely this,I have already tried to close this topic since some time,but there is no way,people continue to make insinuations,criticisms and judgements,and so I continued to repeat the same things.

but I don't blame anyone for it either,because I know that it's the forum,maybe someone writes something,and off they go all the interpretations about the thing someone wrote.

In my opinion,this is a fairly underestimated problem of the era in which we live.

in the past,to have a conversation with a group of people,you had to meet them and talk to them face to face and everything worked differently,but today misunderstandings,criticisms,prejudices,everything has become much easier.

so,once again,thanks for your interest,but I have already decided to leave the forum indefinitely,I don't know when and if I will return,it is possible in the future,everything is possible!  :D

"You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to
So that when they turn their backs on you,
You'll get the chance to put the knife in"

Dogs Pink Floyd

good luck everyone!  :)

« Reply #1420 on: February 09, 2025, 22:02 »

however,as I said,I will add 300 contents this year for the bonus contributor,in case I want to continue next year,if I start to see better results I will start again.

beyond January,even February up to now is the same as last year,on 8 February 2024 I had 2 more sales than today 8 February 2025,so what do I do here?I keep adding content and instead of selling more I also sell less?

then the strange thing is in recent years I have uploaded less but I had greater growth between one year and another,while last year I have uploaded more,but instead there has been no growth so far this year....
+300 isn't going to do much for the CB - even if all 300  are eligible (and actually accepted for bonus is even less)

your approach to microstock is unrealistic -  why do you think your previous sales should predict future sales?  it's not 'strange' - it's the market. just because you THINK you should do better doesnt make it so.  everyone else seems to be reporting decreased slaes and/or income - why should your port be any different?

but who ever said mine should be different?  YOU did!!


I am more than sure that many should sell more than they sell.

but I'm not talking about others,everyone knows their own,I'm talking about my portfolio and I tell you that I should sell at least 2-3 times more than I sell.

WHY should they sell better??

you keep saying this but have given no reason WHY they should sell better other than your solipsistic opinion that your images are better than the competition?

« Reply #1421 on: February 10, 2025, 15:31 »
solipsistic...never thought msg would increase my word power...thank you...

week-end was slow but stable...pos 1240

Hope you all have a successful week!

processing video files...

« Reply #1422 on: February 11, 2025, 07:42 »

« Reply #1423 on: February 11, 2025, 10:01 »
I am not sure if agencies would have a ranking for the entire port. How would that benefit the customer?

Every agency will have their own answer in the algos, but I would think the algos are supposed to identify useful content with probably also some individual customer personalization.

At least in theory the algos should learn what the individual customer likes and gradually serve them mpre content in the style they prefer.

We all know that there is a regional influence and customers can even opt to select  to see mostly content from local producers.

The only port related factor I could imagine to influence visibility is total port size to sales volume.

I.e. a port that is efficient and not 2 sales a day with 300 000 files, might get a little preference.

But overall I cannot image that agencies care at all about ranking producers.

All their focus will be on serving the customers who pay them money.

I didn't say this algorithm would benefit customers. In fact, it doesn't - it benefits Adobe in terms of sales volume.

If you want to maximize earnings as a corporation, you increase the visibility of top-selling contributors.

1. You motivate your top performers by allowing them to earn more.
2. You put best-selling content, which has higher demand, at the forefront to further increase the chances of selling.

To me, it's very obvious that such an algorithm exists.
After my new "young" bestsellers (50+ downloads) passed an unknown threshold, I started selling those images about 2 to 4 times a day. Additionally, other similar images in the series also had an increase in sales.
I've even noticed a small overall increase.

The interesting part is that the bestsellers need to be "active" and still selling. I also have one bestseller with over 500 downloads and several with over 250, but since they're over 10 years old and non-selling anymore, they no longer contribute to my portfolio ranking.

« Reply #1424 on: February 11, 2025, 11:20 »
This week I got probably the worst RPD of all times: $0.61

RPD is getting lower each year and it looks like 2025 it's going to hit a new low.


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