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Author Topic: Upside to long waiting times  (Read 5054 times)

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« on: November 22, 2023, 04:56 »
Just thought, if you happen to have a great original concept image that has been accepted into Adobestock, at least long waiting times means no one can copy for a while!

« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2023, 22:07 »
Right now, my oldest is just 16 days. However, Adobe should beware ... the same image was accepted by Shutterstock next day and has already sold.

Other than that, some new material is getting accepted quickly on Adobe while other images are having to wait for weeks. Perhaps Adobe has their reasoning. If so, it would be nice of them to share it.

« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2023, 00:26 »
My last uploads took 30 days to be reviewed.

« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2023, 01:40 »
Right now, my oldest is just 16 days. However, Adobe should beware ... the same image was accepted by Shutterstock next day and has already sold.

Other than that, some new material is getting accepted quickly on Adobe while other images are having to wait for weeks. Perhaps Adobe has their reasoning. If so, it would be nice of them to share it.

Is Shutterstock now "officially" accepting "ai" stuff, or was this just a regular photo? Thanks!

« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2023, 14:03 »
Right now, my oldest is just 16 days. However, Adobe should beware ... the same image was accepted by Shutterstock next day and has already sold.

Other than that, some new material is getting accepted quickly on Adobe while other images are having to wait for weeks. Perhaps Adobe has their reasoning. If so, it would be nice of them to share it.

Is Shutterstock now "officially" accepting "ai" stuff, or was this just a regular photo? Thanks!

A "regular" photo. I don't do AI.


« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2023, 14:18 »
Just thought, if you happen to have a great original concept image that has been accepted into Adobestock, at least long waiting times means no one can copy for a while!


« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2023, 07:23 »
Going on 5 weeks now. Is this the new normal?  Not seeing the upside

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2023, 13:28 »
My last uploads took 30 days to be reviewed.

Nice going. Mine take a month to be reviewed and then rejected for "Quality Issues".

I will laugh, that one image, I uploaded as a joke, was rejected everywhere except AS and DT. I guess it's got special quality for discerning reviewers?  ;) While another that has been accepted everywhere, recently, was rejected by AS for the ever mysterious Quality Issues.

« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2023, 18:11 »
Going on 5 weeks now. Is this the new normal?  Not seeing the upside

They're already accepting ~200k images per day. Are you sure you want the review process to be faster?

How do you think your image will be found when it's fighting against 100s of millions of old assets in the collection, and 200k that were approved on the same day as yours?

The issue is too low of a rejection rate, not review times.

« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2023, 13:40 »
Adobe are taking over a month to review images now or at least for me, I remember they took a few days!


« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2023, 13:45 »
Adobe are taking over a month to review images now or at least for me, I remember they took a few days!

yes, it's frustrating! I guess that's an indicator of the deluge of AI submissions,  either that or non-AI submissions have been given a much much lower priority on the queue

« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2023, 19:24 »
i created some holiday images and submitted them a little over a week ago.  hopefully they'll get approved by christmas.  orthodox christmas, that is... but much more likely for chinese new year.

« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2023, 19:16 »

How do you think your image will be found when it's fighting against 100s of millions of old assets in the collection, and 200k that were approved on the same day as yours?

I admit it would be tough if those hundreds of millions of photos were of the same subject as yours. That's some fierce competition.

« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2023, 09:24 »
My review backlog is slowly going down with the oldest in the queue having been waiting for just 18 days.

« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2023, 09:27 »
Going on 5 weeks now. Is this the new normal?  Not seeing the upside

They're already accepting ~200k images per day. Are you sure you want the review process to be faster?

How do you think your image will be found when it's fighting against 100s of millions of old assets in the collection, and 200k that were approved on the same day as yours?

The issue is too low of a rejection rate, not review times.

why do people say this stuff. There is a fresh content tab and filters. It isnt some magical luck of the draw thing. They don't need to reject more or slower, they do desperately need to trawl through all the garbage titles written in no language in particular and nonsese keywords. And allow obvious keywords that they don't. For example "pond, life" for dragonflies which at present they won't unless a pond is present in the photo. Moronic but there it is. Endless examples. That's what helps people's stuff to be found.

« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2023, 12:58 »
There is no upside to long waiting lines, if your images get rejected for "intelectual reasons" even if all releases are attached. And you have to resubmitt it all again and wait for a month... and they don't have even any email to contact Adobe to clear out their nonsense rejections.

« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2023, 21:47 »
why do people say this stuff. There is a fresh content tab and filters. It isnt some magical luck of the draw thing.

Actually it is. Will your asset get picked up or not mostly depends on luck, especially lately.

Source: stock contributor since 2009, I spread out assets from my shoots over numerous batches over weeks, and sometimes an asset gets picked up by the search, gets a few initial downloads in the first day, and the propels it further in the search rankings. If you don't get any views/downloads in the first few days of assets being online, it's much less likely it will be picked up. And no, the asset that gets picked up is in no way shape or form superior to the ones that don't get picked up. So yeah it's luck.

« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2023, 07:19 »
why do people say this stuff. There is a fresh content tab and filters. It isnt some magical luck of the draw thing.

Actually it is. Will your asset get picked up or not mostly depends on luck, especially lately.

Source: stock contributor since 2009, I spread out assets from my shoots over numerous batches over weeks, and sometimes an asset gets picked up by the search, gets a few initial downloads in the first day, and the propels it further in the search rankings. If you don't get any views/downloads in the first few days of assets being online, it's much less likely it will be picked up. And no, the asset that gets picked up is in no way shape or form superior to the ones that don't get picked up. So yeah it's luck.

I have a particular photo. It has been on page 1 slot 1 for about 2 years and has allegedly never sold. Some times it falls to slot 5 page 1 when new stuff comes in. Then back up it goes. So the algorithm or whatever it is that puts it there isn't by being purchased. In fact I've got about 5 photos on that first page. I think one has ever sold once. Does make you wonder doesn't it.

Edit: In that image search there are 3300 images that are similar.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2023, 07:21 by Lowls »

« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2023, 08:34 »
Adobe has serious problems with reviews in the last 6 months, the height of laziness really, rejecting batches instead of single images, uploading 30 images individually as 30 separately 1 image batches gets passed this but is time consuming. Upload as 1 batch and Adobe reject all 30 images in one go......About time Adobe sorted this out.


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