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Author Topic: Sale Price: 0.285333333334  (Read 2543 times)

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« on: October 07, 2014, 02:31 »
Is this a strange sale price or what? :D
Any others having the same price sales?

Uncle Pete

« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2014, 09:42 »
I pretty much stay away from comments on agencies I don't belong to anymore, but this was interesting.

Looks like 33% of 85 cents? Or 28.53% rounded up, of $1.00?

Odd that they carry it out that many places.  :D I mean how significant are trillionths of a dollar?

28.53x10*12 WOW!

Sales or commission?

Is this a strange sale price or what? :D
Any others having the same price sales?

« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2014, 10:53 »
They started paying a percentage rate for subscription sales, see also this thread.
Ever since then I am getting these strange amounts. But as they are higher than normal subs sales I don't complain.

Uncle Pete

« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2014, 11:32 »
OK so the OP said sale and it's Commission. That's easier to understand.

But still 12 decimal places?  ??? Wow some bean counter or programmer was worried that rounding up would cost FT money, so they extended it out all that way. Amusing.

Good that they have rounded up and good that you are making more. Nice to see something positive in Micro.

Percentage of WHAT?

They started paying a percentage rate for subscription sales, see also this thread.
Ever since then I am getting these strange amounts. But as they are higher than normal subs sales I don't complain.



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