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Author Topic: Slow slow sales @ Fotolia  (Read 37394 times)

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« Reply #50 on: February 16, 2008, 02:39 »
I've changed mine a couple of times now by using the 'contact support' link and each time it was done in a couple of hours.  Don't be afraid of putting them at the maximum allowed.  I always have and have carried on selling the same amount as when I had them at 10$.

speaking of fotolia i might want to remind those who haven't done it that fotolia very happily changes all your extended licenses to a given price.

I had lots of extended licenses listed at 10 credits from before when that was the max?? or i am not sure why.

Anyhow i asked them to change all my files to the max amount of 100 credits - and they did it within a day.

In the last week I have had 2 extended license sales. Makes me glad I changed the pricing when i did.

Do you send them an email to do this ?


« Reply #51 on: February 16, 2008, 06:32 »
Another proof that buyers are not as "price sensitive" as some seem to think. When they find the picture they are looking for, they buy it.

Now it's up to everyone to charge 10$ 100$ or 10 cents...

« Reply #52 on: February 16, 2008, 07:49 »
592 pictures, 7 sales in January, 2 so far this month. I am not relabeling my keywords or uploading new pictures with no guarantee for improvements.
Just for comparisson sake IS 142 DL in January with 250 pics.
Nuf said.
The good news is the low cash out price - I do not have to wait to reach it.

my sales are similar - i wonder why some people are selling much and others sell nothing at FT. FT has always been about dead last for me.


« Reply #53 on: February 16, 2008, 10:54 »
FT beat even my SS sales last month, which was crazy - so no complaints here.

Overall rank     445
7 days rank    553

I wonder what would happen if I had actually been ordering my top 7 keywords at the beginning of the list, all this time?  I never even did that.  I have no intention of going back and reordering the words on 600 images.

« Reply #54 on: February 16, 2008, 12:08 »
I emailed support last night, so far it hasn't changed, but they're usually fast at this.

However, such a programming mistake is unforgivable in a big site.  It's like the IPTC data problem in another thread.  How can they have old errors again?  Are they mixing old and new codes?  Geez...



« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2008, 13:58 »

I wonder what would happen if I had actually been ordering my top 7 keywords at the beginning of the list, all this time?  I never even did that.  I have no intention of going back and reordering the words on 600 images.
I did it on all my about 50 files at this time. I was having about 6 or 7 sales a month. Since this change barely nothing. My file whit most sales didn't sale anymore??

 I'm very angry to have made this keywords ordering change and don't understand why it's affected my sales like that. If all was stay like it was at the beginning. Fotolia was going to be barely my top seller close to SS and IS, because it was my best seller at the beginning while I was having barely nothing on others.

I still have a small folio, but this is the stranger thing that happen in my small experience in microstock and i do not know why. I still upload there but I don't reorder the keywords anymore. My newest files just have some downls lately. I just hope this bad dream will end. But who knows, maybe I just was lucky at my beginning??

« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2008, 14:55 »
592 pictures, 7 sales in January, 2 so far this month. I am not relabeling my keywords or uploading new pictures with no guarantee for improvements.
Just for comparisson sake IS 142 DL in January with 250 pics.
Nuf said.
The good news is the low cash out price - I do not have to wait to reach it.

my sales are similar - i wonder why some people are selling much and others sell nothing at FT. FT has always been about dead last for me.

I can only speculate that for some reason my images are not beeing seen by the buyers and once you are an old-timer and do not sell reasonably - the search algorithm just drops your pictures to the end of the line. All the sellers claiming good results are already high up in the ranking. There must be some sort of threshold if you are above or have just started your pictures are beeing seen. If you are below you disappear into oblivion. Good riddance FT.


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