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Author Topic: Search results on Adobe always zero or only little, no matter from which country  (Read 3998 times)

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« on: May 04, 2021, 05:56 »
Hi folks,

I have very strange experiences today with searching anything on Adobe.

I searched as normal, means Adobe can see that I search from indonesia.
In another browser I set VPN from USA and Netherlands, but same results!

Is there a new issue if we search on Adobe?

First I wanted only search some of my images. But even if I search for example locust: In the past many many images appear, now only very few. Or Bakso just two images, even only from me there should be more than six.

Please check somebody, if you have the same problems right now.

Yesterday or 2 days ago, many checked images appear from different countries. Means even the results were different, but still appear many. And now?

« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2021, 07:42 »
I found out myself!
I had to change my region ON ADOBE!!!!!!
Now all images appear - in the USA, where so many want to buy photos from Indonesia!!!!!!!! But Indonesian customer are not allowed to buy photos from Indonesia!!!!!! STRANGE politic/strategy!

But I have an idea:
In Indonesia and many other countries, who get discriminated from Adobe, are many, maybe the most using Adobe software for free (cracked version), because they do not have the money for it. - hey, not me! LOL I use other real free software.
But THAT makes sense!
And that also means it is not a religion discriminating! All poorer countries! Thats it!

Adobe does not want them to use the full libary.
Well, Adobe, do not forget: For example in Indonesia: There might be 10 or 20 (from 200 total) million Indonesian using Adobe software for free, but there are also 10 million rich people here and so maybe still million people paying hard for that software. But even these rich people have no access to the full libary!

Really discriminating.
Or what is the human and logical and not discriminating real reason for doing that?
Not only the customer from these poor countries, also the most contributors from all over the world cannot understand, why their images are not offered worldwide!

Now I understand why I have so little sales on Adobe - hey my sales were all from images I shot in a rich country - Singapore! Yes!
Well, now I get an idea about Adobes way. But still do not know WHY!
Mat, please try to find out why. Thank you very much, if you this time answer. You seem to be still away. Hopefully you come back soon for so many questions, not only in this thread.

« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2021, 11:10 »
Read this recent thread where there was discussion about this issue. It covers all the "emerging market" sites for Adobe Stock - Malaysia, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia as well as Indonesia


As you can see from my comments, I don't think Adobe's explanation for this behavior matches what's happening, but they seem to think it's not a bug...

« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2021, 12:11 »
Hi Jo Ann,

yes, I know and read the thread. I was open a new thread, because I thought it would be a new issue, which has nothing to do with the themes, which were discussed already in that other thread.
Then I found out, it HAS to do with it.

Last comment here: A few month or weeks ago it was still very easy to find many photos, if logged in in Indonesia. The changed it newly, but I have no idea exactly when. so I guess it has ALSO to do with the new announcement.

Sorry for open a new thread. I advice all, who read this and want to write more: Please do it in that other thread, which Jo Ann linked above.


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