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Author Topic: The Latest from Chad regarding Purchase incentives and commission structure  (Read 33952 times)

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« Reply #50 on: February 21, 2010, 06:20 »
Never had a fraud refund at IS, after tens of thousands downloads. Yes, there ar,  some customer refunds; almost always due to the customer downloading wrong size. Customer returns the wrong size and downloads the right one, technically is a refund, but actually it is a change.

« Reply #51 on: February 21, 2010, 06:45 »
Never had a fraud refund at IS, after tens of thousands downloads. Yes, there ar,  some customer refunds; almost always due to the customer downloading wrong size. Customer returns the wrong size and downloads the right one, technically is a refund, but actually it is a change.

How can you return a download... ?... ::)


« Reply #52 on: February 21, 2010, 15:37 »
I remember something about a refund in IS, and it was an EL if I remember it right.  It was the client that had given up, or didn't like the image, something like that.  It happened very quickly, one or two days after the sale.  I think it should not be of our business if the buyer had some problem with his client.  But if this was an isolated event with a buyer, that woud be ok.  A buyer should not be able to do it often, though.  I think he must declare somewhere that he will delete the image (that would "return" a download).

By Christmas, I went to PopCap website to buy a game for my nephew.  He has asked me to pick one for him.  After purchasing it, I noticed I had already purchased this same game two years before.  I emailed Popcap and they cancelled the transaction, what was very kind of them.  I wonder if they would have done the same if I had not purchased it before?  Or if I had not purchased it before, but had downloaded it after purchasing, then said "It was a mistake" and asked a refund?

« Reply #53 on: February 21, 2010, 16:01 »
If a buyer at IS is returning an image they have to provide a written waiver stating they destroyed the image. Obviously the buyer is not allowed to use the image for any projects either.

How is this verified? I don't know. I only assume that IF IS would find out about usage of a returned image they would sue . out of the buyer.

@ madelaide:

Popcap probably had records of your previous purchase. That is the best case scenario to receive a refund.

If you would have purchased your first game there using an email address from hongkong and a Paypal email address from France it starts looking fishy when requesting a refund... I doubt that it would be that easy then.

« Reply #54 on: February 21, 2010, 16:36 »

Yes, Popcap has a record, in fact I could see the record and that's how I found out that I had purchased the game before.  They allow you to reinstall the game a few times, and everytime you have to register the game by accessing their site.  We can see how many installations left we have, and they surely do too.  Had my nephew used all installations, I'm sure they would not refund me.


« Reply #55 on: February 21, 2010, 16:46 »
Never had a fraud refund at IS, after tens of thousands downloads. Yes, there ar,  some customer refunds; almost always due to the customer downloading wrong size. Customer returns the wrong size and downloads the right one, technically is a refund, but actually it is a change.

AFAIK these are the type of refunds I am getting at IS - wrong size and/or changed mind  rather than fraud.

« Reply #56 on: February 25, 2010, 14:01 »
I guess the credit card agencies won't stop this because they are the ones we are paying back. Why should they give a sh*t? Their customer is happy, they aren't having to refund him because we are doing it, and the micros aren't paying anything either. What it really means is that everyone considers that the thing we sold didn't have any value anyway so we can pay the refund.

If you think losing a couple of dollars on a micro hurts, wait until you lose more than $1,000 on Alamy, as I did.

This is just a diversion from the main issue, which is THE CHAD's statement. But what does anybody expect? Pseudo-green mumbo-jumbo is better than being told flat-out what he means. Does it really need spelling out? "You guys just got your commission cut to make us richer. Tough. Suck it up or sod off." 


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