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Author Topic: Multiple Accounts  (Read 886 times)

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« on: December 16, 2024, 16:00 »
since someone mentioned this in another thread,perhaps it is time to open a discussion on this topic which I believe is important to understand whether it is worth it or not.

This is a question I've been wondering about about it for a few months,is it worth having multiple accounts or not?

since it is possible to have an account for video,one for AI,one for photos and I believe also one different for vectors,is it better to concentrate everything in one or have 2 or 3 different accounts?

Is it possible to find the time to keep up with all these accounts?Is there a convenience or not?

ATTENTION:it is not possible to create multiple accounts for AI or for the same type of asset.

from Adobe Account and submission guidelines:

"You may create more than one contributor account if you wish to track different asset types in separate accounts, e.g., video submissions versus image submissions,or generative AI submissions versus traditional photos or illustrations. Also, if your account gets close to an online portfolio of 1 million assets,we recommend you open a new account.

We dont permit multiple account creations to submit similar or identical content to inflate sales,or to bypass upload limits for generative AI content.Duplicate or multiple created accounts that violate this rule may result in the accounts being blocked or terminated".

my idea was to open an account only for AI and one only for videos and continue the current account with photos, illustrations and vectors.

What do you think?Do you have any experience with this?


  • Non Linear Existence
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2024, 17:03 »
This is good topic;  I'd also like to know
Alamy supports different pseudos, but it's still under the same account.  Full benefit of this was never clear.

« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2024, 17:28 »
If you've already created multiple accounts in the past and you want to differentiate your content into videos, images, vectors, etc. for clarity, than go for it.

However, if you need to create new accounts for this, it's not worth it due to the upload and review limit of 50 for beginners. Also new portfolios don't have a good portfolio ranking, making it extremely difficult to achieve sales at all.

From my perspective, it's not worth it. I would use just a single account.

« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2024, 18:27 »
but is there really this limit of 50 for beginners even for owners who have experience and therefore are not beginners?

and also the tax form?does it follow all the owner's accounts?I think it's possible.

There are many questions on this topic still unanswered,I've been thinking about it for a few months,maybe I should decide and start opening another account just for AI to get started and see how it works.

« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2024, 18:31 »
Personally for me this would be a nightmare to manage. I like to keep things simple. Maybe your sales might do better but that not a given in this business...

« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2024, 19:42 »
but is there really this limit of 50 for beginners even for owners who have experience and therefore are not beginners?

and also the tax form?does it follow all the owner's accounts?I think it's possible.

There are many questions on this topic still unanswered,I've been thinking about it for a few months,maybe I should decide and start opening another account just for AI to get started and see how it works.

Yes, there is a limit. I've tried to create a new account some months ago.
You'll get no benefits. If you think that you can push more sales by various accounts than it's not worth the time.
Just focus on keywords + image quality.

« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2024, 19:56 »
ok, so there is the limit even if it shouldn't be there, because it's the same owner, the limit should be there if the person registering the account is new to Adobe Stock, and also the tax form should be the same for all accounts, if I already have a account and an approved tax form, it should all work in unison.

so that's not the case,ok thanks,good to know!

In the meantime I've been browsing the internet,I've just read about someone who had the account blocked because he owned 2 accounts connected to the same PayPal address.

is probably possible to get around this problem by linking the 2 accounts to the same PayPal account with 2 different email addresses, since you can have multiple email addresses on PayPal.

in any case I think that having more accounts brings more sales,my current account will continue to rise in my opinion anyway,and having a second account can undoubtedly bring further advantages.

« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2024, 03:47 »
Hi here!

As you said, it is possible to create multiple accounts if you are going to submit different kinds of assets to each one, like one for video, one for Generative AI content only, and one for photos. Trying to do it to avoid the upload limit, however, may result in account suspension.

The way the accounts work doesn't allow for the creation of sub-accountsso to speaksince you need a different Adobe ID for each account. If a contributor account is newly created, you will have upload limits; once you have those different Adobe IDs, payment methods can be shared if the account owner is the same person.

I, personally, have always defended that is better to keep everything on one account. As Big Money mentioned, it can be tricky to manage (I have seen enough cases of people uploading content to the wrong account), and the advantages of separate accounts don't compensate for what you may benefit from having all on the same one.

Apart from the limits on uploads, if you keep all your content in one account, your portfolio will grow faster (not an issue for GenAI accounts, as we have seen), you will have a more regular upload cadence, and that will give your account some more visibility. Having all the sales in the same account will make that account more successful, and it is easier to get better commissions, as opposed to having the sales scattered on different accounts.

By the way, that's just how I see that situation. As said, you can have different accounts, but I don't see the appeal, apart from showing a tidier portfolio link.

« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2024, 08:45 »
ok so different accounts work with a different ID,therefore limits,tax form,everything is different,however,they can be connected to the same PayPal account without problems.

yes,I thought that the person who believed that the account was blocked because it was connected to the same PayPal address was probably wrong,it didn't make much sense.

"a more regular uploading cadence will give your account greater visibility" this is important,thanks for confirming this.

I've been thinking about this for a while,and I believe like me,many.

so ok,I'll just continue with my account,since I don't see an imminent need at this point to create another one,in fact it may even be a disadvantage.

Thank you for shedding light on the issue I really appreciate it!  :)


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