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Author Topic: Sad story  (Read 12929 times)

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« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2020, 19:40 »
you must continue to create relevant, high quality stock content that appeals to customers today and meets the needs of the upcoming trends
ya, but thats getting more and more difficult to impossible with continuous decreasing income

« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2020, 00:44 »
That graph seems to match what we're seeing in the poll results on the right side of this page.

Remember a few months ago when Adobe briefly passed Shutterstock and seemed to be the emerging champion? then it went into a fast nose dive.

I'm sorry about this, because I really appreciate how AS has responded to us contributors, but it's hard to deny the reality of your chart and the poll results here. Especially when I'm seeing the same thing.

Yes but its Matt responding not the Adobe Admin they could not careless!  I have seen a huge drop myself.

I can assure you that is not the case. We have a global team dedicated solely to ensuring contributors are taken care of all around the world. It isn't just our team that keeps contributors top-of-mind however. The entire Adobe Stock team cares deeply for the artists that create the content that is Adobe Stock and are working every day to improve the customer experience, the contributor experience and ultimately to increase sales.

The feedback shared here, in the Adobe forum, the Adobe Stock contributor Discord channel and through all emails sent through the contact us form is taken very seriously.

Regarding the OP, it's difficult (impossible) to speculate what's going on in the graph without seeing the portfolio, understanding the productivity (how long has it been since the last upload) and whether the content being created and submitted is relevant to what stock buyers are searching for today. Now more than ever, I believe people are dependent on stock content. Businesses are not able to to set up custom shoots for their ad campaigns so some are buying stock that never have before. That being said, the type of content being sold is generally different now than what it was just a few short months ago. Covid-19 has clearly dominated the world. How can you get ahead of the next trend? Work to anticipate what the world will look like in two months. Last Thursday was the last weekly webinar hosted for contributors and we discussed that very thing. The main takeaway was that we anticipate in the very near future there will be a surge in demand for content that shows life as it was, but with a Covid-19 filter. This creates opportunity and content gaps for you to fill if you are motivated to do so. 

Adobe Stock is continuing to grow. For contributors to take advantage of this growth you must continue to create relevant, high quality stock content that appeals to customers today and meets the needs of the upcoming trends. As any of us who have been around a long time know, stock today is not the same as it was before. You cannot continue to do the same thing you've always done and expect it to find the same success you found in the past. You must continue to evolve and grow as artists. I know first hand and personally, this can be a challenge. I sincerely believe if you are willing to put in the effort, it will be worth it.

If you are interested, you can watch the recorded webinar series here: https://www.crowdcast.io/mhayward2909

I hope you can find some inspiration there and that your graph moves up and to the right ASAP!

Stay safe,

Mat Hayward

First of all, I would like to say that I really appreciate the communication. This is one of the things that makes adobe stock so much better than SS, since not only the income what is count but also the relation.
Second, I clearly understand what you have explained here. I know my content is relevant to specific people, many of which have been left without work because of the pandemic, and therefore is the change in my sales.


« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2020, 05:21 »
"We at Adobe have the best Quality over SS"
That is not advertise, this is suicide. "Than others" or "than competition" is the maximum allowed i believe.

Plus, guess, all ayencies dislike this
I am on to many other sites


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