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Author Topic: Locked out of my account  (Read 6887 times)

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« on: February 19, 2019, 19:44 »
I went to Adobe Stock to check my downloads and discovered my account is locked. All I got was this message "Your account has a validation status issue. You should contact us." That's it. No explanation, no contact person, no phone number I could call, nothing. I have over $700 sitting in my account. I strongly suspect this happened because I had to shut down the email that was associated with my account. They may have attempted to send me an email and it got bounced back - so they respond to this by shutting down my account! I sent them a message explaining the situation and gave them my other (functioning) email address. It'll probably be straightened out eventually, but I am upset with they way they dealt with situation, it just seems very thoughtless and inconsiderate to me.

« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2019, 21:06 »
Did you try emailing Mat Hayward directly (or PM'ing him here) to see if he can sort it out for you? He can also give the IT folks feedback on things that cause problems for contributors - so you could get the procedure improved as well as your account opened again.

Saying you should contact Adobe without giving you any contact information is about as carefully thought out as "Dear #firstname #lastname," (the email about negative adjustments to royalties). They need to pay attention to the details in how they interact with contributors...

« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2019, 21:17 »
Did you try emailing Mat Hayward directly (or PM'ing him here) to see if he can sort it out for you? He can also give the IT folks feedback on things that cause problems for contributors - so you could get the procedure improved as well as your account opened again.

Saying you should contact Adobe without giving you any contact information is about as carefully thought out as "Dear #firstname #lastname," (the email about negative adjustments to royalties). They need to pay attention to the details in how they interact with contributors...

I'll PM Mat Hayward, thanks. And yes, they sure do need to work on contributor relations! I just wish they valued us more.

« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2019, 21:35 »
Just wanted to add an update here. It turns out that the reason my account was locked, was because someone got ahold of my Adobe ID and requested a payout of my earnings (over $700). They even set up a fake PayPal account with my user name. Fortunately Adobe got suspicious, didn't make the payout and locked my account. Mat Hayward was a BIG help in getting this mess straightened out. The thief did not get my money, I changed my passwords on ALL of my accounts and my account is unlocked. Thanks to Adobe for protecting my earnings and getting it all straightened out. Be VERY careful with your passwords! If they tried it on me they must be trying it on others as well. I would love to see the dirtbags get caught.

« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2019, 21:54 »
Just wanted to add an update here. It turns out that the reason my account was locked, was because someone got ahold of my Adobe ID and requested a payout of my earnings (over $700). They even set up a fake PayPal account with my user name. Fortunately Adobe got suspicious, didn't make the payout and locked my account. Mat Hayward was a BIG help in getting this mess straightened out. The thief did not get my money, I changed my passwords on ALL of my accounts and my account is unlocked. Thanks to Adobe for protecting my earnings and getting it all straightened out. Be VERY careful with your passwords! If they tried it on me they must be trying it on others as well. I would love to see the dirtbags get caught.

Kudos to Mat and Adobe for stepping up, helping you out and preventing theft. 

« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2019, 23:24 »
Problem with that kind of situation is that Adobe don't send any kind of email regarding funds withdrawing (made by you or someone else  ;)). I think that this should be implemented ASAP...


« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2019, 16:47 »
I have over $700 sitting in my account.

No matter which company one is dealing with, I don't think it's a good idea to leave that much $$$ on the table.

I always take my royalty as soon as I hit the payout level, whatever it is. I'd rather trust my personal bank with my cash than a stock company.

« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2019, 09:46 »
I have over $700 sitting in my account.

No matter which company one is dealing with, I don't think it's a good idea to leave that much $$$ on the table.

I always take my royalty as soon as I hit the payout level, whatever it is. I'd rather trust my personal bank with my cash than a stock company.

Perhaps he has good sales and earnings 700 each 3-4 days  ;)


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