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Author Topic: List of people not uploading to Fotolia anymore  (Read 38620 times)

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« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2008, 12:56 »
I'm in!  I mean, er, out.

210 online and another 200 uploaded but not (and won't be) keyworded and submitted.

« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2008, 13:00 »
frankly, i think FL will just laugh at this revolt ;D

just total your images and find the percentage your images hold compared to FL inventory!
unless you're Yuri or whoever that's their breadwinner,
i don't think this revolt is even a pimple , like Miz pointed out.

i like FL, i 'm a newbie and have been there 3 months with no sales from them, while the other sites i joined have already given me sales within their first 3 weeks.
but i like to think FL is a slow starter as they  , at least the reviewers who reviewed my images, are quite polite and when they do reject my images give me a good explanation instead of "this is a snapshot!"

i think i'll wait and give FL the benefit of the doubt.
hilariously, if you ppl do pull out, it's all the better for us too,  ;D ;D

just joking! ::)

Many of us who have set our heels in over this issue are in the top 50 earners for Fotolia, if a significant number of us cease doing business with them they will feel the impact.

They may only loose 1-3% or their overall inventory but it will be 1-3% of their top earning inventory and that is a significant issue.  I can tell you from having had personal communications with the top of the company over this they think they are going to play hardball but in the end they will come to the table with a better deal. They have to and they know it. They played us for fools and have now realized that it was a mistake to do so.

I have over 4,448 images there with another couple thousand that were in the que for uploading there. I am prepaired to ride this until the wheels fall off it need be and FT managment knows it.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 13:28 by photoshow »

« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2008, 13:09 »
I stop uploading because of their submission process not pricing structure. I got enough pictures in my queue for couple weeks.

« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2008, 13:11 »
I won't upload more until the price changes or we have a choice to opt out.
818 images


« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2008, 13:15 »
I stopped uploading to Fotolia - 832 images online

I will upload again if the conditions change (comission or opt-out) and am considering removing the whole portfolio.

Maybe there should be an organized list for this!?

« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2008, 13:22 »
Has the FT forum erased the topic?  I get a bad link when I click the first post.

« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2008, 13:26 »
Yap , I guess they didn't find it laughable after all  ;D


« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2008, 13:28 »
Has the FT forum erased the topic?  I get a bad link when I click the first post.

Reason for deleting it:


« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2008, 13:38 »
With his permission, I'm adding Jason Stitt (keeweeboy) to the list of those who won't upload and might pull his portfolio. 1496 files

« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2008, 13:50 »
vtupinamba / 3572 images online

i have about 20 images for review... i send about 100 images / month... but for now... i also stopped...

*edited 06.05.2008 - just to be clear, when i wrote for "now", i don't mean "anymore", i mean won't upload for couple of months.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2008, 07:14 by vtupinamba »

« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2008, 13:54 »
You can add me as well. 868 images online.

« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2008, 14:17 »
Add me to the list for not uploading anymore new stuff until changes are made.

829 files

« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2008, 15:46 »
Just joined your forum to avoid the censorship on the agencies' websites....

Add me to the list, a tiny portfolio of 364.

« Reply #38 on: June 04, 2008, 16:02 »
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 16:06 by Lizard »

« Reply #39 on: June 04, 2008, 16:19 »
Oh Boy this is great!

All you people stopped uploading.....I'll be sure to get reviews to my images in no time flat now!

Keep up the good work. believe in your cause, and forge ahead!

Cranky MIZ


  • CreativeShot.com
« Reply #40 on: June 04, 2008, 16:51 »
frankly, i think FL will just laugh at this revolt ;D

just total your images and find the percentage your images hold compared to FL inventory!
unless you're Yuri or whoever that's their breadwinner,
i don't think this revolt is even a pimple , like Miz pointed out.

i like FL, i 'm a newbie and have been there 3 months with no sales from them, while the other sites i joined have already given me sales within their first 3 weeks.
but i like to think FL is a slow starter as they  , at least the reviewers who reviewed my images, are quite polite and when they do reject my images give me a good explanation instead of "this is a snapshot!"

i think i'll wait and give FL the benefit of the doubt.
hilariously, if you ppl do pull out, it's all the better for us too,  ;D ;D

just joking! ::)

Many of us who have set our heels in over this issue are in the top 50 earners for Fotolia, if a significant number of us cease doing business with them they will feel the impact.

They may only loose 1-3% or their overall inventory but it will be 1-3% of their top earning inventory and that is a significant issue.  I can tell you from having had personal communications with the top of the company over this they think they are going to play hardball but in the end they will come to the table with a better deal. They have to and they know it. They played us for fools and have now realized that it was a mistake to do so.

I have over 4,448 images there with another couple thousand that were in the que for uploading there. I am prepaired to ride this until the wheels fall off it need be and FT managment knows it.

I fully agree with Bobby.
I only have 600 files with them but I won't upload any new material and I also consider deleting my portfolio.

Andres has also raised his voice on their forum http://us.fotolia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=116118 , and he's the top earner on this site.

Now that I'm getting regular sales with Alamy and got my first sale today with PhotoShelter, I think it's time to concentrate on Macros.  Micros will get leftovers.

« Reply #41 on: June 04, 2008, 16:52 »
Oh Boy this is great!

All you people stopped uploading.....I'll be sure to get reviews to my images in no time flat now!

Keep up the good work. believe in your cause, and forge ahead!

Cranky MIZ

That's OK Miz, we get quicker reviews with SS without your images in the queue :)

« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2008, 17:05 »
Yes I know. But thats been that way for years now.
But FT...."no wait"  "almost instant reviews" will be a novelty for me! Yippie!

Cranky MIZ


« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2008, 17:13 »
I agree with sharpshot it's only Schadenfreude because you are banned from SS and FTs submodel aiming at them. Maybe in a silent moment you will see that the real issue is that  FT is trying to fool us and if they succeed this will hurt all of us including you!
It's time to show the agencies that we are not the stupid fools what they are  trying to make of us.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 17:18 by grp_photo »


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2008, 17:22 »
It's time to show the agencies that we are not the stupid fools what they are  trying to make of us.

Hmmm. Fooltolia?


« Reply #45 on: June 04, 2008, 17:24 »


« Reply #46 on: June 04, 2008, 17:24 »
Well I feel a bit of a fraud because I had already stopped uploading to them, however I'm quite highly ranked there so add me to the list anyway because as I said on their forum I'll consider pulling out altogether over the way we've been treated with the subscription implementation but this decision will be based on whether or not they have an opt out and if not how future subscription sales effect me.
Oh and I have 1389 images there.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 17:34 by RT »

« Reply #47 on: June 04, 2008, 18:18 »
1246 images.

Acceptances have fallen so far through the floor that it make much of a difference if I stop uploading.  They have already effectively stopped 60-70% of my photos from going online anyway.

Whenever my growing RM portfolio starts seeing regular sales, Fotolia is the first money-making micro I'm leaving.  Their history of shafting contributors has gone on long enough and there is no inkling it will ever change.  I just cannot support a company that doesn't give two cents about its contributors.

« Reply #48 on: June 04, 2008, 18:20 »

Hilarious , especially last two sentences

That is an amazing turnaround, so in December 2007

"for example, a micro subscription model that pulls down prices to 25 cents an image, decreases the overall business and only provides short term sales benefits."

Yet now in June 2008, the very same person has decided that its a good idea after all. I presume Fotolia are scared of losing their piece of the pie.


  • CreativeShot.com
« Reply #49 on: June 04, 2008, 18:30 »

Hilarious , especially last two sentences

That is an amazing turnaround, so in December 2007

"for example, a micro subscription model that pulls down prices to 25 cents an image, decreases the overall business and only provides short term sales benefits."

Yet now in June 2008, the very same person has decided that its a good idea after all. I presume Fotolia are scared of losing their piece of the pie.

Well he had it right in his first statement... Wonder what happened to him... did he get brainwashed??


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