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Author Topic: Keyword order in Lightroom  (Read 6647 times)

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« on: March 30, 2018, 02:58 »
Hi Mat,
An improvement that would change the life of the poor contributor entering his images on AS, the possibility on Lightroom (I think 95% of photographers work on it) to choose the order of keywords, alphabetical or by order of entry.

It would be revolutionary and would save incredible time.

I know it doesn't depend on Adobe Stock directly but since Lightroom is an Adobe creation I guess the developers have to cross paths at the coffee machine from time to time ;)

I don't think it's very complicated to put this system back in place already existed on an oldest version of Bridge (another Adobe production)

« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2018, 03:07 »
Really surprises me they don't do this you'd think it would be quite a simple thing to do


« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2018, 08:39 »
I think Adobestock is great. From where I sit, it seems to be "on the rise". However, rather than changing Lightroom, I think it would be better if AS didn't use keyword order to weight keywords and rather build keyword weighting based on downloads over time. Ordering keywords manually takes more time and may in fact not be very accurate.

« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2018, 09:27 »
Hi Mat,
An improvement that would change the life of the poor contributor entering his images on AS, the possibility on Lightroom (I think 95% of photographers work on it) to choose the order of keywords, alphabetical or by order of entry.

It would be revolutionary and would save incredible time.

I know it doesn't depend on Adobe Stock directly but since Lightroom is an Adobe creation I guess the developers have to cross paths at the coffee machine from time to time ;)

I don't think it's very complicated to put this system back in place already existed on an oldest version of Bridge (another Adobe production)

I've asked the LR team about this very thing in the past. A big part of the appeal to LR is the organizational features. Removing alphabetized keywords would disrupt that feature and make it less organized for use beyond stock keywording.

In my personal workflow, all of my RAW conversions are handled in LR. For the sake of organization I use one main library and add one or two keywords to describe the shoot so I can find the images at a later date in Lightroom.

Once my conversions are done and I have exported my JPG files to my hard drive I then open the JPG files in Bridge and add my stock keywords there. Through Bridge, the keywords stay in the correct order and my LR library isn't overwhelmed with thousands of keywords that don't apply to the organization of the library.

I then use the drag and drop feature at Adobe Stock to upload. If you haven't tried drag and drop uploads for a while, I recommend you give it a fresh look in the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal. It takes an unlimited number of files and is pretty dang fast.

I understand your requests for either changing LR to keep the order of keywords as you have added them or to remove the relevance weight in the Adobe Stock search. I don't anticipate either of these changes taking place any time soon. My best advice is to update your workflow to simplify the process. My way might not be the best way, I would be interested to learn what others are doing. What I've described is simply the best way that I have found to make it work for me.

Thanks for the feedback,


« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2018, 10:36 »
I'm not a programmer but I would have thought all that would be needed is an extra field "keyword order" and option to sort by that.....but anyway if they aren't going to do it thats it......thanks for the info.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 10:52 by Pauws99 »

« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2018, 05:11 »
Hi Mat,
An improvement that would change the life of the poor contributor entering his images on AS, the possibility on Lightroom (I think 95% of photographers work on it) to choose the order of keywords, alphabetical or by order of entry.

It would be revolutionary and would save incredible time.

I know it doesn't depend on Adobe Stock directly but since Lightroom is an Adobe creation I guess the developers have to cross paths at the coffee machine from time to time ;)

I don't think it's very complicated to put this system back in place already existed on an oldest version of Bridge (another Adobe production)

I've asked the LR team about this very thing in the past. A big part of the appeal to LR is the organizational features. Removing alphabetized keywords would disrupt that feature and make it less organized for use beyond stock keywording.

In my personal workflow, all of my RAW conversions are handled in LR. For the sake of organization I use one main library and add one or two keywords to describe the shoot so I can find the images at a later date in Lightroom.

Once my conversions are done and I have exported my JPG files to my hard drive I then open the JPG files in Bridge and add my stock keywords there. Through Bridge, the keywords stay in the correct order and my LR library isn't overwhelmed with thousands of keywords that don't apply to the organization of the library.

I then use the drag and drop feature at Adobe Stock to upload. If you haven't tried drag and drop uploads for a while, I recommend you give it a fresh look in the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal. It takes an unlimited number of files and is pretty dang fast.

I understand your requests for either changing LR to keep the order of keywords as you have added them or to remove the relevance weight in the Adobe Stock search. I don't anticipate either of these changes taking place any time soon. My best advice is to update your workflow to simplify the process. My way might not be the best way, I would be interested to learn what others are doing. What I've described is simply the best way that I have found to make it work for me.

Thanks for ,


Thanks for your feedback, Mat...but ;)

- Nobody wants to alphabetical order to be removed completely. There could be an option if I want to re-order my keywords alphabetically or if I want them to stay in the order I added them. I do see that the alphabetical order is important and I want it to remain in LR, too, but it just makes no consistent workflow within your own products.

- I never use Adobe Bridge. Why for the world should I add an extra step to my workflow, open a new software, open every photo again and add keywords?

- I can NOT reorder the keywords for a batch of images from the same series at once. It's the most annoying thing ever. Sorry ;) And I have to disagree, it takes forever to reorder keywords when I upload 20,30, 50 images at once.

- Yes, it most likely makes total sense to sort keywords by relevance BUT if it's not hassle-free for contributors to use (and it's simply not! It's two Adobe products I use to edit and upload my images and these two applications simply don't work well with each other regarding keyword order) I doubt that they use it consequently which well, in the end makes this feature kind of obsolete, doesn't it? Keyword order by relevance makes only sense if it is done. If contributors upload their images and don't reorder keywords means total irrelevant keywords are in the top 5 positions...which corrupts the whole system, doesn't it? If it does not...well, I guess reordering keywords is not as important after all...

Sorry, for the harsh criticism but I can't agree if the solutions is like: well, why don't you all change your work flow and add another software and another editing step to please Adobe.   


« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2018, 08:26 »
Hi Mat,
An improvement that would change the life of the poor contributor entering his images on AS, the possibility on Lightroom (I think 95% of photographers work on it) to choose the order of keywords, alphabetical or by order of entry.

It would be revolutionary and would save incredible time.

I know it doesn't depend on Adobe Stock directly but since Lightroom is an Adobe creation I guess the developers have to cross paths at the coffee machine from time to time ;)

I don't think it's very complicated to put this system back in place already existed on an oldest version of Bridge (another Adobe production)

I've asked the LR team about this very thing in the past. A big part of the appeal to LR is the organizational features. Removing alphabetized keywords would disrupt that feature and make it less organized for use beyond stock keywording.

In my personal workflow, all of my RAW conversions are handled in LR. For the sake of organization I use one main library and add one or two keywords to describe the shoot so I can find the images at a later date in Lightroom.

Once my conversions are done and I have exported my JPG files to my hard drive I then open the JPG files in Bridge and add my stock keywords there. Through Bridge, the keywords stay in the correct order and my LR library isn't overwhelmed with thousands of keywords that don't apply to the organization of the library.

I then use the drag and drop feature at Adobe Stock to upload. If you haven't tried drag and drop uploads for a while, I recommend you give it a fresh look in the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal. It takes an unlimited number of files and is pretty dang fast.

I understand your requests for either changing LR to keep the order of keywords as you have added them or to remove the relevance weight in the Adobe Stock search. I don't anticipate either of these changes taking place any time soon. My best advice is to update your workflow to simplify the process. My way might not be the best way, I would be interested to learn what others are doing. What I've described is simply the best way that I have found to make it work for me.

Thanks for ,


It is not a question to remove it, but a question to offer both the possibilities (Alpha-numeric and non Alpha-numeric order).
And frankly I don't believe that it could have any negative incidence on the organization of the library, as it has nothing to do with it.

« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2018, 04:12 »
Mat thanks a lot for your answer,
Beyond the important time spent prioritizing keywords I wonder about the relevance of the system. We know that the first keyword "weighs" the heaviest and that the 7th has practically no more impact in the search engine. This means that for a given theme, for example a family on the beach, all contributors, if they do their job well, will use the same or almost the same keywords.
At present with tens of millions of images covering the most popular themes and the growing number of new images arriving every month how the buyer can find what he is looking for without spending a crazy time looking through pages of images.
Not prioritizing keywords may allow more creativity in the search by allowing the buyer to choose from 20 or 30 keywords.
What do you think?

« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2018, 10:17 »
Mat thanks a lot for your answer,
Beyond the important time spent prioritizing keywords I wonder about the relevance of the system. We know that the first keyword "weighs" the heaviest and that the 7th has practically no more impact in the search engine. This means that for a given theme, for example a family on the beach, all contributors, if they do their job well, will use the same or almost the same keywords.
At present with tens of millions of images covering the most popular themes and the growing number of new images arriving every month how the buyer can find what he is looking for without spending a crazy time looking through pages of images.
Not prioritizing keywords may allow more creativity in the search by allowing the buyer to choose from 20 or 30 keywords.
What do you think?

We have a very strong team dedicated specifically to search. I appreciate the feedback and will be sure to share it with the team.


« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2018, 08:55 »
These requests have been on the adobe tracker for several years now but no action or response to say its being considered.
Its even more ridiculous that theres a LR plugin for adobe stock which cant actually go through the whole submission thing because you still need to manually order keywords on the website.

Uploading to adobe is a PITA for this reason - i export images with keywords in alphabetical which is fine for SS, 123rf and others so submission after upload is quick.  But for each image on adobe i have to manually repaste keywords in priority order from a spreadsheet before submission.


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