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Author Topic: Introducing the free collection from Adobe Stock  (Read 101198 times)

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« Reply #200 on: October 18, 2020, 05:43 »
I understand that Adobe wants to offer a free section to draw people away from Unsplash and in principle by having width but not depth and paying artists fairly for the year it looks like a lot of thinking went into it.

If the downloads were limited to 10 files a day, I could maybe somehow get myself used to it.

But at 100 files a day it is a genuine threat to our income.

Adobe is the last good site standing that everyone can join.

Like others have said, we have seen these things before and it always meant our income went down.

istock once had the dollar bin, which I thought was a much better concept. Old files could be moved into that collection where every file just costs a dollar.

But every file had a 30 day clock ticking. After 30 days with no sales, the files were deleted forever.

This gave the dollar bin a playful vibe and many old files lived a long and happy life there.

A variation of this could see the files moved  back to the regular collection at higher prices.

Also...every artists then has the option to join (total size of collection was of course limited) and it also was another entry point for the customer to discover artists beyond the usual search.

I wish Adobe all the best, but it sounds like our income will suffer because the quality in that collection is very good.

ETA: I also understand that introducing a free collection allows Adobe to keep our royalties stable, instead of lowering them like SS. It is a complicated world.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 06:47 by cobalt »

« Reply #201 on: October 18, 2020, 06:09 »
Reading till this point, considering Mat answers and the Jo Ann valid points, it think it could be a good marketing idea for the artists and for Adobe.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 06:11 by gameover »


« Reply #202 on: October 18, 2020, 06:15 »
Wouldn't it be better for Adobe to offer their software for free to attract people to paying decent rates for stock art? Makes much more sense to me.

« Reply #203 on: October 18, 2020, 08:39 »
Wouldn't it be better for Adobe to offer their software for free to attract people to paying decent rates for stock art? Makes much more sense to me.

That does seem to make more sense.  I dont know how many comments Ive read about people who hate paying the subscription and have switched to other software.  Woo them back.

« Reply #204 on: October 18, 2020, 13:04 »
Wouldn't it be better for Adobe to offer their software for free to attract people to paying decent rates for stock art?

Best coment i read since long here

« Reply #205 on: October 18, 2020, 14:19 »
AdobeStock never was a contributor's friend.- They are a business, and they have their marketing plans.

On the other hand, Adobe Software is not one of a kind, it is not unique. There is much better software available for the artists. DAVINCI RESOLVE for video (free or paid version), Darktable, ON1 and other for images. Therefore no more Adobe Software subscription plans. This is the way I will pay them back.

« Reply #206 on: October 18, 2020, 14:30 »
From Matt
b) Yes, that's the plan. The free only sites are attracting a lot of potential customers. Our goal is to showcase Adobe Stock content and educate them on the value of having a safe license on released content. The end goal is to attract them to the larger, paid collection to entice them to purchase licenses for content outside the free collection.

I understand the "strategy" to increase sales and traffic to AS by enticing Free-Searchers with a promise of better search results, higher quality and model/property released images. But free-searchers will NOT buy. And offering 70K+ quality images will surely satisfy their need. You have just become another browser bookmark in the free photos file.

You will NOT educate Free-Searchers on anything. NOTHING! They don't care about safe license. You are just providing a bigger, better trough for the pigs to feed in. And in doing so, helping to kill the market for contributors.

And free-searchers don't care about your license terms. LOL! They will use any image any way they want.

You are inviting the wretched, bottom-feeders to the house. "Welcome one and all! Enjoy the free photos! And while  you are here look around at the stuff you will have to pay for if you don't find what you like." Not gonna happen, Matt. As far back as I can remember, Adobe's marketing strategy meetings are ruthless - from abandoning Apple to subscription software.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 14:51 by Shooter »

« Reply #207 on: October 18, 2020, 15:07 »
AdobeStock never was a contributor's friend.- They are a business, and they have their marketing plans.

On the other hand, Adobe Software is not one of a kind, it is not unique. There is much better software available for the artists. DAVINCI RESOLVE for video (free or paid version), Darktable, ON1 and other for images. Therefore no more Adobe Software subscription plans. This is the way I will pay them back.

Same here. For start I'll boycott all of their software. Then I'll think about deleting my portfolio. If they wanna play, let's play.

« Reply #208 on: October 18, 2020, 15:17 »
Here is my may never get the real numbers but I will give it a guess. I would guess it is $100 dollars to $ 1 on the money that Adobe makes on the cloud software. For ever $ 100 dollars they earn on cloud software they earn $ 1 dollar on stock photos. They really are and have always been a cloud software company. Maybe someone knows the real numbers of Software to stock photos. With giving away 100 good images a day stock photos can't be the end game. If Adobe makes it 100 images a day images why not just go unlimited images a day ?

« Reply #209 on: October 18, 2020, 15:51 »
Here is my may never get the real numbers but I will give it a guess. I would guess it is $100 dollars to $ 1 on the money that Adobe makes on the cloud software. For ever $ 100 dollars they earn on cloud software they earn $ 1 dollar on stock photos. They really are and have always been a cloud software company. Maybe someone knows the real numbers of Software to stock photos. With giving away 100 good images a day stock photos can't be the end game. If Adobe makes it 100 images a day images why not just go unlimited images a day ?

Adobe wasn't always a cloud software company, but it's a very long way from its origins. And it's true that the pittance that they make licensing stock content is insignificant to the current execs. Take a look at this recent article about their best ever Q3 numbers and rosy outlook for Q4

Jim Pickerell's article on the free section mentioned that he estimates Adobe Stock's annual revenue at $250 million.

If you look at Adobe's Q3 earnings summary and add their expectation for Q4 2020 to their actual for the 9 months YTD, it's $12.79 billion for the whole year. So closer to 50 to 1 than 100 to 1, but still...

The major problem as I see it was that some factory suppliers were willing to participate in this scheme. They've given Adobe cover to make this look less destructive than it actually is.

« Reply #210 on: October 18, 2020, 16:12 »

« Reply #211 on: October 19, 2020, 00:41 »
Free images: Contributor abuse.
Am l interested? Hell NO!

« Reply #212 on: October 19, 2020, 03:53 »
100 images a day is basically unlimited images a day. Only the scope of those images is preventing more harm. Adobe would give for free all content if it was theirs to lock in many creatives into their software and jack up their prices. But the truth is better and cheaper software is growing everywhere.
I have not made the jump yet on photoshop but when I started 2 years ago with footage I tried Davinci and Premiere+Adobe AE made my numbers and purchased my Davinci Resolve Studio Version. Very glad I took that route. It has saved me lots of money and I think at this point it is much more capable that Premiere + After Effects together. In the photo department they are still king but not in the way they were 2 years ago. At this pace Photoshop will also loose leadership soon.

Adobe is floating on a fluffy cloud because the subscription pill they forced to take to many. But that have given a lot of air into the sails of competitors.......

Here is my may never get the real numbers but I will give it a guess. I would guess it is $100 dollars to $ 1 on the money that Adobe makes on the cloud software. For ever $ 100 dollars they earn on cloud software they earn $ 1 dollar on stock photos. They really are and have always been a cloud software company. Maybe someone knows the real numbers of Software to stock photos. With giving away 100 good images a day stock photos can't be the end game. If Adobe makes it 100 images a day images why not just go unlimited images a day ?

« Reply #213 on: October 19, 2020, 04:11 »
In the photo department they are still king but not in the way they were 2 years ago. At this pace Photoshop will also loose leadership soon.

I don't think they are king in that department. I have Lightroom due to the bonus brogram, but I don't use it. I prefer Luminar, not just because it is not a subscription-softwear, but because it can do all the basic things Lightroom can do as well. Maybe there might be some in-deptht functions only Lightroom has, but how many people are willing to spend 3 hours editing photos for microstock where you get cents for an image? The basic functions are more than enough for that and Luminar only costs you a fraction of Lightroom and there are quite a few softwears like this that offer all the basic functions needed.

However, sadly I have not found a good replacement for photoshop yet, due to photoshops very useful option to use hand-written scripts with the program. I know there are some other softwears like Affinity Photo that promised they will implement it and when the day comes and I don't get free photoshop from the Bonus program, I will gladly switch over. And all of this not because of some grudge with Adobe because of some free image gallery, but because I absolutely detest subscription model softwear. I held on to my very old Photoshop version as long as I could before it became impossible to run it on a modern computer. I don't like it. I want to pay money for a softwear - even if it is an expensive one - if and when I have the money for it.


« Reply #214 on: October 19, 2020, 05:31 »
I haven't done this myself, but many people have transitioned from Illustrator and Photoshop to Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo.
At least in the groups I am in.
I bought the software too, I have used it on my iPad and the vector program seems good.
It is a one off fee.


« Reply #216 on: October 19, 2020, 10:34 »
I propose that you limit the maximum number of downloads to 10 photos per day, 2 videos, 5 illustrations ... and add 1 extra free per photo purchased with real money

« Reply #217 on: October 19, 2020, 14:15 »
I propose that you limit the maximum number of downloads to 10 photos per day, 2 videos, 5 illustrations ... and add 1 extra free per photo purchased with real money



« Reply #218 on: October 19, 2020, 14:28 »
I propose that you limit the maximum number of downloads to 10 photos per day, 2 videos, 5 illustrations ... and add 1 extra free per photo purchased with real money

I propose they allow 5 free downloads per day of their software per person.

Clair Voyant

« Reply #219 on: October 19, 2020, 15:11 »
I propose that you limit the maximum number of downloads to 10 photos per day, 2 videos, 5 illustrations ... and add 1 extra free per photo purchased with real money

Or have a daily random roulette wheel with 1 free photo, 1 free video, and 1 free illustration. The current menu on offer is so disrespectful to all contributors.


« Reply #220 on: October 19, 2020, 15:39 »
It is a thoughtful and elaborate strategy. Start up. Do not give more ideas, please, the agencies read this. The market is evolving. Do not do the work of the rest of the agencies.


« Reply #221 on: October 19, 2020, 17:38 »
This came up in my FB feed. I suppose this is from the paid collection.
Everything will be free soon or at least will be so cheap that you won't be able to make anything.
It seems the only option will be with curated sites where the images are selected.

« Reply #222 on: October 19, 2020, 18:22 »
This came up in my FB feed. I suppose this is from the paid collection.
Everything will be free soon or at least will be so cheap that you won't be able to make anything.
It seems the only option will be with curated sites where the images are selected.

Hi Mir,

That is different than what is being discussed in this thread. Since the beginning of Adobe Stock there has been a "first month free" promotion with the popular 10 download per month plan. To be clear, all of those downloads have resulted in a standard royalty paid to the contributor based on the paid price of the plan.


« Reply #223 on: October 20, 2020, 02:29 »
I imagine a bakery in my town, which is offering two kinds of bread, one is free of charge and the other one you have to pay for. An now I compare this to Matts argument:

"The end goal is to attract them to the larger, paid collection to entice them to purchase licenses for content outside the free collection."

What a wonderful business idea!!!!

« Reply #224 on: October 20, 2020, 05:55 »

Free images doesn't make people feel "wow, I need this service, I'm going to pay for it".
They just want more free images and download what they can get free of charge, then go to the next free site, and so on.
Free makes our work of less value, and Adobe as a stock agency will lose its credibility and look like Pexels, Unsplash, whatever xzyqw sites there are.
I'd expect stock agencies to be a little more inventive with the services you offer. Is "Free" really the only thing you come up with??


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