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Author Topic: Introducing Adobe Stock!  (Read 123690 times)

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« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2015, 03:03 »
I am positively surprised!

« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2015, 03:16 »
i dont see any improvment

10 images on shutter we get 28,5$, here we will get 10$

Shutterstock should go exclusive i'll close all other accounts

Since Adobe stepped into fotolia things seems to improve a lot. Hope the sales are going the same way. Thanks for the good work. :)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 03:20 by Cesar »

« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2015, 03:26 »
This is very good news and very exciting. I really appreciate the 33%! Thank you!

Will sales on adobe stock be reported in real time on fotolia? Can we see on fotolia which sales came via adobe?

Good luck!

(any chance for video to be included soon?)

« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2015, 03:31 »

Will Adobe undercut his prices by DPC?
When will Adobe close DPC?

« Reply #29 on: June 16, 2015, 03:33 »
i dont see any improvment

Me neither yet but let us hope.

10 images on shutter we get 28,5$, here we will get 10$
for you maybe but not for all of us. No of dl on FT are much higher than on SS for many contributors, they are just not so vocal as SS partisans.

Shutterstock should go exclusive i'll close all other accounts
That would be a huge mistake in my opinion but nobody stops you.


« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2015, 03:45 »
I have to be honest, I feel kind of crap that I am not able to sell my photos through Adobe. Missing out on good money, all because I wanted to protect my intellectual property.

Ron, don't feel bad for having the integrity to stand up for yourself. Right or wrong, the decision/s you made or influenced were for the right reasons, a few dollars shouldn't change that.

Anyway, don't assume this is all rosy, it sounds good but so many things do when they first come to light in this business, they can very quickly look a lot less appealing.

« Reply #31 on: June 16, 2015, 03:53 »
 they should allow ron, anyka... and others to return - it is a new owner - chance to show a goodwill...
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 03:58 by ferdinand »

« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2015, 03:58 »
As Fotolia contributors we should get a discount on Adobe CC  :)

« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2015, 03:59 »
As Fotolia contributors we should get a discount on Adobe CC  :)

« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2015, 04:00 »
they should allow ron, anyka... and others to return - it is a new owner - chance to show a goodwill...

I agree, lets have a fresh start together. Happy endings are the best.

« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2015, 04:21 »
This is great news. Let's see how this will translate in numbers for the next months. I have also jumped to silver.

All in all makes my "new independent life easier". I wonder if this action will make other "unfriendly to contributors" agencies make a move.  How many independent contributors are no longer submitting to agencies that pay below 20%? I hope that the times of DPCs shady third party deals (DP) etc etc will slowly dissappear . In any case here we have a start......... :)

« Reply #36 on: June 16, 2015, 04:33 »
In addition, all subscription sales at Fotolia and Adobe Stock will be equal to one full download towards your rank.

Mat, how about past sub sales? will they count as one full download as well?

« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2015, 04:36 »
there is no happy ending in capitalism, be realistic.

they should allow ron, anyka... and others to return - it is a new owner - chance to show a goodwill...

I agree, lets have a fresh start together. Happy endings are the best.

« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2015, 04:36 »
I have also jumped to silver.

How did you jump to silver?

When I check my account I still see past sub sales count as 1/4

« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2015, 05:01 »
Well last time I checked I needed like a few hundred sales to reach Silver. Now I am there. So it is a bug or there was some new calculation (for past subscriptions) applied retroactively. I am sure we will find out in the next hours.......

I have also jumped to silver.

How did you jump to silver?

When I check my account I still see past sub sales count as 1/4


« Reply #40 on: June 16, 2015, 05:07 »
In addition, all subscription sales at Fotolia and Adobe Stock will be equal to one full download towards your rank.

Mat, how about past sub sales? will they count as one full download as well?

I hope it does not become a step towards annual ranking.

« Reply #41 on: June 16, 2015, 05:11 »
Why am I not allowed to convert all my credits? As I see I can only convert my earnings in 50 credits installment.
When I try to convert a second portion of 50 credits, it doesn't let me: "You can't make a new conversion until the previous one has been processed." Sometimes processing takes several weeks and even so, what is >50< cannot be converted (say 135 credits).
If I want to withdraw my money I have to pay PayPal fees for each portion of 50 euros. That is not good.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 05:32 by Dodie »

« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2015, 05:11 »
This is a big news! Fotolia was in a huge decline for me during the last few years so I even stopped uploading. Since I heard Adobe took it over I restarted uploading.

33%  This 33% covers your equipment, your time, the cost of the models, the location, retouching, keywording, uploading. 33% - 1/3 of the price and we are happy whith it! Nothing shows the sate of this industry better. Because yes: this offer is quite fair if you compare it to other leading agencies. Unless photographers can found a strong union (what will never happen on the internet) Adobes offer remains one of the best on the market.

Anyway, I have high hopes in Adobe! Good luck to all!


« Reply #43 on: June 16, 2015, 05:18 »
Considering that all everyone will get 33% maybe the accounts stepping up to Silver have something to do with that and it is easier just to bump a ranking than changing anything else?


« Reply #44 on: June 16, 2015, 05:27 »
Mat, can you please clarify how will videos be treated by Adobe Stock?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 05:56 by ultimagaina »

« Reply #45 on: June 16, 2015, 05:50 »
Considering that all everyone will get 33% maybe the accounts stepping up to Silver have something to do with that and it is easier just to bump a ranking than changing anything else?

Though jumped to silver, I don't see any revenue changes in today's downloads.

« Reply #46 on: June 16, 2015, 05:59 »
Wow, positive news from an agency?
That sounds crazy!

Actually , this is a very good positive step. Every creative uses Adobe, and now to have access to images at your fingertips as your working, I can only see positive growth as it relates to volume of sales.

It  is  also good that the rates are competitive, as this will keep the market place and the agancies like SS at least status quo for now.

Now Ill have to start uploading like mad

One more thing:  Adobe - please reconsider accepting editorial content. There is a need in the marketplace for these kind of images as well!

« Reply #47 on: June 16, 2015, 06:00 »
Considering that all everyone will get 33% maybe the accounts stepping up to Silver have something to do with that and it is easier just to bump a ranking than changing anything else?

Though jumped to silver, I don't see any revenue changes in today's downloads.

same here

« Reply #48 on: June 16, 2015, 06:08 »
Considering that all everyone will get 33% maybe the accounts stepping up to Silver have something to do with that and it is easier just to bump a ranking than changing anything else?

Though jumped to silver, I don't see any revenue changes in today's downloads.

same here

I see it. Was getting 1.84 credits for L sale, today it was 2.0. Subs also, 0,29 instead of 0.27 that was yesterday.


  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #49 on: June 16, 2015, 06:28 »
This is what I expected. A sea change, IMO. I'm very glad to see royalties have risen. That's extremely positive and a development iS and SS should pay attention to.

Now it's just a matter of trust.


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