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Author Topic: Important Fotolia Announcement  (Read 69563 times)

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« Reply #125 on: November 07, 2018, 08:55 »
But is it true that Credit sales will be a thing of the past? Just subs in future?

Adobe Stock offers credit packs. The structure is different from Fotolia though this option is available for customers that want to avoid subscriptions.



« Reply #126 on: November 07, 2018, 11:01 »
We need to be able to choose the video thumbnail.
Your auto thumbnail creation often picks the worst possible video frame.

Just look at your video pages. You often have a black thumbnail frame. Who is going to click on that?

« Reply #127 on: November 07, 2018, 13:15 »
Hi Mat,
I'm encountering a problem :
- I have two Fotolia accounts : one on Fotolia US and another one on the French site.
Why ? Because 10 years ago i started to sell on the US site then I decided to continue on the French one because 1$ = 1, so it's much more interesting for me (as I'm French) to sell there.
- Now I have synchronized my French Fotolia Account with Adobe ....OK !
- But how can i Synchronize my old Fotolia US account who is still give me some gains ? Long time ago i've asked to Fotolia to join the 2 Accounts and they told me it was impossible...
-Another question : after the closing of Fotolia, will the earning will stay in for old European accounts ?
Cos there is a huge difference of earnings (20% more) corresponding of the higher cost of life there, if we are losing this with the switch to Adobe, it's just unfair !
Thanks for your help, maybe Im not the only one in this case .

« Reply #128 on: November 07, 2018, 13:20 »
We need to be able to choose the video thumbnail.
Your auto thumbnail creation often picks the worst possible video frame.

Just look at your video pages. You often have a black thumbnail frame. Who is going to click on that?

I totally agree. I can't help but think Dennis will chime in as well and confirm the sentiment. This is a top request and I hope to see it implimented in the not-too-distant future.


« Reply #129 on: November 07, 2018, 13:24 »
Hi Mat,
I'm encountering a problem :
- I have two Fotolia accounts : one on Fotolia US and another one on the French site.
Why ? Because 10 years ago i started to sell on the US site then I decided to continue on the French one because 1$ = 1, so it's much more interesting for me (as I'm French) to sell there.
- Now I have synchronized my French Fotolia Account with Adobe ....OK !
- But how can i Synchronize my old Fotolia US account who is still give me some gains ? Long time ago i've asked to Fotolia to join the 2 Accounts and they told me it was impossible...
-Another question : after the closing of Fotolia, will the earning will stay in for old European accounts ?
Cos there is a huge difference of earnings (20% more) corresponding of the higher cost of life there, if we are losing this with the switch to Adobe, it's just unfair !
Thanks for your help, maybe Im not the only one in this case .

You were told correct. We are not able to merge multiple active accounts. You will need to sync your US account with a different Adobe ID if your intent is to keep it active. There is not a workaround for this other than deleting the old account and resubmitting the content for a new review.

There are no planned changes to currencies paid in different zones that I am aware of.


Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #130 on: November 07, 2018, 13:27 »
Mat its about time you guys develop a app for AS.

...I'm the content lead for Video on Adobe Stock and would love to hear what you would need for an application.  I'm assuming you're talking mobile, but let me know if I'm wrong?  What are the main pain points and what should an application accomplish to address them?...

Not sure if you're looking for feedback from video contributors about their needs or are asking more generally about a contributor app for stats information.

If you're asking about an app for stats in general, have you looked at Shutterstock's contributor app for phones (iPhone & Android) and tablets? It's not perfect, but it's useful. There are many, many stats that Adobe doesn't currently have anywhere - like total sales in $$ and units for a given image - and some nice little extras such as telling you when an image sells for the 100th time, or 1st time, which is both useful and fun information to have.

You want access to sales stats, recent acceptance/rejection of images. Viewing your portfolio and any collections. Searching for an image in your portfolio. Shutterstock lets you upload content too although I don't upload that way so have no insights to offer.

It'd be good to have the browser interface on a desktop have all these features too - that's had so little work done since "Insights" was added. You can't get a monthly list of sales in $$ and downloads simultaneously, for example - my huge monitor with tons of space for more information and I see one type of information at a time (and the downloads total is shown with $$ signs in front which should be a simple fix)

Yes a contributor app that shows total sales for an image, maybe upload from the phone (unless Adobe doesn't really want phone photos), that notifies of sales... Or add sales total for any image to the "Insights"?

« Reply #131 on: November 07, 2018, 13:34 »
Ok Mat, thanks
So i will create a second Adobe ID
Does i need to use 2 different email accounts ?

« Reply #132 on: November 07, 2018, 14:10 »
Ok Mat, thanks
So i will create a second Adobe ID
Does i need to use 2 different email accounts ?


« Reply #133 on: November 07, 2018, 14:30 »
Everyone is so concerned about uploading process, mobile apps, which really are the matters of a secondary importance.
Lets tak about real thing - money. Mat, what is your stance on Adobe decreasing commissions from 40% to 33% for high ranked contributors ? What do you think about depriving high ranked contributors of the privilege of setting price higher per image ? Everyday I get at least a few 10/20/30/40-credit sales (or so), soon these will be gone.

« Reply #134 on: November 07, 2018, 14:53 »
I can't get into the Fotolia contributor site at all now.  It just kicks me to the front page.

« Reply #135 on: November 07, 2018, 15:00 »
I can't get into the Fotolia contributor site at all now.  It just kicks me to the front page.

Use brute force, there is a Sign in to Fotolia in faint lettering on the front page, then sign in, if it asks for capture and there isn't one just ignore it and sign in again.

« Reply #136 on: November 07, 2018, 16:00 »
Everyone is so concerned about uploading process, mobile apps, which really are the matters of a secondary importance.
Lets tak about real thing - money. Mat, what is your stance on Adobe decreasing commissions from 40% to 33% for high ranked contributors ? What do you think about depriving high ranked contributors of the privilege of setting price higher per image ? Everyday I get at least a few 10/20/30/40-credit sales (or so), soon these will be gone.

There is no simple answer to your question. At Adobe Stock the pricing for all content is the same to provide a consistent experience for customers. For stock buyers, finding the right content and making the purchase can be challenging.  At Adobe we do everything we can to ensure the most straightforward and simple process to find and purchase content is at Adobe Stock. We continuously strive to enhance the search and offer simple ways to purchase at competitive prices . Regarding the specific question about the commission rate, the commission has always been 33% at both Adobe Stock and Fotolia for subscription downloads. This has not changed since the launch of Adobe Stock. We are always looking for ways to ensure contributors are well compensated both in commissions and through added perks such as the free Creative Cloud subscription plans, free access to Adobe Portfolio, promotion of contributors through social media and Adobe blogs and tutorials and more.
My personal philosophy on this is that credits sales have been declining for several years now as the entire industry has evolved. I rarely see credit sales in my account already. There is a record volume of content available now at multiple agencies and most sites have shifted into a subscription based plan because this is what the customers want. I understand that many long term contributors (myself included) have benefited from the higher priced individual downloads with Fotolia credits in the past. I have found in my personal experience the way to maintain a steady income now is through consistently creating more and better content. Even with the decline of credits sales I have managed to increase my overall stock income year over year by creating and submitting new content on a regular basis.  I think this transition is best compared to the original introduction to microstock. I once sat in on a lecture from a stock photographer who was teaching about stock in general. This was not long after Fotolia had launched. During the talk he started to rant a bit about the absurdity of the microstock concept and that it would never last. I know countless photographers who profited greatly in the past by selling stock with rights-managed licenses for hundreds of dollars per license, the volume of sales was much lower but the sales price was much higher. Then came microstock and  the industry was completely disrupted. While many photographers protested, the reality is that the change was inevitable. What was generally accepted in the past, was not what customers wanted at that time. The industry has continued to change since then. For creatives to find success, we must also continue to change and evolve our business strategy.  What is the best way to do that? I can't answer that in a general statement. I know what works for me but that might be completely different for you. The consistent theme for success since the beginning of photography has been hard work, skill and creativity.


« Reply #137 on: November 07, 2018, 16:00 »
I can't get into the Fotolia contributor site at all now.  It just kicks me to the front page.

Hit me up directly if you are still facing issues Sean.


« Reply #138 on: November 07, 2018, 16:37 »
I can't get into the Fotolia contributor site at all now either.  It also kicks me to the front page of adobe, and I can't even find how to get to the contributor page from there.

« Reply #139 on: November 07, 2018, 17:17 »
I can't get into the Fotolia contributor site at all now.  It just kicks me to the front page.

Use brute force, there is a Sign in to Fotolia in faint lettering on the front page, then sign in, if it asks for capture and there isn't one just ignore it and sign in again.

Wow, that was weird.  Thx :)

« Reply #140 on: November 07, 2018, 18:19 »
Everyone is so concerned about uploading process, mobile apps, which really are the matters of a secondary importance.
Lets tak about real thing - money. Mat, what is your stance on Adobe decreasing commissions from 40% to 33% for high ranked contributors ? What do you think about depriving high ranked contributors of the privilege of setting price higher per image ? Everyday I get at least a few 10/20/30/40-credit sales (or so), soon these will be gone.

There is no simple answer to your question. At Adobe Stock the pricing for all content is the same to provide a consistent experience for customers. For stock buyers, finding the right content and making the purchase can be challenging.  At Adobe we do everything we can to ensure the most straightforward and simple process to find and purchase content is at Adobe Stock. We continuously strive to enhance the search and offer simple ways to purchase at competitive prices . Regarding the specific question about the commission rate, the commission has always been 33% at both Adobe Stock and Fotolia for subscription downloads. This has not changed since the launch of Adobe Stock. We are always looking for ways to ensure contributors are well compensated both in commissions and through added perks such as the free Creative Cloud subscription plans, free access to Adobe Portfolio, promotion of contributors through social media and Adobe blogs and tutorials and more.
My personal philosophy on this is that credits sales have been declining for several years now as the entire industry has evolved. I rarely see credit sales in my account already. There is a record volume of content available now at multiple agencies and most sites have shifted into a subscription based plan because this is what the customers want. I understand that many long term contributors (myself included) have benefited from the higher priced individual downloads with Fotolia credits in the past. I have found in my personal experience the way to maintain a steady income now is through consistently creating more and better content. Even with the decline of credits sales I have managed to increase my overall stock income year over year by creating and submitting new content on a regular basis.  I think this transition is best compared to the original introduction to microstock. I once sat in on a lecture from a stock photographer who was teaching about stock in general. This was not long after Fotolia had launched. During the talk he started to rant a bit about the absurdity of the microstock concept and that it would never last. I know countless photographers who profited greatly in the past by selling stock with rights-managed licenses for hundreds of dollars per license, the volume of sales was much lower but the sales price was much higher. Then came microstock and  the industry was completely disrupted. While many photographers protested, the reality is that the change was inevitable. What was generally accepted in the past, was not what customers wanted at that time. The industry has continued to change since then. For creatives to find success, we must also continue to change and evolve our business strategy.  What is the best way to do that? I can't answer that in a general statement. I know what works for me but that might be completely different for you. The consistent theme for success since the beginning of photography has been hard work, skill and creativity.


At the moment I do receive quite a few credit sales, good mix of smaller ones and some larger ones.

Ultimately, if all the smaller credit sales still happen in the future (i.e. the customers don't go elsewhere) and they were to licence the images from AS using credits, then we could make more money. You may lose out on some of the larger credit sales but, make extra from the smaller ones that now result in $3.30 compared to only a fews cents for the lower resolution images. Without being able to identify the credit sales in the raw data it's impossible to say whether that would be the case or not.

The only concern is whether the client, who was saving a few $ by buying a lower resolution image would be prepared to pay the higher price of the AS credits. If not, AS may lose the sale altogether as the client goes elsewhere. That wouldn't be good.

Separate question. At SS they have a team that makes deals with enterprise clients that result in higher licence fees. They can make a difference in earnings. Only takes a few $$$ fees to make a positive difference. Do AS do something similar or, plan to?

I emailed you about some random $ amounts that didn't match the AS page and weren't identified as S,M,L, XL credit sales etc. Did you get a chance to look at that? Would these continue after FT has gone?


« Reply #141 on: November 07, 2018, 20:33 »
Everyone is so concerned about uploading process, mobile apps, which really are the matters of a secondary importance.
Lets tak about real thing - money. Mat, what is your stance on Adobe decreasing commissions from 40% to 33% for high ranked contributors ? What do you think about depriving high ranked contributors of the privilege of setting price higher per image ? Everyday I get at least a few 10/20/30/40-credit sales (or so), soon these will be gone.

There is no simple answer to your question. At Adobe Stock the pricing for all content is the same to provide a consistent experience for customers. For stock buyers, finding the right content and making the purchase can be challenging.  At Adobe we do everything we can to ensure the most straightforward and simple process to find and purchase content is at Adobe Stock. We continuously strive to enhance the search and offer simple ways to purchase at competitive prices . Regarding the specific question about the commission rate, the commission has always been 33% at both Adobe Stock and Fotolia for subscription downloads. This has not changed since the launch of Adobe Stock. We are always looking for ways to ensure contributors are well compensated both in commissions and through added perks such as the free Creative Cloud subscription plans, free access to Adobe Portfolio, promotion of contributors through social media and Adobe blogs and tutorials and more.
My personal philosophy on this is that credits sales have been declining for several years now as the entire industry has evolved. I rarely see credit sales in my account already. There is a record volume of content available now at multiple agencies and most sites have shifted into a subscription based plan because this is what the customers want. I understand that many long term contributors (myself included) have benefited from the higher priced individual downloads with Fotolia credits in the past. I have found in my personal experience the way to maintain a steady income now is through consistently creating more and better content. Even with the decline of credits sales I have managed to increase my overall stock income year over year by creating and submitting new content on a regular basis.  I think this transition is best compared to the original introduction to microstock. I once sat in on a lecture from a stock photographer who was teaching about stock in general. This was not long after Fotolia had launched. During the talk he started to rant a bit about the absurdity of the microstock concept and that it would never last. I know countless photographers who profited greatly in the past by selling stock with rights-managed licenses for hundreds of dollars per license, the volume of sales was much lower but the sales price was much higher. Then came microstock and  the industry was completely disrupted. While many photographers protested, the reality is that the change was inevitable. What was generally accepted in the past, was not what customers wanted at that time. The industry has continued to change since then. For creatives to find success, we must also continue to change and evolve our business strategy.  What is the best way to do that? I can't answer that in a general statement. I know what works for me but that might be completely different for you. The consistent theme for success since the beginning of photography has been hard work, skill and creativity.


At the moment I do receive quite a few credit sales, good mix of smaller ones and some larger ones.

Ultimately, if all the smaller credit sales still happen in the future (i.e. the customers don't go elsewhere) and they were to licence the images from AS using credits, then we could make more money. You may lose out on some of the larger credit sales but, make extra from the smaller ones that now result in $3.30 compared to only a fews cents for the lower resolution images. Without being able to identify the credit sales in the raw data it's impossible to say whether that would be the case or not.

The only concern is whether the client, who was saving a few $ by buying a lower resolution image would be prepared to pay the higher price of the AS credits. If not, AS may lose the sale altogether as the client goes elsewhere. That wouldn't be good.

Separate question. At SS they have a team that makes deals with enterprise clients that result in higher licence fees. They can make a difference in earnings. Only takes a few $$$ fees to make a positive difference. Do AS do something similar or, plan to?

I emailed you about some random $ amounts that didn't match the AS page and weren't identified as S,M,L, XL credit sales etc. Did you get a chance to look at that? Would these continue after FT has gone?


@halffull, for some reason your email had gone into my spam folder. I responded not long ago.

To answer your question, yes we have a team dedicated to working with Enterprise customers with custom deals for Stock.

Thanks for your feedback,



    This user is banned.
« Reply #142 on: November 08, 2018, 02:34 »
No Fotolia!!!!  I cant get in there at all now??  whats happening??

« Reply #143 on: November 08, 2018, 02:49 »
No Fotolia!!!!  I cant get in there at all now??  whats happening??
I couldn't sign in right after this announcement , I had to agree to the new, updated TOS of FT first. Have you done that?


    This user is banned.
« Reply #144 on: November 08, 2018, 03:27 »
No Fotolia!!!!  I cant get in there at all now??  whats happening??
I couldn't sign in right after this announcement , I had to agree to the new, updated TOS of FT first. Have you done that?

Dont know??  where did you see that? on the actual sign in inteface?

« Reply #145 on: November 08, 2018, 05:58 »
No Fotolia!!!!  I cant get in there at all now??  whats happening??
I couldn't sign in right after this announcement , I had to agree to the new, updated TOS of FT first. Have you done that?

Dont know??  where did you see that? on the actual sign in inteface?

When I wanted to sign in, the new TOS showed up and didn't let me do anything before I agree. I thought it was the same for everyone on EU FT, here it is, updated on the 5th: https://eu.fotolia.com/Info/Agreements/TermsAndConditions

It was a long read and they show it all (not just the updates). I didn't pay much attention to the changes but I will read it again.

It seams that despite the merge, there are different term on AS and FT (or I didn't understand what they say):
After the Closure Date, for any Members that have uploaded any Work to a Website, unless you have entered into another agreement with Adobe Stock at contributor.stock.adobe.com (or successor website) these Fotolia Terms and the Upload Agreement will remain in effect and all Works will remain on our Websites and you will continue to earn Contributor Earned Credits, unless a Work is removed per the Upload Agreement or the Upload Agreement is terminated per the terms of the Upload Agreement.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 06:10 by Dodie »

« Reply #146 on: November 08, 2018, 07:36 »
OK, I read through the thread (quickly, so I may have missed it). When I upload, the default setting seems to be to set the price at the lowest level. This is part of why I upload via fotolia vs adobestock, so I can adjust the price level up to my current level. Why is this not automatically default to the higher level since we've theoretically received the "raise". Is this going to be an issue when I have no choice but to upload to Adobe directly?

If you aren't planning to provide an app, can you at least work with the group that provides the Microstokr app so we can check our stats/sales via their app? I get my numbers from them now through my Fotolia account, but Adobe Stock is not even on the table for their app for some reason.

There are no price variations available at Adobe Stock. The cost is the same across the entire collection for a consistent customer experience. The price flexibility you have referenced is only in regard to credits based purchases at Fotolia. If you submit a batch of images through Adobe Stock and would like to have the prices increased for your credits based sales at Fotolia you are welcome to submit a request through the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal and we can take care of that for you in a bulk change. It's important to note that any files that hav,e gone 6 months or longer at Fotolia without a sale are not eligible for the price increase.

Regarding Microstockr, this is referenced in the FAQ I linked in the original post. You will need to contact them directly as we are not affiliated in any way. As a reminder, you can upload directly on the Adobe Stock Contributor portal using drag and drop, or through FTP. We also support direct uploads from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC and Adobe Bridge.

Thank you,


If i understood correct every time when upload batch i have to request price increase. This looks to me unnecessary load. Will be very helpful to have opt in button for the price increase or some other way.

« Reply #147 on: November 08, 2018, 11:17 »
We need to be able to choose the video thumbnail.
Your auto thumbnail creation often picks the worst possible video frame.

Just look at your video pages. You often have a black thumbnail frame. Who is going to click on that?

I totally agree. I can't help but think Dennis will chime in as well and confirm the sentiment. This is a top request and I hope to see it implimented in the not-too-distant future.


Oh boy do I agree!  Yes, this has been something I have been pushing on.  No timetable yet, but agree 100%.  My example is a fireworks clip that I shot while on vacation.  The thumbnail chosen was a black frame, as opposed to something that would have the color and vibrancy of the fireworks.

Hang in there with me - I'm advocating for this!


« Reply #148 on: November 08, 2018, 11:43 »
No Fotolia!!!!  I cant get in there at all now??  whats happening??

Fotolia is still up and running. You will have access until Nov 5, 2019. The features will be limited after February 5 but you will still be able to log in.

There should be a link to continue to Fotolia after you see the prompt to go to Adobe Stock instead.


« Reply #149 on: November 08, 2018, 13:30 »
No Fotolia!!!!  I cant get in there at all now??  whats happening??

Fotolia is still up and running. You will have access until Nov 5, 2019. The features will be limited after February 5 but you will still be able to log in.

There should be a link to continue to Fotolia after you see the prompt to go to Adobe Stock instead.


It's there, but even when you have a direct link to the contributor page in a bookmark (https://us.fotolia.com/Contributor) and are already logged in, you frequently get the page directing you to Adobe Stock.

You don't want to click the link to log in to Fotolia because it will do just that, try to log you in anew even though you're already logged in (and that means you have to log in twice because of the capture problem where it tells you to accept the hidden capture that has no check box to accept it)

If you just go to your contributor link a second time, you'll get to the contributor page.

This is all clearly buggy, but I doubt it'll be fixed given the site's on a path to the exit. As long as the workaround (load the page twice) says functional, it's manageable.

The reality is that for stats, contributors will go to Fotolia until there's something useful on Adobe Stock or Fotolia stats are shut down completely.


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