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Author Topic: Fotolia will soon cross SS in Top Tier list  (Read 22439 times)

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« Reply #50 on: September 07, 2016, 22:20 »
Something funky going on with Fotolia notifications.  It's now saying "Content Sold" as the title of the site mail instead of "Fotolia  File Sold".  Don't know if that indicates something.

I got some of those today, too. Wonder what's up.

« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2016, 00:10 »
Nothing,  they changed review notification to. Just new design. I love it!

« Reply #52 on: September 08, 2016, 04:04 »
There were days when istock were the king!  I'm happy to see them fall

« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2016, 08:27 »
Something funky going on with Fotolia notifications.  It's now saying "Content Sold" as the title of the site mail instead of "Fotolia  File Sold".  Don't know if that indicates something.

Check attached notification:
Does it mean that my photo was sold in Japan or something?

« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2016, 08:35 »
Nothing,  they changed review notification to. Just new design. I love it!

I kind of hope something is up...I hope they get rid of the fotolia brand totally and just use the adobe brand. I like the new design, too. The old sales notifications sometimes had the price the image sold for, not my commission. I am ok with seeing that, but I want to know how much I made on the sale, too.

« Reply #55 on: September 08, 2016, 09:23 »
Something funky going on with Fotolia notifications.  It's now saying "Content Sold" as the title of the site mail instead of "Fotolia  File Sold".  Don't know if that indicates something.

Check attached notification:
Does it mean that my photo was sold in Japan or something?

That would be my guess, too.  I've had some of those indicating credits in foreign languages with the new design and I assume it is indicating the language of the country where they sold.  Interesting new twist.  Hope to see a lot more!

« Reply #56 on: September 08, 2016, 13:41 »
Nothing,  they changed review notification to. Just new design. I love it!

I kind of hope something is up...I hope they get rid of the fotolia brand totally and just use the adobe brand.

That would be ok by me, but I only know how to check stats and request payouts from the FT site..  Does Adobe Stock even have a contributor dashboard.?

« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2016, 14:06 »
Nothing,  they changed review notification to. Just new design. I love it!

I kind of hope something is up...I hope they get rid of the fotolia brand totally and just use the adobe brand.

That would be ok by me, but I only know how to check stats and request payouts from the FT site..  Does Adobe Stock even have a contributor dashboard.?

I just looked again yesterday and couldn't find one. I just did a search and found this:


It says: "Step 1: Create an account. Submit content on Fotolia.com. And coming soon, submit directly on Adobe Stock or through Lightroom CC and Bridge CC." The "and coming soon" sounds promising. Hopefully they will move our existing Fotolia accounts over, and we don't have to create a new one.

« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2016, 14:23 »
I also noticed that views are way down now even though sales are up, their statistics make more sense now ;)  Really loving them now, hope they keep the good things up!

« Reply #59 on: September 08, 2016, 18:14 »
I also noticed that views are way down now even though sales are up, their statistics make more sense now ;)  Really loving them now, hope they keep the good things up!
I never bother with views as every site is different and inconsistent. But Adobe/Fotolia seem not to be messing things up at the moment which currently is leading edge performance.......

« Reply #60 on: September 08, 2016, 23:04 »
Nothing,  they changed review notification to. Just new design. I love it!

I kind of hope something is up...I hope they get rid of the fotolia brand totally and just use the adobe brand.

That would be ok by me, but I only know how to check stats and request payouts from the FT site..  Does Adobe Stock even have a contributor dashboard.?

I just looked again yesterday and couldn't find one. I just did a search and found this:


It says: "Step 1: Create an account. Submit content on Fotolia.com. And coming soon, submit directly on Adobe Stock or through Lightroom CC and Bridge CC." The "and coming soon" sounds promising. Hopefully they will move our existing Fotolia accounts over, and we don't have to create a new one.

Interesting.   Maybe FT is being fazed out.. If they are preparing to intake content directly on Adobe they are also probably working on a dashboard.  I just hope they dont close off access to the FT contributor site until the Adobe one is fully functional.

« Reply #61 on: September 09, 2016, 01:09 »
Perhaps they will enable keywords to be sorted in priority order in lightroom that would be a major step forward in workflow.

« Reply #62 on: September 09, 2016, 04:06 »
Funny things happening here.
I only do video, no still images, and Fotolia until July was doing quite well for me, constantly 10-15 sales per month.
Since the beginning of August not a single sale and practically no view at all, as if the agency had gone out of business.
Very worrying, I really think there is something wrong, it cannot just be seasonal trend and besides everyone here seems to be reporting good sales

« Reply #63 on: September 09, 2016, 07:44 »
It says: "Step 1: Create an account. Submit content on Fotolia.com. And coming soon, submit directly on Adobe Stock or through Lightroom CC and Bridge CC." The "and coming soon" sounds promising. Hopefully they will move our existing Fotolia accounts over, and we don't have to create a new one.
It sounds promising for CC users but I have a bad feeling about what is "coming soon" for those who are not on subscription.
I was very content with things as they were, I hate changes but this is inevitable now.

« Reply #64 on: September 09, 2016, 08:21 »
Something funky going on with Fotolia notifications.  It's now saying "Content Sold" as the title of the site mail instead of "Fotolia  File Sold".  Don't know if that indicates something.

Check attached notification:
Does it mean that my photo was sold in Japan or something?

Polish and French sales?


« Reply #65 on: September 09, 2016, 08:45 »
The new email design does not tell you the Title of the accepted file. Only a thumbnail.

You have to log into your admin to find out the Title of the accepted file.

This is a step backwards.

« Reply #66 on: September 09, 2016, 09:04 »
It sounds promising for CC users but I have a bad feeling about what is "coming soon" for those who are not on subscription.
I was very content with things as they were, I hate changes but this is inevitable now.

I was thinking the same thing yesterday, after I posted that it would be a good thing. Hopefully contributors won't be required to sign up for CC in order to contribute, but frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if Adobe required that. The fees for the CC subscription would eat up most people's sales commissions.  :(
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 09:06 by cathyslife »

« Reply #67 on: September 09, 2016, 09:36 »
If now we get details about where the sale is actually made, maybe we can finally get the true percentage of that sale, at the official exchange rate, instead of the bogus, artificial, Fotolia credit "exchange rate" where 1 = 1$

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