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Author Topic: Weird sales on Fotolia  (Read 2705 times)

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« on: September 01, 2016, 12:12 »
Hi guys,

Can you explain me some of the royalties I am getting from Fotolia sales? I am currently at Silver level with 25% royalty. When I look at the list of my sales, I see that one picture XL size was sold for 10 credits for which I got 2.5 credits (25%). That makes sense. However, just next to it I see another sale of the same size (XL) for which Fotolia only gave me 0.29 credits. That does not make sense and is contradicting their page with prices and royalties:

According to above page XL sale should cost 10 credits from which 2.5 are mine.

Well, the difference is that first sale was noted as subscription and the second sale does not show what type of sale it was, just report a total royalty I got (0.29). Do you know what are these 0.29 sales? Where are they coming from? Is there a way to only sell my images at subscription rate avoiding those ridiculous 0.29 sales?

« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2016, 12:31 »
You have mostly answered your own question yes they are subs and no you cant avoid them.

« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2016, 13:31 »
Is there a way to only sell my images at subscription rate avoiding those ridiculous 0.29 sales?

Yes there is: get promoted to Gold and you will get $0.31 instead of those ridiculous $0.29 sales  :)

« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2016, 17:57 »
Always i have had the same question. Some of my photos get credits 3.20 and others credits 0.27. :-\


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