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Author Topic: Fotolia actually pays up to 105% for pictures  (Read 11954 times)

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« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2012, 09:03 »
I live in Europe... i am paid in Euro ( on Fotolia).... so my credits percentage from every sale is in euro.... considering that 1 euro = $1.22 that means the commission is higher than others contributors from US or US dollars dominant regions ??

yes! check leaf's link on this post for more info, its not only contributors from the US but also the europeans that registered on FT on a US link, we are getting $ instead of EUR ::)

« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2012, 17:47 »
I made the same mistake years ago. They told me to close my USD account after payout and open a new one in EUR. Which I did right after my first payout.
Did it pay off?

Yes, because I was a new contributor with still a small port. Wouldn't change a big port with some good sellers.


« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2012, 20:09 »
At current rates of exchange, an FT credit on payout is worth:

$1.00 for US$ accounts
$1.21 for GBP accounts (0.75)
$1.30 for Euro accounts (1 = $1.30)

Not forgetting the Paypal take on currency conversion, around 4%.

(I'm in NL but have a FT UK account and convert my 50 credit payout (37.50) into Euros. Based on the exchange rate I should get 46-47 but actually receive a credit for around 44 after Paypal deducts its currency conversion commission).

« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2012, 21:11 »
$ 50 credits x 1 $ = 50$ = 31
50 credits x 0.75 = 37.5
50 credits x 1.3 $ = 65$ = 40.3

not much we can talk about this beside dishonesty, I am losing 14.98$ in every 50 credits (-30%), thank you FT ;)

(again only 9% of my sales come from the US)

« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2012, 02:51 »
I did the math again, this time taking into account that 1credit may equal 1euro on checkout.

I was quite surprised!

Someone gets a 1 credit picture, in dollars for the cheapest $0.74 credit
Europe registered contributor gets 1euro for 1credit on checkout
Diamond photo exclusive contributor gets 63% of credits
With today's PayPal exchange rate 1euro is $1.23

In such scenario the picture cost $0.74 while the artist got $0.78 which means 105% of the actual picture price goes to the contributor.

+1 for the guy who created this royalty structure

« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2012, 03:05 »
I did the math again, this time taking into account that 1credit may equal 1euro on checkout.

I was quite surprised!

Someone gets a 1 credit picture, in dollars for the cheapest $0.74 credit
Europe registered contributor gets 1euro for 1credit on checkout
Diamond photo exclusive contributor gets 63% of credits
With today's PayPal exchange rate 1euro is $1.23

In such scenario the picture cost $0.74 while the artist got $0.78 which means 105% of the actual picture price goes to the contributor.

+1 for the guy who created this royalty structure

yes, hypothetical... but how many diamonds exclusive are on FT??? exactly 0. Not even Yuri has reached diamond.

« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2012, 03:08 »
No, I think they probably pay at least 230% in commissions on each download and have made it sustainable because of the magic Fotolia money fairy which means that nobody who sends their images there every gets insulted, tricked or cheated over their money.

It almost makes me regret having pulled my entire portfolio out of that scummy site.

« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2012, 03:40 »
The title is misleading, shouldn't it be "Fotolia actually pays up to 105% for pictures to zero contributors"?  The commission percentage I get is appalling and my earnings have been decimated.  I should of been gold and had a nice commission raise but they doubled the credits I have to earn to get there and now I'm still a long way off.  If I ever do get there, and that depends on them not moving the goalposts again, I'll just get back a tiny bit of the commission they've taken from me.

Is it any wonder that I'm not motivated to work hard with them?  They have lost a lot of money from me because I was focused on increasing my earnings and now I couldn't care less.  Well done FT, following the istock plan was a great idea :)

gillian vann

  • *Gillian*
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2012, 06:47 »
ow, my brain hurts.


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